
Mar 28, 2005 12:58

Summerquinnnemec: ::bounces down the stairs::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::following, huming the Rocko's Modern Life themesong::
Summerquinnnemec: You really do watch waaay too much TV babe.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:...do not.
Summerquinnnemec: yes you do..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Do not.
Summerquinnnemec: Uh-huh.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Nu-uh
Summerquinnnemec: yaha
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::snuggles::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::snuggles::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::left Cube on durring s3x, looks at TV and feels awkward::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::sees Rodney look-a-like and frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:;
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: That guy looks an awful lot like.....
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks, a little loud:: no idea what you're talking about!
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blinks:: nevermind..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::laughs nervously, but keeps looking at the tv::
Summerquinnnemec: ::hits the bottom step and trips::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::jumps and grabs her around the waist::
Summerquinnnemec: Thanks babe.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::steady's her:: No problem. ::pats her head::
Summerquinnnemec: ::sees Knee and Jarrod and nakedness, blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;sees, slaps a hand over his eyes and runs into the kitchen::
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks at the ground and follows::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::starts jumping up and down:: Oh my fucking God, WHY!?
Summerquinnnemec: Umm.. they were horny?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sighs:: I never want to see that ever again. Ever.
Summerquinnnemec: ::pats his arm:: I know... you need to tell him to do it in his room.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: He JUST got done telling me not to do it in the living room... ::shakes head::
Summerquinnnemec: Oh.. he did?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Yeah.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Well...that was embarrassing
Booya Yeah Moony: ::shrugs::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::starts looking for clothes::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::also looks for his clothes::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::gets dressed and continues watching Cube::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::gets dressed, frowns at the TV::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::finishes getting dressed and curls up on couch, engrossed in movie at this time::
Summerquinnnemec: ::grabs a box of cookies, munches::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::leans against the counter::
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks at him:: you okay?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: I think I need therapy from that...
Summerquinnnemec: Jonas, why does it bother you so much?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: because. He's my little brother.
Summerquinnnemec: Yeah... and he's a man.. not a little boy.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sighs:: I know, I know...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sees that banana knee had earlier and didn't eat::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::picks it up and proceeds to eat it::
Summerquinnnemec: ::stares::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns, mouth full:: wha'?
Summerquinnnemec: ::smirks:: nuthin' ::stare::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::shrugs and finishes off banana::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sits down the table::
Summerquinnnemec: ::stare::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: ...what?
Summerquinnnemec: you're hawt.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods:: As are you.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::steals a cookie::
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles:: Thanks sweetie... hey.. my cookies
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks at Jarrod:: I'll be right back...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: okay
Booya Yeah Moony: ::runs into the bathroom::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::pulls cellphone and out pants pocket and calls Rodney's cell::
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: ::answers cell:: Talk to me..
Booya Yeah Moony: Rodney.
Summerquinnnemec: Knee?
Booya Yeah Moony: Hi.
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: What do you want?
Booya Yeah Moony: Um... what're you doing?
Booya Yeah Moony: :;frowns:: I need to talk to you.
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: I'm resting... what?
Booya Yeah Moony: ........in person like.
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: No damn way.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sighs:: Rodney, c'mon.
Booya Yeah Moony: I'm over my weird hormone-driven homicidal maniac...ness.
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: I don't trust you anymore
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns:: Pleaasse?
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: I'll be right over..where are you?
Booya Yeah Moony: I'm at Summer's, but I don't know if you should come here...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks::...Rodney?
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: I want witnesses...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::rolls eyes:: Yeah, fine. You get Jonas and Jarrod as witnesses. They don't even like you.
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: At least they're not homicidal
Booya Yeah Moony: Only sometimes. Alright, come here, then...
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: Fine...one hint of insanity, and I'm walking.. bye.
Booya Yeah Moony: Bye. ::hangs up::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::walks out and back to the couch::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grabs remote and turns on CNN Headline News channel::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You okay... you were gone a while
Booya Yeah Moony: Yeah, I'm fine. ::smiles nervously::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You sure?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: Yup.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Okay
Booya Yeah Moony: ::bounces legs::
Summerquinnnemec: ::sits on counter, eating ice cream::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks up:: Didn't you say these home tests weren't always right?
Summerquinnnemec: ::frowns:: um..yeah.. ::frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: We should probably do the doctor thing again...
Summerquinnnemec: ::sighs:: yeah
Summerquinnnemec: ::puts ice cream down, frowns, stares at the floor::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns:: I'm sorry... but I just want to be totally sure.
Summerquinnnemec: ::frowns, nods, stares at floor some more::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Sorry.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks at Jarrod:: hey... why don't you go, um... into the kitchen? And wait there... for a while?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles sweetly::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Why?
Booya Yeah Moony: Be...cause... there's food in there?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I'm not hungry though..
Booya Yeah Moony: ........well, that's okay. Go there anyway.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: What's going on?
Booya Yeah Moony: Nothing.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Jonas and Sum are in there... they could be..you know..
Booya Yeah Moony: I doubt it.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::resolve face:: Go to the kitchen.
Summerquinnnemec: ::takes off monitor throws it on the counter and runs upstairs::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::follows after her::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Fine..God. ::heads into kitchen::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods and blinks, all alone::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::waits patiently::
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: ::knocks on the door::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::jumps up and answers:: Hi!
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: Yeah...hi... where is everyone?
Booya Yeah Moony: Elsewhere. C'mon. ::grabs the front of his shirt and drags him into the bathroom::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::shuts door::
Booya Yeah Moony: Alright, look. I need to talk to you in private and I don't want to be interrupted.
Booya Yeah Moony: No violence, I promise.
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: I will defend myself.. you understand that right?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nod:: Perfectly.
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: Fine..what's so important?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits on toilet seat:: Okay.
Booya Yeah Moony: :;deep breath:: I need to know if we're over. 100%, absolutely no chance of getting back together ever.
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: ::blinks:: After your attempt on my life... I'm gonna have to say there the odds are 0% for reconciliation.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns and nods:: Right...
Booya Yeah Moony: Well then. Will you have sex with me?
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: What?
Booya Yeah Moony: Sex. Me.
Booya Yeah Moony: Breakup sex.
Booya Yeah Moony: official break up sex.
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: ::thinks a moment:: Okay
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: Good.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits:: Er... is now good? Or some other time...?
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: ::nods:: I say now.. get it over with...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: Right. Um, here? Or would you rather... y'know, somewhere else?
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: Where ever.. I don't care.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: Here then. Okay...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks::
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: Okay...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::stands up:: So...
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: So...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::stare::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grabs him and kisses hard::
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: ::kisses back, makes with the s3x::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::t0tally with s3x::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pokes Summer:: you okay?
Summerquinnnemec: ::sits on the bathroom counter, staring at EPT box and test::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frowns::
Summerquinnnemec: sure, I'm just great...great.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: I just didn't want you to get your hope up, and then have it be wrong...... kindof late for that, right?
Summerquinnnemec: Ya think?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::puts arm around her:: if not, we can keep trying.
Summerquinnnemec: ::clings:: if not... I'm a failure...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: You're not.
Summerquinnnemec: ::sniffles::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses her:: You're not.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::moans all loud and junk::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::hears moaning::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::bites Rodney's shoulder hard in attempt to keep self from being too loud::
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: OW GOD!
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns:: sorry!
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::goes to the bathroom door, knocks::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::reaches and locks the door::
Booya Yeah Moony: Go away!
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blinks:: what the hell?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns at Rodney and whispers:: now see what you did?
Summerquinnnemec: Rodney: ::loudly:: What I did? You fucking wanted me too.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::rolls eyes:: Jerk. ::kisses him again and continues with s3x::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::hears it, pounds on the door::
Booya Yeah Moony: :;growls and trys to ignore::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::runs upstairs and into Jonas and Sum's room, totally freaked out::
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