Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::reaches into cupboard, pulls out cereal:: This okay?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: Sure.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::pours cereal, and milk, places on counter::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grabs and proceeds to feed face::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::pours self cereal, milk, sits, eats::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::leans against counter, eating::
Summerquinnnemec: ::snuggles against Jonas, sleeping::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::notices that she's sleeping, reaches for the remote and turns off the TV::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::snuggles::
Summerquinnnemec: ::monitor beeps::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nudges:
Summerquinnnemec: ::sleeping::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :shrugs and continues his snuggliness:;
Summerquinnnemec: ::monitor beeps again::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;glares at monitor::
Summerquinnnemec: ::wakes up:: wha?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ...your.. thing keeps beeping.
Summerquinnnemec: ::yawns:: so... ::yawns:: why are you still dressed?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: you really want to go again?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: You were sleeping...
Summerquinnnemec: I really want a baby... so yes.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: ...alright.
Summerquinnnemec: ::yawn::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::proceeds to get naked::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;blinks at her yawn:: you sure you don't want to go back to sleep? You probably need to rest...
Summerquinnnemec: Jonas... come on...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: kay.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::proceeds to s3x::
Summerquinnnemec: ::t0tally s3xes back::
Summerquinnnemec: ::makes with the moaning as self cannot help it cause Jonas is just hawt in the sack::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::t0tally::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::cringes::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::hears:: great Gordon....
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I asked him to keep it down....
Booya Yeah Moony: Maybe she just can't help it. ::shrug::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::smiles pervertedly:: it's kinda hot
Booya Yeah Moony: :;raises eyebrow::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blink:: what?
Booya Yeah Moony: Nothing much... :;wrinkles nose and continues with cereal::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::shrugs, eats::
Summerquinnnemec: ::has orgasm, falls asleep instantly::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::proceeds to snuggle... in a naked way. heh.::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::finishes cereal, puts bowl in sink::
Booya Yeah Moony: :;also finishes, makes another bowl::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::ponders doing the dishes::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::proceeds to wash the dishes, cause he's a nice boy::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::goes and sits at table and reads the back of the cereal box::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::trys to do the maze in her head::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: So... what are you gonna do about the baby? I mean Jonas and Sum seem to be working really..really hard at making one of their own....
Booya Yeah Moony: Was gonna give it to them. ::shrugs:: Seems they don't need it now... have to talk to them about it for sure, though.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I was thinking... what if they're doing all this *work* and she still can't get pregnant... you think she'll be okay?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns:: I doubt it...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: At least she's got Jonas to get her through it... he's crazy about her.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: I noticed this...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I know how he feels...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:: yeah...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::suddenly awkward:: so, um... is there any cake here?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::dun finished cereal::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::feels awkward::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::gets up and goes through fridge:;
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::stares at the floor:: Ummm...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::finds banana::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits down and nervously plays with the banana peel::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::dries dishes and puts them away, feels all awkward::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits, also all awkward::
Summerquinnnemec: ::wakes up, nauseated, runs to bathroom::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;finds his pants and gets em on::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::goes to bathroom:: alright?
Summerquinnnemec: ::vomiting::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frowns:: Maybe not...
Summerquinnnemec: ::flushes, groans::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;eyes widen::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: You're throwing up!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: And you were eating a lot!
Summerquinnnemec: ::throws up again::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frowns:: ew...
Summerquinnnemec: ::flushes again, washes hands, rinces mouth and brushes teeth::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: but... vomit! And food!
Summerquinnnemec: ::still groggy and tired:: what about it?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:... morning sickness?
Summerquinnnemec: ::blink:: oh...OH!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods::
Summerquinnnemec: You think....?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: maybe.
Summerquinnnemec: I hope so...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods:: but, hey! Monitor worked good.
Summerquinnnemec: yeah... until we know for sure though...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods:: yeah...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: so... ::scratches the back of his head:: How do we do that?
Summerquinnnemec: do what?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Find out for sure?
Summerquinnnemec: We go see a doctor
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Oh.
Summerquinnnemec: we could use one of those lame tests
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: the stick thing?
Summerquinnnemec: yeah
Summerquinnnemec: not always accurate... but better than nothing
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods::
Summerquinnnemec: I'm hungry...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: See!?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:... we're not going to have ANY food!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: We're going to have to have Courtknee not come here anymore.
Summerquinnnemec: Jonas... be nice... she's my friend.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: I am being nice. But I like food, too.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: And I'm sure jarrod does as well.
Summerquinnnemec: yeah... maybe you could go to the store and buy more food?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: I could do that...
Summerquinnnemec: ::kisses him:: that would be great.. I'll make a list.. see if Jarrod has any requests...
Summerquinnnemec: and you can pick up a test
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods:: alright, then...
Summerquinnnemec: ::grabs notepad, makes list::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;waits patiently::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::hums Charles in Charge::
Summerquinnnemec: ::frowns:: Don't tempt me to cancel cable
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas; ::frowns::
Summerquinnnemec: or block that station
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: But, I like that show...
Summerquinnnemec: Just stop humming that tune.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Alright...
Summerquinnnemec: ::finishes list, lots of chocolatey items on it, hands it to him:: here you go..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods:: Alright..... I'll go now then...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses her:: See you in a little while.
Summerquinnnemec: Kay... see if your brother needs anything ::is kissed::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;nods:: will do. ::leaves::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::walks into the kitchen and sees awkwardness:: Err... hi.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::feels relieved to see Jonas:: Hey...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:... er, I'm going to the store. ::whispers, so Knee can't hear:: for food. ::regular:: need anything?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::whispers:: can I go with?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks at Knee then back at Jarrod::... why?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::whispers:: the awkwardness is suffocating me
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frowns:: Make it less awkward.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::can totally hear them::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::eyes look pleading:: please Jonas.... I'm begging here...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Oh, come on. You're saying you can't handle this. It's *Courtknee*, for God's sake..
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::jaw drops::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:... what?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blinks:: you're.... mean.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::places a hand on his shoulder:: it's for your own good. Trust me.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Yeah, if you told Summer you love her and she didn't feel the same, how comfortable would you be? ::frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns:: If you run away, you don't have a chance.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::glares:: I feel like I don't.... ::blinks:: you sure you should be driving?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns:: Don't change the subject.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Wait - why shouldn't I be driving?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You don't have a license
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Ohh... yeah, that. Well, I'm getting one soon. I have to practice.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::frowns:: Why isn't Sum going over sex her?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Errr... you could say that.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: I have to go now.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: you two have fun. ::nods and quickly walks out of the kitchen::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::under his breath:: ........bastard
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::goes out to car... and drives..... to the store::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::goes into the living room and turns on the TV, sits on the couch::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:
Booya Yeah Moony: ::follows and sits on chair::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::flicks through channels quickly, not really paying attention::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns:: you should... pick something.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::under his breath:: pick... something.... someone ::frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::totally heard him:: right.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::picks Animal Planet, Emergency Vets::
Booya Yeah Moony: :;frowns:: this show is depressing...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: As is life....
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks::...... life doesn't have snake innards.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: point taken... ::changes channel::
Booya Yeah Moony: Let's just not watch Charles in Charge, Joanie loves Chachi, or happy Days.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods::
Summerquinnnemec: ::puts on USAF sweats, comes downstairs:: Hey all.. ::goes to couch, sits next to Jarrod:: what's up kids?
Booya Yeah Moony: Scott Baio is evil ::nods::
Summerquinnnemec: ::nods:: yep, I swear he must have sold his soul to the devil...
Booya Yeah Moony: Seriously, I mean, *no one* likes Chachi.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::stops on the Weather channel, stares::
Summerquinnnemec: ::blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:: It's the 5 day forecast....
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: So cool... ::watches::
Booya Yeah Moony: .....oy.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::reaches over and grabs the remote off of him::
Booya Yeah Moony: :;turns on CNN Headline News::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Hey!
Summerquinnnemec: ::giggles::
Booya Yeah Moony: What? We can see that anytime. This channel is for the well informed person with a short attention span.
Booya Yeah Moony: AKA me.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grins all cheeky like::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::winks:: I'll change it back in a minute, promise.
Summerquinnnemec: ::smirks::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::proceeds to read that fun scroll at the bottom of the screen of random headlines and facts about crap::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Hey Sum... you think you might make something yummy for lunch today ::sweet smile::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::rolls eyes:: We need to learn to cook.
Booya Yeah Moony: I feel bad, Summer is cook lady.
Summerquinnnemec: Yes, you do need to learn... I could teach you..
Booya Yeah Moony: Ohhh! ::turns on the Food channel - GOOD EATS! YAY!::
Booya Yeah Moony: This show teaches me things.
Booya Yeah Moony: I learned how to make fondu the other day.
Summerquinnnemec: ::sees raw eggs and feels sick:: hrmm
Booya Yeah Moony: :;frowns:: what?
Summerquinnnemec: ::runs to the bathroom, throws up::
Booya Yeah Moony: :;frowns more:: Well, that's certainly no good...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Gross
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nod:: Maybe we should... not watch Food Channel anymore...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::turns on the CNN Headlines News again::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::nod nod nod:: weather channel!?!
Booya Yeah Moony: ::rolls eyes and changes it:: Fine, you big weather dork.
Summerquinnnemec: ::comes back out, sits down::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks at Sum:: you alright?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::digs jelly beans out of pocket and eats::
Summerquinnnemec: Yeah... I think so..
Summerquinnnemec: Oooh jellybeans...share!?! ::puts out hand::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::glare:: no.
Booya Yeah Moony: Wait, except for the black ones and the orange ones. ::gives her those::
Summerquinnnemec: ::sees black ones, runs and throws up::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Eww
Booya Yeah Moony: :;frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::changes channel to Scifi while Jarrod's not looking::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::yeah Original Star Trek::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: God Knee... eat all her food and be stingy with candy...not cool.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::glare:: Quiet, you.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Jeese.. no wonder Jonas is annoyed with you...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks::... I annoy him?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns::
Summerquinnnemec: ::comes back, sits pouts::
Booya Yeah Moony: ....maybe you should not eat anymore.
Summerquinnnemec: Shut up!
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns:: Sorry!
Summerquinnnemec: No you're not! ::frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: Am too!
Summerquinnnemec: ::rolls eyes::
Booya Yeah Moony: Ohh... Jarrod! Tell her I'm sorry!
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Don't put me in the middle of it.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::whines: jarrooooodddd!!! ::stomps foot::
Summerquinnnemec: ::gets up and goes into kitchen to look for food::
Booya Yeah Moony: See what you did!?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: What I did? ::blink::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits back and "hmph!"s::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grabs remote and turns on E! to watch Saturday Night Live:;
Summerquinnnemec: ::shouts assortment of curses::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::scowl::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: No food...she's pissed.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::goes over to the couch and sits next to Jarrod:: no kidding.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: can we please watch the weather channel?
Booya Yeah Moony: No!
Booya Yeah Moony: It's boring!
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: but California is on storm watch!
Booya Yeah Moony: So!? ::turns SciFi back on:: William Shater's going to s3x yet another alien lady!
Summerquinnnemec: ::slams empty containers that were put away as if they still contained food::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blink::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::rolls eyes::
Booya Yeah Moony: Bored now.
Summerquinnnemec: ::comes back in, angry::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::changes to Bravo, for Jennifer Lopez on Inside the Actor's Studio::
Booya Yeah Moony: What the in the name of Gord Downey is this!?
Summerquinnnemec: You couldn't leave me something?
Summerquinnnemec: Anything?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::holds out jelly beans::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::flips channels::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::leans against Jarrod::
Summerquinnnemec: ::takes:: I could be pregnant you know... not cool!
Booya Yeah Moony: Well, I *am* pregnant. Step up from you. ::sticks out tongue::
Summerquinnnemec: ::blinks.. starts crying and runs upstairs and slams the door::
Booya Yeah Moony: :;frowns:: Drama queen much?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Niice... very nice
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks up at him and glares; still leaning against him:: shhh.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Jonas will hurt you when he gets back and finds her crying cause of you.
Booya Yeah Moony: I'm sure he'll try.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: That was really mean you know..
Booya Yeah Moony: I do.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grins::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: And you don't care?
Booya Yeah Moony: I do. It will be remedied later on.
Booya Yeah Moony: Right now, I'm comfortable.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You think waiting is really a good plan?
Booya Yeah Moony: For now.
Booya Yeah Moony: If it's pregnant moodiness, she'll get over it in about 10 minutes or less.
Booya Yeah Moony: Trust me, I was crying the other day because I lost at Tetris on my cell phone. And I always loose at Tetris.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Yeah, but.... you totally sucker punched her with the whole baby thing... there's a difference.
Booya Yeah Moony: I think she's pregnant anyway.
Booya Yeah Moony: She'll deal.
Booya Yeah Moony: Either that or she's got that rare African disease which has all the symptoms of pregnancy, but is infact not.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::shrugs:: Jonas is still gonna be pissed though.
Booya Yeah Moony: Probably.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::lays head on his shoulder::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: you're awfully snuggly all of a sudden...
Booya Yeah Moony: Yeah...?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: So not complaining...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::snuggles::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kicks at door, because hands are full::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I gotta get that
Booya Yeah Moony: ::pouts::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::gets up and opens the door:: Hey
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: GAH! ::drops bags of groceries into his arms::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Food!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: yes, food, take it to the kitchen.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas; ::runs back to the car to get rest of food::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod; ::takes it to kitchen::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::wobbles back into the house with his many bags and kicks the door shut behind in::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::wobbles to kitchen and drops bags on table::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::stare::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::helps put food away::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::indeed::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Where's Summer?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod; ::comes across EPT box:: Ummm... here
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::takes:: NOT FOR YOU!
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Crying upstairs..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frowns::... why?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: She had a fight with Court..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::rolls eyes:: Wonderful, two insane pregnant ladies...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: I gotta go.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pats his shoulder and runs upstairs::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: yeah, kay
Summerquinnnemec: ::on bed crying into pillow::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::knocks on door:: Summer?
Summerquinnnemec: ::sobbing:: uh-huh
Booya Yeah Moony: ::still sitting on couch::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Can I come in? I have your special stick test thing.
Summerquinnnemec: Yes..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::still sitting on couch, though::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::opens door and goes over to her:: Hey...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sits on edge of bed:: what happened?
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks up:: Knee ate everything and I told her she could have left me something cause I might be pregnent and she said she had one up on me cause she IS pregnant ::cries::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::smiles a little:: She didn't mean anything by it........
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: I can still yell at her, if you want
Summerquinnnemec: Would you?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Sure. But ::sets test down on bed:: take this first.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::starts flipping through channels again::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sees "Cube" on:: Ohhhhh!
Summerquinnnemec: ::nods:: Umkay.. ::picks up test and goes into bathroom, takes, comes back out hands it to Jonas:: You look... I'm too nervous.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks at it:: I don't know what it means...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: What means what?
Summerquinnnemec: Read the box...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: well, that's 2 lines means?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: it's an equals sign...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;squint::
Summerquinnnemec: ::blink:: two lines?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Yeah...
Summerquinnnemec: ::pounces on him, kisses him hard::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::bored, wonders where Jarrod went to::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses back::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::watches 'Cube' and thinks 'that guy looks like rodney...'::
Summerquinnnemec: ::cries more::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frowns:: is this bad?
Summerquinnnemec: no.. we're pregnant!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: Really?
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles, and cries:: Yes!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::smiles and kisses her::
Summerquinnnemec: ::kisses him, clings::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;totally clings::
Summerquinnnemec: I soo want you right now!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: Alright.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::t0tally s3xes::
Summerquinnnemec: ::t0tally s3xes and moans really loud as is so beyond happy::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::hears them::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::rolls eyes and turns volume on Cube up::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod; ::munching cookies in kitchen::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::proceeds to watch Rodney look-a-like guy::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::t0tally loud as well.... heh::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::comes in with box of cookies, sits, sees Rodney look-a-like frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks up at Jarrod and quickly changes channel::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Guess he's making her feel better..
Booya Yeah Moony: Obviously...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sighs::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::leans against him again::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::turns cube on just in time for major David Hewlett whumpage::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::offers cookie::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles:: no thanks... not really hungry. ::blinks:: Strange as that seems.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Oh...kay
Booya Yeah Moony: ::snuggles:
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::snuggles::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::kisses his neck::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: what ya doin'? ::smiles::
Booya Yeah Moony: I dunno... ::continues::
Booya Yeah Moony: ...want me to stop?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: no...please continue..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grins and continues, proceeding to make fun blotchy marks on his neck::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::closes his eyes, enjoying this::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::climbs on top of him and continues::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::t0tally into this::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::suddenly stops::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits up and looks at him::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: What's wrong?
Booya Yeah Moony: You love me?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: God yes!
Booya Yeah Moony: :;tilts head:: why?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You're smart, funny, sweet, beautiful... you're unique.. a little scary sometimes, but I can't help myself.. I love you.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles and kisses him gently::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::kisses back::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::t0tally still with the s3x and loudness::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits up a little and sighs::
Summerquinnnemec: ::t0tally loud and enjoying it::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You alright?
Booya Yeah Moony: Yeah... ::climbs off and sits next to him::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::lays head on his shoulder:: I need to figure out a way to get over Rodney.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Yeah... that'd be good.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sighs:: I wish I could just let myself love you.... ::snuggles::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::sighs:: me too...
Summerquinnnemec: ::so t0tally orgasms louder than ever has before::
Booya Yeah Moony: there something wrong with me that I can't?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::chooses to ignore::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::OMG so t0tally::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::looks at ceiling, shakes his head, smirks:: ... I can't answer that... I don't know, I'm new to this whole love thing.
Booya Yeah Moony: It's less fun that people try to make you believe.
Booya Yeah Moony: People are stupid.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I suppose they are..
Summerquinnnemec: ::snuggles::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::snuggles::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: We're gonna have a baby...
Summerquinnnemec: ::grins:: yes...we are... I love you!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses her:: I love you, too.
Summerquinnnemec: ::kisses him:: I'm hungry...really hungry.. we have food now?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins and nods:: Yeah, there's food.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks at Jarrod:: Sex?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blinks:: you want to? Really?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nod::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::nods:: I would love to
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grins and climbs on top of him again::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::picks up where she left off::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::t0tally into it::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::t0tally s3xes::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::t0tally makes with teh s3x::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::does so loudly, as Jarrod seems to like this::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::indeed ::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::hears them; frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pulls face and puts hands over ears::
Summerquinnnemec: ::blinks:: hmmm...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Must they do that?
Summerquinnnemec: ::kisses him on the cheek:: Yeah.. I guess so..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sighs::
Summerquinnnemec: let's go eat.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods::
Summerquinnnemec: ::gets dressed::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;also does that::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::t0tally does orgasm, even louderful::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::t0tally loud::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pulls another face::
Summerquinnnemec: ::laughs::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas; :;frowns:: What? It's not *your* baby brother down there... doing things.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas; THINGS! ::flails arms::
Summerquinnnemec: ::chokes back a laugh:: I'm sorry baby... he is a grown man Jonas.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::shakes head:: Bah.