Title: Rodney Wakes Up in Yet Another Tiny Prison Cell
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: The story must be related to the prompt word 'surprise'. It must have at least one member of the team and any others that you like.
coolbreeze1 Mold grew out of the shadows along the edges of the wall, creeping up the sides, and Rodney McKay groaned. His head throbbed. Clearly, another mission had gone to hell. No surprises there.
Planet with bizarre social norms-check. Thrown into a germ-infested prison for breaking said norms-check. Hands tied painfully above his head-check. Grievous head injury-check. Ronon sitting across from him with his feet in the air and his butt pointing directly at Rodney’s head-
“What the hell?”
Ronon squirmed in response, his arms stretched out and bound above his head as he tried to grab his ankles. A second later, he dropped his feet into Rodney’s lap. Rodney jerked in surprise and stared down at the bacteria-ridden mud caked to the soles of Ronon’s shoes.
“Hello, personal space. Ever heard of it?”
Ronon just grinned.
“Where’s Sheppard? And Teyla?” Rodney demanded.
“Pretty sure they got away when the mob swarmed.”
Only half the team imprisoned this time-that was a pleasant surprise.
Ronon’s legs suddenly flew up toward Rodney’s face. Rodney yelped and flinched, waiting for the man’s feet to smack him in the head. Infection would be a long, painful death-full of fevers and sweating, maybe even puking.
Ronon’s pained grunt pulled Rodney out of his morbid reverie, and he reared back as much as he could. Ronon had managed to plant his feet on the wall above Rodney’s head and his body hung suspended above the ground.
“Got a knife…near my ankle…”
Oh, right-knife. Rodney fumbled with numb fingers, pulling at Ronon’s pant legs. Ronon’s butt was starting to sag back to the ground, and gravity was dragging his ankles away. Rodney managed to wrap his hand around the hilt of the small knife just as Ronon’s legs dropped back into his lap.
“Son of a-”
Totally unrepentant.
Rodney sawed through the bindings with the little blade, the words permanent damage floating through his mind as he hacked away. He was probably cutting through his own skin. Severing arteries, chiseling through bone, shredding muscles, dying-
With one final snap, Rodney’s arms dropped into his lap, whole and unharmed. Not even a scratch. He stared at them in shock for a moment, then glanced up at Ronon and caught the same look of surprise in the other man’s eyes.
“Didn’t think that would actually work,” Ronon muttered, and he sounded almost impressed.
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