Title: First Meeting
Author: To be revealed
Rating: PG/ Children 8 and up
Spoilers: Season 2, specifically “Runner”
Genre(s): Filler, mystery, introspective
Character(s): Sheppard, Teyla, Weir, Ronon Dex
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Prompt for the Round: Write an entry to any character's journal, diary, mission report or any personal or professional log.
Personal log, Teyla Emmagan:
Today I met a man who claims he is from Sateda. Ronon Dex is a different warrior than any I have met. His spirit is determined, undaunted, and unyielding. He agreed to return with our team to Atlantis. Major Sheppard is speaking to Dr. Weir now about him joining our team. My feeling is that he will be a good addition.
When I woke, bound, in the cave, awaiting Ronon Dex’s bidding, Major Sheppard and I had discussed our captor’s calm manner, even while we outnumbered him and were working our way loose. This Ronon is gruff and I sense much sadness from him. In his eyes, however, I see logic and caring. Rather than kill us because we were in the way, he chose to let us live, find out who we were. Perhaps he is lonely. Perhaps he has been lonely for too long, and desires companionship.
Ronon has already told Major Sheppard that he is a loner and he would have to consider joining us on Atlantis permanently. Now that he is free of the Wraith tracking device, I cannot say I would blame him if he chose to leave and explore the galaxy.
Major Sheppard told me that he sees Ronon as a kindred spirit. We both know that he has been through much and needs time to process today’s events. The major wasted no time consulting with Dr. Weir.
Might he be too violent? Too eager to take his revenge on the Wraith for what they’ve done to him? Perhaps. Perhaps such eagerness is necessary to stop the new invasion of the Wraith. Perhaps the Major can temper Ronon’s feelings.
I, for one, hope that Ronon stays. He will be a powerful ally against the Wraith. Allies, we need.
End Entry