Challenge 3: The One with the Music
For the third challenge, I've decided to use some music to try and inspire people. I put my music list on random, and then uploaded the first five songs that played. They are:
Snow Patrol - Shut Your EyesJeff Buckley - Lilac WineThe Cranberries - Never Grow OldSuperfine - Already Met YouSneaker Pimps - Blue Movie (Please right click and save as. Username = snowpatrol / Password = deathcab)
So, here's how it works:
+ Listen to the songs, and then get creative!
+ There is no cut-off date, and you can enter and many times as you like.
+ Your entry can be anything that you like, as long as it's somehow related to at least one of the songs. If you write, then you could do some fanfiction inspired by the songs. If you do artwork then you could make a wallpaper or icons or something inspired by the songs. If you're a vidder, you could use one of the songs to make a video response to the challenge. If you ... well, I think you get the idea. The only limit is your creativity!
How to respond:
+ Your response should be a new post to the community (it's fine to link to your personal journal if you prefer).
+ Please clearly label any posts of a mature nature.
+ Please use lj-cuts for long posts.
+ In your subject line, please include the challenge number and the art-type of your response (e.g. vid, fiction, icons, wallpaper, doodle).
Above all else, have fun! And please pimp this community to anyone that you think might be interested! Thanks!
Also, if you have an idea regarding Zelenka and Lorne's impending death, you can still response to
Challenge 1 or if you want to fullfill my wish for a Matrix crossover, you can still respond to
Challenge 2 (And if you have something that you'd like us to use for a future challenge, then please
comment in this post or email me at