Title: The Minutiae of the Day
Author: To be revealed
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Character(s):OCs, Sheppard, McKay, Teyla, Ronon, Carter
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Prompt for the Round: Write an entry to any character's journal, diary, mission report or any personal or professional log.
The Minutiae of the Day by TO BE REVEALED
Officer of the Watch: Lt. Kagan, K.
Date/Watch: 15 May 2010/Overnight
TIME: 2100 AST
INCIDENT: Watch Hand-off at Stargate Control and Stargate Protective Detail.
PERSONNEL: Lt. Kagan, K. C Co 3rd relieved Lt. Aguilla, J., B Co 3rd.
NOTES: Briefed City Protective Detail (CPD) on continuing search for lizard. (see SCDL 15 May 2010, 1620 AST).
Hand-over brief with Rapid Response Team (C Co 2nd); reviewed list of teams offworld and schedule for ‘gate activations during watch.
TIME: 2115 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation Outgoing, M73-881, Scheduled for six (6) hour recon
PERSONNEL: LtCol. Sheppard, J.; Dr. McKay, R.; Emmagan, T.; Dex, R.
NOTES: Standard two (2) hour leeway on return time.
Digital recorder discovered on gate platform after wormhole closed.
TIME: 2119 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Incoming, M73-881
NOTES: Retrieved digital recorder
TIME: 2121 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Outgoing, M73-881
TIME: 2343 AST
INCIDENT: City Emergency klaxon activated in EE lab 4.
PERSONNEL: Dr. Shriver, C.;Col. Carter, S.
NOTES: Missing lizard (See SCDL 15 May 2010, 1620 AST) spotted in Main Tower, level 24, EE lab 4.
Col. Carter reminded Dr. Shriver that the emergency klaxon system was only for emergencies. As this was the third (3rd) misuse of the system by Dr. Shriver, a fourth (4th) incident will end in disciplinary action.
TIME: 2405 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Incoming, M20-993
PERSONNEL: Maj. Lorne, E.; Lt. James, D.; SSgt. Mikels, D.; Sgt. Martin, S. ; Sgt. Prosser, M.
NOTES: Sgt. Martin reported to infirmary with sprained ankle.
Ordered maintenance team to mop up mud on gate platform.
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Outgoing, M3X-307, Scheduled 72 hour Training Exercise.
PERSONNEL: Lt. Meiers, J.; A Co 1st
NOTES: Scheduled check-ins every twelve (12) hours. Standard two (2) hour leeway on return time.
TIME: 2455 AST
INCIDENT: Lizard sighting in kitchen recycling room (Main Tower, level 31).
PERSONNEL: Sgt. Carstairs, L.
NOTES: Sgt. Carstairs reported seeing the lizard when emptying recycle bins.
TIME: 2700 AST
INCIDENT: Scheduled test of City Lifesigns Scanner
PERSONNEL: Dr. Zelenka, R.
NOTES: (See SCDL 15 May 2010, 2725 AST)
TIME: 2725 AST
INCIDENT: Unknown lifesigns were discovered during test of CLS (See SCDL 15 May 2010, 2700)
PERSONNEL: Dr. Garces, R.; Dr. He, L.
NOTES: Civilian personnel discovered, outside of approved living, recreation or work areas, with no military escort.
SSgt. Haas, M., Sgt. Dimopolous, P. and Sgt. Harris, M. (CPD) were sent to search the area and discovered Drs. Garces and He in coitus.
Drs. Garces and He were escorted to SC. The duty officer reminded Drs. Garces and He that the area they were found in had been declared unsafe due to water damage and they should not return there without a military escort. Drs. Garces and He were each given a chit for appearance at the next disciplinary hearing. Drs Garces and He each stated their intention to file formal complaints with Col. Carter.
The duty officer reiterated to SSgt. Haas, Sgt. Dimopolous and Sgt. Harris standing order that such incidences are not to be discussed with any personnel not directly involved in the incident.
TIME: 2805 AST
INCIDENT: Lizard sighting, Main Tower, level 38, Personnel quarters, civilian, PQ-117
PERSONNEL: Dr. Van der Biek, K.
NOTES: Dr. Van der Biek reported lizard trapped in quarters bathing facility. Dispatched SSgt. Rodriguez, J. and Sgt. Linman, T. Lizard escaped when the sergeants attempted to coax it into carrier.
Ordered maintenance to Dr. Van der Biek’s quarters to remove/replace broken mirror in bathing facility and to repair broken faucet.
Sgt. Linman reported to infirmary, cut on forearm.
TIME: 2915 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Outgoing, M73-881.
NOTES: LtCol. Sheppard and team two (2) hours overdue. Informed Maj. Lorne, received authorization to attempt radio contact. If attempt fails, RRT is authorized to mount a search and rescue.
No response to radio callout, but did pick-up sub-dermal transceiver signals.
TIME: 2925 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Outgoing, M73-881.
PERSONNEL: Lt. Bosch, A.; C Co 2nd
NOTES: RRT departed. Check-in every 60 minutes. Informed Maj. Lorne and Col. Carter of status.
TIME: 2935 AST
INCIDENT: Executive Officer on deck
PERSONNEL: Maj. Lorne, E.
NOTES: Updated Maj. Lorne on status (no change). Maj. Lorne joined Col. Carter in Chief Administrator’s office.
TIME: 0010 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Incoming, M3X-997
PERSONNEL: Lt. Park, L.; A Co 3rd
NOTES: A Co 3rd returnfrom harvest duty. Ordered dollies to move baskets of fruit to mess storage. Ordered maintenance to mop up mud.
TIME: 0030 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Incoming, M73-881.
NOTES: Lt. Park reported located LtCol. Sheppard and team, trapped in underground room when ceiling collapsed. No serious injuries reported. Extraction begun.
TIME: 0110 AST
INCIDENT: Lizard sighting, Main Tower, level 48, corridor outside main television lounge
PERSONNEL: 1stSgt. Beauchamp, X.
NOTES: Lizard disappeared into ventilation shaft before it could be apprehended.
TIME: 0120 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Incoming, M73-881.
NOTES: Extraction attempts continuing. Attempting to shore up walls. Requested equipment (see Requisition Form PO118333-xd-6696-16MAY2010-004).
TIME: 0145 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Outgoing, M73-881.
PERSONNEL: Lt. Kagan, K.
NOTES: Sent through requested equipment. No change in status on M73-881.
TIME: 0225 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Incoming, M73-881.
NOTES: LtCol. Sheppard last to be extracted, should be out within ten (10) minutes. Estimated time to gate home within one (1) hour.
TIME: 0255 AST
INCIDENT: Stargate Activation, Incoming, M73-881.
PERSONNEL: Lt. Park, L.; A Co 3rd; LtCol. Sheppard, J.; Dr. McKay, R.; Emmagan, T.; Dex, R.
NOTES: LtCol. Sheppard and team and Lt. Park and the RRT returned
TIME: 0325 AST (log entry being made from infirmary at 0600)
INCIDENT: early Watch Hand-off of Stargate Control and Stargate Protective Detail; C Co 3rd will remain at post until end of regular watch, at which point they will be relieved by B Co 3rd.
PERSONNEL: Lt. Aguilla, J. B Co 3rd relieved Lt. Kagan, K. C Co 3rd .
NOTES: According to personnel, the lizard pushed open vent cover under Control balcony and attempted to reach the open wormhole. Several personnel moved to intercept, it eluded them and launched itself at the wormhole as Dr. McKay was stepping through. Dr. McKay emitted a loud sound of distress. In the resulting chaos several people were injured (LtCol Sheppard - concussion; Dr. McKay - dislocated shoulder; GySgt Hauptmann - broken nose). At the same time the lizard began to climb the stairs to Control. Maj. Lorne and I attempted to waylay the lizard on the stairs and collided. I was able to coordinate getting medical personnel to the gate room, ordered maintenance to clean up and arranged for my relief before reporting to the infirmary (head laceration and a cracked collarbone).
The lizard (see SCDL 15 May 2010, 1620 AST) remains at large.