Title: Somewhere Over the Wormhole
bironicCrossover: SGA/Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Pairing: Kira/Teyla; hints of Worf/Ronon, if you like; mention of other characters
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,580
Summary: Teyla connects with a fellow fighter when the team gets stuck on the station.
A/N: Written for Porn Battle IX, prompt "holosuite." Read it
there or
at my journal.
Excerpt: Kira did not appear to be well-versed in forms, so Teyla led her through the fundamentals as she would a child on Athos-although, as she grew bolder as Kira did not rebuff her, she indulged in more lingering touches than would have been appropriate for mere tutelage: trailing her fingers along Kira's triceps to shape the bend of her arm, placing her hands between the wings of Kira's shoulder blades and on her stomach to correct the arch of her spine.
By the time their muscles were loose, Teyla had grown warm in more than one sense.