Fic: Living the Plant Life (Lorne/Parrish, PG-13)

Dec 19, 2010 18:54

Title: Living the Plant Life
Author: eviljr
Recipient: clwilson2006
Pairing: Lorne/Parrish
Word Count: 3050
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Takes place shortly after Runner
Summary: Evan Lorne eases his way into David Parrish’s life shortly after their first mission and changes everything for them both.

Living the Plant Life

The mess hall was bustling, which wasn't saying much. In the city of the Ancients, lunch was when you had the time. Evan moved through the line quickly, and eye-balled the room a moment. With a grin he spotted his target and mazed his way through the haphazard array of tables and chairs. “Hi, may I?” he asked indicating the empty seat with his tray.

David Parrish blushed slightly pulling himself upright his mouth fish gaped at the airman. He quickly collected himself and moved his belongings aside leaving a bigger area for the other man.

Evan unceremoniously dumped the tray onto the small table with a favorable grin and slid into the second hardback chair. “Good afternoon, Major.” David said uncertainly, finding his voice at last. His gaze scanned the room quickly, taking in the multiple empty tables. “Can I help you with something?” he asked shifting again in his chair. He self consciously pulled a pale yellow ceramic pot containing a beer bottle sized cactus closer to him.

Evan shrugged easily, “Just curious what you’re working on. We did that mission a few days ago, so much happened, with Lt. Ford and the new guy. I didn’t have time to catch up with you.” he concluded before taking a bite from his sandwich.

David sighed, then replied: “You weren’t exactly a fountain of interest while on that mission. Why now?”

“I’d have to say you caught my interest.” The airman replied. He took another generous bite, chewing thoughtfully for a moment. “You know, I think there are fresh tomatoes on this.” he advised changing the topic.

David straightened slightly with a hint of pride. “I would say so, as I grow them.”

Evan’s eyebrows raised in unison. “Is that so? What else do you do?”

The scientist then leaned forward eagerly. “It’s amazing what we can do in Atlantis.” he said. “I’m working on a hybrid of a potato and a plant that looks similar to that of the turnip found here in the Pegasus galaxy. The properties are amazing! I think they could survive a nuclear holocaust!”

Evan smiled waving his sandwich at the scientist to continue, “Fascinating, tell me more.” he encouraged.

David’s eyes light up and his face broke into a wide smile as he began to lay out his thoughts to his captive audience of one.


David tapped lightly on his tablet, every few seconds he scanned the room with what he was hoping wasn’t an obvious glance. It had been two weeks since Maj. Lorne had first visited him at lunch. Everyday since then airman had appeared with a loaded tray in hand and asked to sit with him. David was equally surprised that Evan had just sat, ate his lunch and listened to him talk. It was long past time for him to return to the lab and there was no sign of the airman. He gathered his belongings, including his ever present prickly friend and headed back to the lab.

He walked with a brisk pace idly smiling and nodding to a few people along the way. He jostled his items, losing a grip on the cactus’ pot and it slipped from his hand. He windmilled attempting to catch in before it crashed to the floor. He gasped as a quick hand reached out of nowhere and handily rescued it. “Thank you,” David breathed with relief as he looked up into the face of the hero.

Evan returned the smile. “You’re welcome, doc.” he handed the plant back to the scientist carefully. “Looks like my off world mission caused me to miss lunch.” he commented.

David nodded. “Well, there are plenty of people in the mess, and I’m sure you could find something to eat.” he advised.

“Not what I meant,” The airman replied. “See ya around!” he added over his shoulder as he moved off toward the mess hall.

The scientist’s heart involuntarily raced, thumping loudly against his chest. He took a deep breath, then continued on his way.


David left the lab as the sun parted ways with the sky and dipped beyond the horizon. He tucked his tablet into one arm and the cactus into another and strolled toward his quarters. He passed a balcony alcove, catching the sight of a figure sitting in a folding chair. The man’s legs were kicked up on the railing facing out over the water. David paused briefly eyeing the back of the somewhat familiar shape. He could see the other man’s arms moving, but his actions were blocked. David’s body instantly changed his path of motion and walked up behind the man. Evan’s hand was gripping a soft lead pencil, and it flew across a plain piece of paper still attached to a stencil book. The sketch shaping up into the view of the city that lay out before them. David smiled, impressed and coughed announcing his presence.

It was the airman’s turn to be caught off guard as his hand jumped slightly. He looked up at the scientist. “Good evening, doc.” he said.

“Major,” David acknowledged. “I didn’t know you were an artist.”

Evan released his legs from the balcony and sat up. “I wouldn’t go that far.” he chuckled. “Have a seat?” he asked indicating a second folding chair next to him.

David slid into it, breathing in the sea air. “It is a beautiful view. I can see why you’d want to draw it.”

Evan nodded. “It’s definitely an improvement to the SGC.” he closed the sketch book, sitting the pencil on top of it and left it balanced in his lap.”

“Where did you learn to draw?” David asked mimicking the gesture by placing his tablet face down on his lap and sitting the potted plant on top.

“My mother, she was an art teacher.” The airman replied. “It’s more a hobby, I prefer painting.”

David’s turned to him in surprise. “You paint as well?”

“I’m no Van Gogh, but I do alright.” Evan said. “Alas, I didn’t bring any of my paint sets with me.”

David nodded, and they say in comfortable silence for a moment. Evan broke the still first. “Ok, I have to know. Why do you carry around the cactus?” His face was neutral, and he kept his voice free of any sort of mocking tone.

David smiled, “I was wondering if you’d ever ask.” he looked down at the small plant a moment then looked up. “I got it when I was in graduate school. I call him Seymour.”

Evan choked back a chuckle and covered his mouth. The scientist chided him with a face. “It’s from Little-”

“Shop of Horrors,” Evan finished, nodding. “I know.” he smiled.

David nodded with him. “Yes! I brought him with me ‘cause I figured he would keep me company, here.” his voice trailed off as he spoke. “In another galaxy, I live the plant life.” he confirmed. “I’m not ashamed of it.”

Evan lifted his hands as if in surrender. “Not judging,” he assured. “I brought this along,” he said lifting up the stencil book. “For the same reason.”

David nodded. “My turn.” he said. “For a question. I would like an honest answer.”

Evan’s hands dropped the stencil book returning to it’s previous resting place. His head tilted in curiosity. “Sure.” he replied.

“Why?” The scientist asked. “Why do you sit with me everyday, why are you interested in what I do?”

Evan laid the sketch book down leaning forward. “I would think it would be obvious.” He looked at David intently. “I like you. You have passion, you are kind. I’m not afraid to say it. I like you as a friend, and I like you more than a friend. You can take it either way. I won’t push if that’s not something you-”

The words were lost on his tongue and the botanist had reached out, gripped the airman’s face and pulled him closer. Their lips meeting with a light touch then deepened as tongues entwined eagerly. Evan pulled away first, his breath catching as he leaned back into the folding chair he studied the other man for a moment surprised, then his face broke into a wide grin. “I guess that answers that question,” he finally said.

David laughed. “I had to know for sure. I knew what I wanted to hear, I just-” he paused a moment, thinking. “I just wasn’t sure if what I wanted to be true, was.”

“Same here.” Evan replied. “Where do we go from here, you think?”

David shrugged. “Dinner?”

Evan laughed reaching out his hand as David happily took it.


David rolled over and propped himself up on elbows. “Doing the walk of shame this early?” he asked his voice laced with sleep at the dark figure sitting at the edge of the bed.

Evan finished lacing his boot and spared him a look. “Who’s ashamed?” he asked.

David smiled, shaking his head. “I’m just saying, it’s not even light yet.”

Evan surged forward retrieving his other boot and yanked it on. “Early mission debrief.” he said by way of explanation.

“Ahh,” The scientist commented crashing back to his pillow. “You know we could stay in your quarters some times. It’s been over a month and we always mange to end up here.”

Evan paused a moment then stood walking to his gear piled by the door. “I kinda like the jungle.” he replied with a grin.

“Ha.” David replied to the ceiling. “I’d hardly call it a jungle.”

“No?” The airman said his hands idly motioning around the room. Several large plants occupied the corners including an ivy that was aggressively making its way up the wall. The desk held a few more smaller ones, along with Seymour.

“Shut it,” David advised, tossing a pillow without effort at the other man.

Evan caught it laughing, coming to the scientist’s side. “Like I said, jungle. But it comes with the territory when you’re with someone living the plant life.”

David rolled his eyes and snatched the pillow and stuck it under his head. “When will you be back?” he asked.

Evan shrugged. “It should be by dinner, if all goes well.” he advised leaning over to retrieve a kiss.

The scientist returned the kiss, and when the airman broke away David suddenly whispered. “I love you.”

Evan paused a brief second in surprise. David had yet used the words and Evan’s heart leapt. His face broke in a wide grin. “I love you too.” he whispered gripped the other man’s face gave him a quick kiss and reluctantly pulled away. “I’m going to be late.” he said.

David laughed, “Then be gone. See you tonight.”

Evan nodded snatching up his gear from the floor as he winked at the other man as he left.


David ran down the hallway his face flushed red. He fought to keep down his lunch as his stomach rolled. Evan...something had happened. The news had spread quickly to the labs that Evan’s team had been attacked by Wraith. They were coming in hot and Evan was down. He ran toward the Gateroom anxiously stopping short in an archway as he took in the chaotic scene in front of him. Several Gateroom techs were bending over the man, as two young Marines stood over their shoulders, their faces full of anxiety.

“Make way people,” a voice called as David saw Dr. Beckett coming into the room two aids behind him wheeling a gurney.

Like the red sea parting, the group moved away and David saw Evan for the first time that morning. The airman was laying on some sort of makeshift litter that had been placed on the floor. His eyes were closed, and slightly swollen. He had a brutal looking purple bruise on his right cheek that had a matching cut where something had impacted with his face.

David took an involuntary step forward to go to his side, but stopped himself so the medical team could move in. His stood helplessly as the aids quickly lifted Evan to the gurney as Carson started assessing his injury’s yelling out instructions as they moved him quickly from the Gateroom. Minutes passed before the scientist could breath again, and he pushed back any emotions from his face, turning quickly on his heel as he disappeared into the city.


Evan’s eyes opened reluctantly as they focused on the bright light in the infirmary. He coughed, his throat coarse and dry. “Hello?” he whispered trying to sit up.

“Aye, good to see you’re up Major.” Carson advised coming to his bedside. “You had quite a good knock to the noggin.”

“Water?” Evan asked.

Carson was already reaching for the glass with a straw next to the bed. The airman took a generous sip when the doctor brought it to his lips. “How long was I out?” Evan finally asked his voice taking on a clearing quality.

“About 15 hours,” Carson advised. “All your tests came out right as can be so there’s no permanent damage.” he smiled. “I’ll have some breakfast for you, if you can stomach it, then I’ll discharge you from the infirmary, but I want you on bed rest in your quarters for at least 24

Evan nodded as he noticed the folding chair next to his bed. It was turned slightly and was pulled close. Carson smiled again. “Dr. Parrish was with you most of the night. I kicked him out two hours ago to get some rest. He left you some company.” he added pointing.

Evan turned his head to the small table where Seymour sat and he grinned widely. “Thanks, doc.” he advised. “I am feeling some stomach pains, if that breakfast is still up for grabs.”

“You got it,” Carson replied with a smile.


Evan was propped up comfortably typing his mission report in his quarters when the door chimed a visitor. He sighed, hoping it was not another “Get well” visitor. The two young Marines from the mission as well as an aid from the infirmary had come to check on him since he had retired to his room. Evan had suspected Carson had sent the aid to make sure Evan was taking his mandatory bed rest seriously. “Come in,” he called closing the laptop with a click.

David peered into the room his eyes slightly puffy, uncertain his hair sticking up in the back like he had just rolled out of bed. His eyed got widened when they spotted the airman and he entered the room hurriedly. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize they had released you.”

Evan pushed the laptop aside and motioned him over. “I’m fine, David. You needed to get some sleep.”

David crawled into the bed next to him shaking his head as the airman wrapped his arms around the scientist.. “I wanted to be there when you woke.”

Evan smiled “I’m fine, besides you’re place holder did its job well.” he advised indicated Seymour who was now sitting on the night stand.

David finally broke into a smile. “I’m glad. Carson said you were fine. That you’d wake up in no time, but when I saw you on the floor in the Gateroom, not moving. I cou-”

“Hey, David.” Evan’s voice became serious as spoke. “Everything is fine. I’d had a lot worse knocks.”

“That doesn’t help.” David sighed pulling away and sitting up. “I’m going to freak out every time you go off world now.”

Evan chuckled. “We’ll work on your freak out mechanism.”

The scientist growled but changed the topic. “It’s almost dinner, you should eat.”

Evan nodded, “We both should. But I want to shower first.”

David smiled looking down at his wrinkled clothes then hopped up from the bed.. “I should go clean up too,” his eyes suddenly took on a mischievous sparkle. “Meet me at our balcony in half an hour? I have something to give you before we go.”

Evan’s eyes narrowed in suspicion and then grinned. “Can’t wait.” he replied to the scientists back who just waved over his shoulder as he left smiling to himself.


David rounded the corner, his present wrapped anxiously in his arms. He spotted Evan standing in the alcove balcony they had first kissed in. The airman was leaning against the railing, his eyes closed as he took in the feel of the sea air. “Hey,” David said as he came in.

Evan turned smiling. “Hey, you, what’s the big surprise?” he asked.
David took a deep breath and opened his arms. “I was waiting to give this to you at an appropriate time, I figured now is as good as any.” He held out the small box like container with three glass jars no bigger baby food jars.

Evan took it looking at the jars with a slightly liquid consistency. Each jar a different color: red, yellow, blue. “Is this paint?” the airman asked with disbelief.

David nodded with a smile. “Yes, I made it.”

Evan choked back some emotion, “How?”

David laughed and a sigh. “It wasn’t easy. I used some plants, a few choice items swiped from the mess hall, a local beetle that supplied the yellow coloring. It was the hardest to find.”
Evan’s eyebrow went up in a question as the beetle remark and David shrugged. “Tell me about it, Katie Brown consulted with me on that one. She has an Entomologist friend.”

Evan opened one of the jars and eyed it closer. “David, this is amazing. I don’t even know what to say. Looks like I’ll be kinda living the plant life now.” he added with chuckle.

David shook his head with a small eye roll but his eyes smiled. “One small caveat. I couldn’t figure out how to make a good paint brush and I know you didn’t bring any.”

“Oh, I think I know how to get around that.” Evan replied with a grin he dipped a finger into the red and held it up. “Finger painting!”

David laughed, “Something to try for sure.”

Evan sealed the jar shut again and using his free hand wrapped it around David pulling him closer. “And I can think of a perfect canvas.” he whispered as the scientist’s laughter echoed off the city sailed out over the water.

The End.

pairing: lorne/parrish, genre: slash

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