Title: Fly Wishes to the Sky
ca_pierson She said she loves aus and McShep, and likes stories with the Team and Zelenka (she also likes Carson, but he just didn't quite make it into this story, sorry!). I loved writing this, and I really hope she enjoys it.
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: NC-17
Summary: John Sheppard owns a kite shop on the Oregon coast. He's had enough drama in his life, and has created a safe, if limited, life for himself. One day, Rodney McKay, a college professor in town for a conference, comes looking for a last-minute purchase before he has to leave town, and things start to change for both of them.
Spoilers: None-AU
Words: ~25K
Fly Wishes to the Sky Please note, due to the size of this story, it is hosted offsite.