Title: Home for the Holidays
hermioneorourkeCategory: Slash
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1425
Spoilers: up to 'McKay and Mrs Miller'
kat_lair Summary: Please explain to me why we left Atlantis," Rodney stopped in the middle of the walk way and roughly gestured his hands in front of him, "for this."
Author's Note: For kat_lair, who wished for a McKay/Beckett fic for the holidays. I just hope this is what you wanted!
“Please explain to me why we left Atlantis,” Rodney stopped in the middle of the walk way and roughly gestured his hands in front of him, “for this.”
Carson turned towards his friend and shook his head. “You have no holiday spirit.”
“Well, we knew that from the beginning.”
Rodney picked up his feet again and shoved his hands back into his pockets quickly. The Floridian weather was colder than expected, which was at least a pleasant surprise. The two made their way down the crowded sidewalk, trailing slowly behind their friends as they stopped from one craft booth to the next.
San Marco was a lovely little area of Jacksonville. A town inside a large city, as Elizabeth had explained. She had said that coming here had been tradition when she was little, and if time had permitted, she wanted to go back to the Christmas celebration that was held one night a year. Christmas trees and Carole singers, Carson knew that Rodney would put up a fight, but surprisingly Rodney had accepted Elizabeth’s invitation to take people Earth-side for a few days for some festivities - even if it was only an excuse to get away from the city for a little while.
Carson huffed into his gloved hands, trying to warm them up a little more. “Then why did you come if you hate the holidays so much?”
“Since Elizabeth asked, I guess.”
“Hm.” Carson pursed his lips.
Rodney looked taken-aback. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That just doesn’t seem like a Rodney answer to me.”
Up ahead, they could see the rest of the group being seated outside at Café Carmon, one of the local restaurants. From there they could overlook all of the activities that were going on in the streets. Carson could almost hear Rodney grimace when they saw that their location was right next to the DJ that had been playing pop versions of Christmas songs all night long.
Elizabeth was pulling out her shopping bags when the two finally approached.
“You lovely ladies find anything good?” Carson asked.
Teyla’s eyes glittered with excitement. “I have found many gifts to bring back, thank you. I’m still not sure I understand the significance of the large man in a red outfit, but everything I have found has been wonderful.”
“He’s called Santa Claus. The concept is the same everywhere, but the image is sometimes slightly different. He brings gifts to all the children in the world on one night in his flying sleigh.” Elizabeth’s expression turned wistful as she spoke. “My sister and I would stay up as late as we could that night, hoping to hear the reindeer land on the roof.”
“And there was usually milk and cookies involved, too.” John interjected.
Teyla smiled at them. “Sounds like a lot of fun.”
“Please! Everyone knows that the entire basis of Christmas is greed. It’s all about the stuff you get on Christmas morning, and the more you have, the better off you are. That and it’s also a great parenting tool to keep your kids in line all year.” Rodney crossed his arms and raised his chin proudly.
“You got coal in your stocking when you were a kid, didn’t you?”
Rodney snorted at John. “Actually, no I didn’t. I received tons of presents.”
“Coal in a stocking?” Ronon looked between his friends, an eyebrow raised.
Carson signaled to the waitress while his friends continued to explain the holiday. In the Beckett household there were so many people that it was never quiet, and every year afterward only became louder than the previous. There were new and tiny faces every year adding to his cousin, niece, and nephew list.
It had been strange being on Atlantis the first year. Though no one could really tell it was Christmas, and no one really seemed to care much, but his body knew and almost needed that human contact that he had been absorbed in when he was younger. It was quite refreshing to be Earth-side this year, and it was wonderful to be able to call his mother to wish her a Happy Christmas.
Orders of eggnog and hot chocolate went all around, and it seemed the heated discussion was finally dwindling down. A group of young children ran past, knocking the cup of steaming liquid in Carson’s hand.
“Stupid kids. Why their parents are letting them roam around like this is beyond me.” Rodney spoke to no one in particular, and no one paid much mind.
“There is a booth that Elizabeth and I wished to go back to before we leave, so if you gentleman would excuse us.” Teyla rose to leave, her head together with Elizabeth’s in conversation. As both a doctor and a friend, it was nice seeing a smile on their faces. With all the hardships they had all encountered, a brief time of relaxation was exactly what they needed.
Before John could open his mouth to speak, a young woman with dark red hair tapped him on the shoulder. A soft R&B song pulsated through the speakers near them, and once the girl extended her hand, they were gone to the makeshift dance floor.
Carson snickered at his friend’s comment. “Stop pouting.”
“I’m not pouting.” He crossed his arms around his chest.
“Yes you are,” Ronon muttered.
Rodney pointed at him in a way that probably supposed to be threatening. “You’re not helping.”
“Wasn’t trying to.” Ronon flashed one of his toothy grins and stood up. He walked towards the crowd of swaying bodies as if he were a predator - his sights determinedly set on someone.
They sat for a moment together listening to the music in the air, spreading the message of love and Christmas. Carson was starting to enjoy the sappy song when Rodney interrupted him. “Is this what all people listen to?”
“I don’t know. This one’s quite catchy.” Carson’s head bobbed along with the beat. “It reminds me of a song my mum used to sing for us.”
Rodney huffed. “You need to loosen up a bit, you know. It won’t kill you to relax a little and enjoy yourself.”
“How can I with all these love struck fools walking around with their heads in the clouds. Its like everyone’s brains turn into mush every year.”
“I’d be careful if I were you. People might think you have a dismal outlook on happiness.”
“Heaven forbid that should happen.”
“Look Rodney, you may not like the holiday, but there are people like Elizabeth, John, and I who do. No hidden agenda, no religious reasons, just happy childhood memories.” Carson’s voice began to rise. He knew he was overreacting a bit, but with everything the man had to be grateful for, the least he could do is let the people around him appreciate the pleasant atmosphere the holiday brought. “You really are heartless.” Carson stood up and started walking in a direction away from the table.
He quickened his pace a little, hoping Rodney decided it wasn’t worth perusing him over. It would be nice to listen to the choir for a little bit without a running commentary of when they go off key just a tiny little bit.
The children were highlighted by the decorated white gazebo that they stood in. Twinkling lights danced all around them and the large Christmas tree behind them presented a beautiful backdrop for the choir.
Carson shivered and turned around. He could feel his friend’s eyes on him, watching him from a distance. He would not give in first. Rodney messed up, and he needed to understand that he had been hurtful.
It took a few more songs for Carson to feel Rodney’s presence behind him. A soft hand was laid on his shoulder, and the warmth soaked under the layers of his clothing.
“I’m sorry,” Rodney whispered.
“Good.” Carson turned around, his lips turned into a smug smile. “Now, you will join me while I find that special something for my mum. I saw a lovely silk scarf near the bookstore. Put a smile on your face Meredith or I’ll be sure we leave you here.”
They walked through crowds of people chatting animatedly of memories old and ones to come and about nothing in particular. A sense of closeness that he felt both at home in Scotland and home in Atlantis warmed him as they walked.
A heavy hand clasped his, squeezing it gently. When he looked over, Rodney’s head was bent low, and a crooked smile was spreading across his lips.