Title: The Bite of Delusion
wildcat88Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: General S5
Prompt for the Round: Write a whump fic with John and ONE of his team. John POV.
wildcat88 John raised his hands slowly, palms out, and put on his friendliest smile. “Take it easy.”
Teyla’s eyes glittered. “What have you done with my son?”
“He’s back on Atlantis, remember?” John ducked, the branch meant for his head smashing into the tree instead. “You’re sick, Teyla. Venom from an insect bite. Just calm down. Help is on the way.”
She dashed at the perspiration glossing her splotched face. “You lie.”
The limb in her hands was thick enough to bash in his skull, but the illness slowed her reaction time, allowing him to dance out of her reach. His hands scraped over his tac vest. His weapons were meant to kill or maim, not to stop a delusional teammate from killing him. She was intimidating on a normal day. Today she was feral.
“I wouldn’t lie to you. Torren is safe.”
Teyla swung again. Air whooshed from his lungs when she connected with his ribcage, cracking at least one bone. John dropped to his knees, cradling his torso, then plunged facedown in the musky underbrush, the next blow whispering across the back of his vest. He scrambled to his feet and stumbled backward, dragging in a ragged breath.
Her sweat-soaked clothing clung to her. “I will not allow you to have my son, Michael.”
Oh, crap. “Teyla, look at me. It’s John.”
“Liar!” she snarled, swinging wildly.
The branch flew from her slick hands. She whirled, jabbing one elbow in John’s tender midsection, slamming the other into his face. Blood spurted from his nose as he staggered and fell. Teyla planted a knee in his sternum and a fist to his temple. Stars exploded behind his eyes.
“Teyla! Stop!”
The next punch smashed into his throat. John clawed the ground as he struggled to breathe. When his fingers closed around loose dirt and decaying leaves, he tossed it in her face then rolled to his hands and feet as she flailed and scrabbled away with a screech.
“Forgive me,” John whispered.
He blocked her next punch and swung with all his might, catching her as she crumpled. Staggering to a nearby tree, he slid to the ground, brushing matted hair from her face and holding her to his chest as she shivered despite the waves of heat rolling off her.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you.” He smiled as boots pounded toward them. “You’re going to be fine.”
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