It's the >>Theme and Genre Recs, Lists and Collections<< hunting time!

Feb 15, 2008 21:37

I, in my modly capacity, think it's high time this community had a concise list of all the SGA fanfic theme and genre recs, lists and collections out there; to make searches easier for everyone, posters and commenters alike.

You are asked to submit your favorite or most often used posts, pages, lists and/or sites which sort SGA stories by theme or genre. Share the goodness! :-)

I will sort the submitted links by genre in a separate post, which will be linked on the community's side bar and profile page.

How it works:

- self-pimps, recs, web sites, personal posts off and on lj, web pages and accounts and/or tags are all welcome

- for the post/page/site/list to qualify, it needs to have a decent number of linked stories of one or more specific or general genre

- when submitting a link, please make sure to provide: a name or title of the page, a direct URL, a description detailing all the genres of recs/lists found therein, and the name of the person(s) or group/community it should be credited to

Important: when submitting a link to a post/page/site/list which contains multiple genre recs/lists, if possible try to provide a link to each genre separately; if not, make sure you mention every genre found there, or provide an explanatory short description


Crossroads: Stargate Atlantis Slash Index, contains many fanfic genres in tags, all slash, many various pairings [temporarily offline]

SGA Fairy Tale Fic Recs: contains recs of mostly McShep, fairy tale fanfics, slash and the occasional gen, in two posts - part one and part two (collected by yours truly)

The Sentient!Atlantis Fanfic Collection: contains a collection of sentient!Atlantis fanfics, slash, gen and het, various pairings, available on lj in the Big Darn Table form, and off lj as a free 'blog The Sentient!Atlantis Fics Weblog and hosted on private server The Sentient!Atlantis Fanfics 'blog (collected and maintained by yours truly)

ultimateficarchiver's account, specifically the sga tag (although not all SGA stories might be tagged accordingly): many varied genres and pairings, slash, het and gen, large number of stories (a personal favorite for finding fics for reccing)

Questions, comments, suggestions, and most importantly, submissions: please drop a comment below.

rec list, 'genre

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