Title: When I Sorrow Most
sheafrotherdonPairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~55,000 words
Warnings: Angst, but I can guarantee a happy ending.
Spoilers: Set early in season 3, so nothing for anything recent.
Author's notes: Happy Christmas Cate! Thank you for your lovely multi-optioned prompt; I tried to encompass as much as possible - I hope you enjoy! Many thanks to my amazing betas - you know who you are - and to
moonlettuce and
alyse for organising such a wonderful fic exchange!
Summary: "Hey," John said, trying to lighten the tone a little. "The IOA are getting better," he said, reaching across the bed to flick the little Canadian flag on Rodney's jacket before nodding his head towards Ronon and Teyla.
"Yes, well, I suppose so," Rodney sniffed. "It's not as if they could do without me, anyway."
"Or indeed any of us," Teyla added with a smile.
"Well, I hope you all realise that our success is entirely down to the exceptional talent and expertise of your team leader," John said.
"Oh, yes, of course," Rodney replied sarcastically. "We'd be nothing without you."
When I Sorrow Most Please note, due to the size of this story, it is being hosted offsite.