Interested in contributing by writing a guide post? This is the place for you.
Before you sign up, a couple of things to note:
1. The focus of this guide is on gen fic organized by character, and pairings/poly relationships. So when deciding how to contribute, you'll want to pick either a character,or a pairing/poly relationship as your starting place.
2. In order for a character or pairing/relationship to qualify for its own page, there must be at least ten fanworks (fic, vids, art, etc.) by at least three creators that you feel comfortable recommending on the page. Any character or relationship that doesn't meet that minimum will end up on the rare het/slash/femslash/character pages instead. This doesn't mean you can't volunteer for a rare relationship or character! Right now we're not too concerned with what's going to get its own page and what will go on the rare pages; sign up for whatever you like and we'll figure out where it fits later. Just be aware that if it's very small, it may end up being combined with some other rare characters or relationships.
Remember that while taking the lead on a page can sometimes seem daunting, you don't have to do it all by yourself. Collaboration--both within this community and anywhere else there's interest (character or pairing communities, your own journal, etc.)--is strongly encouraged. Actually, it's required. You'll need at least one collaborative post before you're done.
If you're interested, take a look at the
how-to guide and then leave us a comment and we'll add you to the list!
Note: If the character or relationship you're most interested in has already been claimed, please don't think that means you can't contribute! You're welcome to leave a comment here, either on the post or in response to the person who made the claim, offering your help. A lot of these are very big areas, and the more people we have involved, the better. Most guide creators will welcome help!
The Existing List of Claims
Note: Each pairing is listed in alphabetical order by surname, unless it's a Stargate crossover pairing, in which case the SGA character is listed first. The entire list is then organized alphabetically, first by the surname of the first character in each pairing, and then by the surname of the second character (when there is one).
Laura Cadman (gen)
bluflamingoLaura Cadman/Evan Lorne
csichick_2Stephen Caldwell (gen)
regannStephen Caldwell/Elizabeth Weir
regannSamantha Carter (gen)
scrollgirlSamantha Carter/John Sheppard
mjulokChuck (gen and/or pairings)
skaredykatRonon Dex (gen)
zoemathemataRonon Dex/John Sheppard
gaffsieRonon Dex/Radek Zelenka
kisahawklinTeyla Emmagan (gen)
tielanTeyla Emmagan/Rodney McKay
ladyjaxTeyla Emmagan/John Sheppard
tielanTeyla Emmagan/Elizabeth Weir
havocthecatAiden Ford/John Sheppard
gaffsieKate Heightmeyer (gen)
havocthecat &
falcon_horusKate Heightmeyer/John Sheppard
havocthecat &
falcon_horusKate Heightmeyer/Elizabeth Weir
havocthecat &
falcon_horusJennifer Keller (gen)
collsJennifer Keller/Alicia Vega
bluflamingoEvan Lorne (gen)
somehowunbrokenEvan Lorne/Rodney McKay
csichick_2Evan Lorne/David Parrish
somehowunbrokenEvan Lorne/Ladon Radim
busaikkoEvan Lorne/John Sheppard
bluflamingoEvan Lorne/Radek Zelenka
gblvrRodney McKay (gen) DONE!
briar_pipeDavid Parrish/John Sheppard
busaikkoRare Femslash
havocthecatRare Het
mjulokRare Slash
busaikko &
gaffsieJohn Sheppard (gen)
somehowunbrokenJohn Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell DONE!
skieswideopen &
somehowunbrokenJohn Sheppard/Todd
gaffsieJohn Sheppard/OMC (we still need a volunteer to do the OFC half of this page!)
race_the_aceJohn Sheppard/Vala Mal Doran
gaffsieJohn Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir
havocthecatElizabeth Weir (gen)
havocthecatElizabeth Weir/Radek Zelenka
miera_c Other Volunteers
We also have some people who don't necessarily want to take the lead, but would be willing to help with the development of some guides. If you're taking on one of these guides, feel free to contact these people for help.
Samantha Carter/Rodney McKay
astridvRonon Dex/Rodney McKay
skaredykatTeyla Emmagan/Rodney McKay
astridvJennifer Keller/Rodney McKay
astridvRodney McKay/Vala Mal Doran
skaredykat Things We Still Need
There are lots of characters and relationships that haven't been covered yet and we value them all. Particularly notable absences include the lack of a team gen page, and someone to take the lead on the rare characters page. So if you're not quite sure what to do, those are areas to consider picking up.
If you change your mind about volunteering, please let me know so that I can take you off the list and let other people take over.
Have fun!