Title: No Reason
Rating: PG
oparuPrompts: Sheppard/Weir, Rodney/Teyla, Keller/(surprise me). I Love Elizabeth. She needs to be in the story. I don't care if it's Gen, het or slash, I just need her to be present.
I paced back and forth as I waited for the Jumper to return. I was almost afraid of what he would look like... if he were even alive. I shuddered, thinking back on the last few days.
If John's team were to ever get a hold him, it would not be pretty.
My heart beat wildly in my chest as the 'Gate activated. I nodded to Chuck to open the shield when he said it was Rodney's IDC. "I'll be in the Jumper Bay," I told him.
By the time I arrived, the back hatch was opening. I was surprised to see John walking towards me as if nothing happened. My heart thundered in my chest because for some reason it felt as if I had gone through the motions, the worry, and the despair for no reason.
"A speechless Elizabeth Weir," John said. "Never thought I'd see the day."
I still didn't know what to say. What I really wanted to do was hug him and never let him go, but I didn't think that'd be a very good idea, especially with the audience we had.
"Welcome, home, John," I replied instead.
"It's good to be back."
"I realize that we all want to talk to Colonel Sheppard," Carson said," but I really should get him to the infirmary."
John turned to face him. "I'm fine, Carson. I'm better than fine, I feel great."
"That will be for me to decide."
I watched as Carson led John out of the Jumper Bay, Rodney and Ronon following behind, asking him about the Wraith. I could feel Teyla's eyes on me.
"I just wasn't..."
"I know," Teyla said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "None of us were expecting that. Apparently the Wraith have something called the Gift of Life and this one bestowed it upon Colonel Sheppard."
"I guess what's important is that John is alive and he's home," I said.
Teyla nodded and with a smile, left the bay. I remained there for quite sometime, wondering why I was feeling like something wasn't right.
I found out why 10 minutes later when I arrived in the infirmary. "Rodney!" I cried, rushing over. He, Teyla, and Ronon were a good distance from the medical team swarmed around John's bed.
"We were talking and suddenly he was clutching his chest. Ronon caught him before he fell over and smacked his head on the floor. Beyond that we don't know since they shoved us out of the way."
Teyla, ever the diplomat, said, "We would only hinder their ability to help John, Rodney."
I watched as Carson and his team worked hard to save John. I felt myself getting a bit lightheaded and the room began to spin. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes but still felt as if I were going to topple over.
My eyes snapped open when I felt strong arms around me. "Teyla?"
"Are you all right?" she asked.
"I've been better," I admitted.
Luckily Carson came over before I had to explain myself. Right now I had someone more important to worry about. Teyla was still holding onto me as Carson began to explain what happened.
"Colonel Sheppard had a mild heart attack."
I stared at him in stunned silence. Deep down I knew it could be a possibility; after all he had been fed on by a Wraith, but the way John had walked out of the Jumper... I wasn't prepared for this.
"Is he all right?" Rodney asked, obviously as stunned as myself.
"Aye, now he is, but he went into V-Fib and we had to shock him. Dr. Keller is getting him connected to an EKG monitor and we've collected some blood samples to check is cardiac enzyme levels."
Ronon and Teyla seemed a little confused. "His heart almost stopped," Carson explained. "We're just setting up to monitor his current heart rate and check his blood to see if anything else is wrong."
"He was healed, Carson," I said.
"He was, but the strain on his body seems to have been too great. Not just from the feeding, but from the giving of life. We all... we heard him screaming."
Rodney nodded slowly. "Yeah, it sounded as though he were... Excuse me."
I watched as Rodney all but ran out of the infirmary. I looked at Ronon and Teyla, who were both quiet. It was disconcerting. "Is he all right, Carson?"
"He's very weak right now. As I said we'll be monitoring him for 24 hours. He's sleeping at the moment, but you're welcome to sit with him if you'd like."
I nodded as Teyla turned to face me. "Are you all right, Elizabeth?" she asked.
"I think so. I just need to see him." I could tell she was reading my expression. "What is it?"
"You are in love with John."
Again I was stunned. How could she possibly have known that? "Was I that obvious?"
"No," she replied with a smile. "Not until just now."
Ten hours later I was sitting alone with John. He had woken up a few times in the night confused and disoriented. I hummed a lullaby my Mom used to sing to me and it seemed to work.
"I'm right here," I replied. As I held his hand, I could feel him shivering. "Do you need another blanket?"
"No. I just thought. I thought I was going to be fine. I guess this gift of life thing only works on Wraith. I didn't think... I mean, I wanted to...."
I caressed his face gently. "Shh. It's all right, John. You'll be fine. Carson says your body just needs to rest because it's been through a lot. Before you know you'll be down in Rodney's lab again annoying the hell out of him."
"I hate myself, Elizabeth."
I definitely wasn't expecting that.
"I should have killed Kolya when I had the chance but I didn't. The first time he could have killed you and all I could think about was making sure you were safe. The second time I had an even better chance and I let him live. I was hoping I'd be all right and he'd leave me alone, but he didn't.
"Not only didn't he..." John shivered again as he trailed off. "He made you all go through the torture of actually watching it."
"I'm not going to lie to you and say we're all fine with that, but you can't go blaming yourself for Koyla’s mistakes. No one here blames, we're just happy to have you back. I was scared, John. I thought I was going to lose you."
John stared at me, curiosity in his eyes.. "I thought I'd never see you again, Elizabeth," he whispered, reaching up to brush a strand of my hair from my face. "I know this isn't something we can readily say around here, but I love you. I have since the day we met."
"John... I love you too."