I'm looking for fic in which one or more of the women are at the center of the action, get to be awesome and kick ass (either literally, or metaphorically in a non-violent way). I'm mostly looking for stories with Jennifer, Sam, Teyla, Jeannie, or Elizabeth but also I'm open to fic featuring other female characters. I'll take gen, Jennifer/Rodney, Sam/Rodney, Teyla/Rodney, or femslash. Action-adventure or humor would be perfect! (Don't want: Jennifer/Rodney breakup; any of the women ending up dead or leaving Atlantis.)
eta: stories already found:
Night Ops(Jennifer/Rodney UST, found by x_varda_x)
Strength and honor are her clothing (gen, female ensemble, found by ratcreature)
Never Stop Moving (gen, Teyla, found by altyronsmaker)
A Candle Against The Ocean (Miko, found by cold_cheese)
Arbor (Teyla, found by hickman1937)
In The Company of Women (Teyla, by helenkancan)
fell in love with a girl (Teyla/Kate, found by Friendshipper)
Figurative Hell And Literal High Water (Jennifer POV, with Jennifer/Rodney UST, found by freemountin)
City on the Edge of Forever, the pilot (Elizabeth, found by skaredykat)