desala04: Aiden: *wakes up and yawns*
desala04: *So does me*
summerquinnnemec: ::wakes up all nauseated, rushes out of bed and into the bathroom, proceeds with teh vomiting::
desala04: *makes teh coffee*
summerquinnnemec: ::throws up violently::
desala04: Aiden:*goes into the kitchen* Morning...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;wakes up and blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sits up and hears teh vomiting; frowns::
desala04: Morning.
summerquinnnemec: ::cries as makes with teh vomiting as it is painful::
desala04: Aiden: Sleep good? I did. *beams*
desala04: Oh really? Dream about you know who? *bats eyebrows*
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;walks over to the bathroom and knocks:: Summer?
desala04: Aiden: *blinks* um....looks nice out, doesn't it?
summerquinnnemec: ::continues crying and vomiting, so can't talk::
desala04: *holds back a giggle* Yeah...*decides not to ruin Aiden's mood and drops it*
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::opens the door and peeks:: Summer...?
summerquinnnemec: ::vomiting stops, dry heaves a couple times, looks up, face streaked with tears:: Ew.. this sucks..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;stoops down to her and frowns:: you alright?
summerquinnnemec: ::looks up:: Yeah.. I just don't enjoy this part...
summerquinnnemec: ...guess I should get used to it though.... ::frown::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods:: Well, just think of the outcome ::smile::
summerquinnnemec: ::smiles a little:: yeah.. we're having a baby ::smiles::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: We are.
summerquinnnemec: ::flushes, washes hands, and face, brushes teeth, gargles::
summerquinnnemec: ...kay... now I feel better. ::smiles::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods:: good... now I need to be clean... :;snatches up toothbrush and proceeds::
summerquinnnemec: ::sits on counter and watches:: We should.. I dunno.. take a shower? ::grin::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: As you wish...
summerquinnnemec: ::laughs:: Have you been watching The Princess Bride again?
Booya Yeah Moony:
summerquinnnemec: ::giggles:: C'mon.. in the shower... ::evil grin::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods and does so::
summerquinnnemec: ::follows, t0tally s3xes him up::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::leik, t0tally::
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::opens eyes, looks around::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::asleep in a position that can only be uncomfortable::
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::sits up, feels less pain, pets her hair::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::wakes up and blinks at him::... hi.
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::smiles:: hey beautiful... you're really here.. I wasn't just dreaming it..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles:: Nope... ::sits up and frowns:: ouch. ::stretches::
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::frowns:: Oh sweetie.. did you sleep like that all night?
Booya Yeah Moony: I think I may have... ::tilts head:: I'm alright, though. How are you feeling?
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I actually feel a lot better..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles:: That's good.
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Knee...?
Booya Yeah Moony: ...yeah?
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod:.... will you... think about, um, marrying me?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks::..... think about it?
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I don't want to rush you.. but I was hoping you may have changed your mind and , ya know marry me?
Booya Yeah Moony: ...::nods:: Yeah.
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::smiles:: so you'll think about it?
Booya Yeah Moony: I meant *yeah*.
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You'll..marry me? ::blink::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods and smiles::
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::smiles:: God I love you!
Booya Yeah Moony: ::laughs and leans forward to kiss him:: I love you.
summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::kisses her:: God, I'm so happy...
Booya Yeah Moony: Me too. ::kisses him again:: so happy...
summerquinnnemec: ::hawt orgasm, dun with teh s3x, actually showers::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::also::
summerquinnnemec: ::finishes shower, dries off, goes to find clothes::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::follows..... looking for his pants again::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::gets dressed:: We should go see Jarrod...
summerquinnnemec: ::gets dressed:: Yes, definitely..
summerquinnnemec: I need food first though.. totally starving now.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods:: Absolutely.
summerquinnnemec: We can pick something up on the way, let's go..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ...can I drive?
Summerquinnnemec: Ummmm.. drive slow? I do not want to throw up again..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods:: Okay.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::goes to find the car keys::
Summerquinnnemec: ::prays to not get ill again::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;finds keys:: Alright.
Summerquinnnemec: ::sighs:: ...okay ::heads to teh car::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas; ::follows and hops in::
Summerquinnnemec: ::hops in, buckles up::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::starts up and pulls out in a slow and safe manner:
Summerquinnnemec: ::sighs, relieved::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:*
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: So, where you want food from?
Summerquinnnemec: Umm... doesn't matter, as long as it's not McDonalds..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:...... pick somewhere.
Summerquinnnemec: ..... Farmer Boy.. they have omelets..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods and goes there::
Summerquinnnemec: now, becareful in the're not insured.. and I like my car..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: I am careful... ::pulls into the drive-thru... safely!::
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles:: I'm so proud of you..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Told you I'm a good driver...
Summerquinnnemec: Yeah, yeah.. but today you actually proved it. ::grin::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Yeah... so, omelet?
Summerquinnnemec: Yes, mushroom, swiss with avocado.. hashbrowns, and a big ass orange juice.. please..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::raises an eyebrow:: Alright then... ::relays this to the talky speaker thingie::
Summerquinnnemec: ::waits patiently, starving::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::drives up to the window and pays and gets food and all that junk::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::hands it over to Summer:;
Summerquinnnemec: ::takes food, and begins filling face::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::smiles and pulls back into traffic, on way to hospital::
Summerquinnnemec: Nutritionist d00d: ::brings Jarrod a breakfast tray, food looks icky::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::wrinkles nose:: I think I need some coffee...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::looks at tray:: There is no way I'm eating this... ::disgusted expression::
Booya Yeah Moony: Ohh, come on. It must be good for you.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::frowns:: Look at it.. ::points at grayish eggs:: Ick.
Booya Yeah Moony: If it weren't healthy, it wouldn't be in a hospital. Now eat.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Do I have to?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nod:: Of course you do.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::sigh:: Alright.. ::takes a small bite, gags, but swallows::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grins:: See? Not too bad. But I need coffee. ::stands::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::nods, still frowning::
Booya Yeah Moony: I'll be back in a few, okay?
Summerquinnnemec: ::devours omelet in like two minutes flat::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Okay.. I love you..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks, fighting urge to stare at her and keeps eyes on road::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles:: I love you, too.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::arrives at hospital::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::ventures off to find one of those awesome coffee vending machines::
Summerquinnnemec: ::finishes 44oz juice as he pulls into parking spot::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: .......
Summerquinnnemec: What?.. I was thirsty..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins and shakes his head as he gets out of the car::
Summerquinnnemec: ::gets out of the car, grabs hold of his hand::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::squeezes her hand and heads into the hospital::
Summerquinnnemec: ::squeezes his hand and skips along beside him, all giddy::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::tilts head at her and goes toward... wherever Jarrod's room is:: You're in a good mood.
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles adoringly at him:: Yup, I am! ::bounces and kisses his cheek, then continues skipping to Jarrod's room::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins as they arrive at Jarrod's room; knocks on the door as they enter:: Hey.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Hey...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: How're you feeling?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Better... except they're trying to kill me with this crap they call food...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: can't be *that* bad.
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks at the food, grimaces and gags, looks away quickly::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns::... sick again?
Summerquinnnemec: ::nods:: That stuff is disgusting...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks at it and pulls a face:: isn't it supposed to be... y'know, good for you?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You didn't have to eat it, Knee made me.. ::blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns:: Knee?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Yeah, she came by.. we made up...::mumbles:: got engaged.. ::blink::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks::...what?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Huh?
Summerquinnnemec: ::blink::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: What was that last bit?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: We got engaged ::smiles::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::raises an eyebrow:: Really?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Absolutely.. she just steped out for coffee.. she stayed with me all night..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks at Sum:: Huh.
Summerquinnnemec: ::blinks, speechless, shrugs::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Last I saw her she was catatonic...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: She spoke just fine...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::shrugs:: Maybe you said something that worked?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks at Jarrod and grins:: never mind. Congratulations.
Summerquinnnemec: Indeed, Congratulations ::smiles::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Thanks guys.. I was worried you'd be upset..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: I'm not upset... yet, anyway. If she pulls anything like yesterday, though...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: She won't.. she says it's over.. she said she loves me..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods:: I hope she's right.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::comes back with coffee and stops in the doorway:: ....oh. ::blink::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Hey sweetheart ::smiles::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles nervously:: hi.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks at her and nods:: Hi.
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks up:: hi Courtknee.. ::awkward::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::waves and moves over to the chair beside Jarrod and sits::
Summerquinnnemec: Congratulations... hope you guys will be happy together
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles a little and looks at Jarrod:: i take it you told them?
Summerquinnnemec: ::makes the mistake of looking at breakfast tray, runs to the bathroom to vomit::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blinks:: Yeah.. I did.. is she alright Jonas?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns:: Yeah... just a little... y'know, morning sickness. ::wrinkles nose::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: She's pregnant? ::smiles::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks and smiles::... really?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Wow.. Congratulations... I'm gonna be an ::smiles::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: I'm gonna be dad. ::grins more:: even cooler.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I see you're happy about it.. that's great Jonas..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods, still grinning::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles nervously and looks at the floor::
Summerquinnnemec: ::comes back in avoids looking at tray::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::tilts head at her:: Feeling better?
Summerquinnnemec: ::nods:: Umm.. can you make that tray of..*food* go away somewhere else ::wrinkles up nose::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks at Jarrod:: Want me to get rid of it?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blurts out:: God yes!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: right... ::takes the tray and goes to find one of those... food tray carts that are always hanging out in the hallways::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks up at Summer:: Hey... congratulations on the... baby thing. ::smiles a little::
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles:: Oh.. thanks.. I'm super happy about it..
Summerquinnnemec: not happy about the whole vomiting thing.. but the baby thing is cool..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: Of course you are. It's great, for you, I'm sure...
Booya Yeah Moony: ...except the puking.
Summerquinnnemec: ::nods:: I haven't been this happy since I got together with Jonas..
Booya Yeah Moony:'ve been trying for so long... ::looks at the floor again::
Summerquinnnemec: ..yeah.. ::suddenly feels awkward again, remembering ugly things said::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::comes back::... did you know they have a whole room filled with snack packs?
Summerquinnnemec: Ummm... sorry about yesterday.. the yelling..the shaking and the slapping...
Summerquinnnemec: ::blinks:: snack packs?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: y'know, pudding.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods at Summer:: You were right. Don't worry about it.
Summerquinnnemec: ::nods:: I was a bitch.. I'm sorry
Booya Yeah Moony: You had a right to. Don't worry about it. ::smiles a little::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: See.. I told you she didn't hate you...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles at Jarrod:: Yeah.
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles:: You know I love you right, Court?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: Yes... ::reaches and grabs hold of his hand::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods and looks at the floor::
Summerquinnnemec: ::bounces:: so.. wedding... big, small.. are the in-laws coming? ::frowns at this::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks up:: umm... ::looks at Jarrod:: I dunno.
Summerquinnnemec: ::pouts:: You know, those two people who I'm grateful gave you life.. even though they wish to burn me at the stake as a immoral whore.. you know.. your parents..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:... I know who they are. ::blink::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::frowns:: Doubtful.. they'd freak..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:: I thought the marriage thing was a good?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::remembers::...but the sex thing.
Booya Yeah Moony: ...and the pregnant and not yours thing. ::frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks at the floor again::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::nods:: Hey.. they might actually like Summer after this...
Summerquinnnemec: ::frowns:: I doubt that..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns:: You realize they're going to start denying they ever had children, right?
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks at Knee:: Don't feel bad.. they think I'm pure evil...
Booya Yeah Moony: I'll be worse.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Yeah, they already told the neighbors you we're killed in a freak accident. ::blink::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: Really?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks at Jarrod::... do I get to meet these people?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Yep. You tragically were killed testing the Naquardia bomb.. there was a wake and everything, it was weird...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You wanna meet them?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:.......::suddenly curious:: Who was at my wake?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:: I dunno.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Oh the whole neighborhood.. even that girl you crushed on forever... Kayla.. she cried and said she never got to tell you that she'd always loved you... good times..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: huh.
Summerquinnnemec: ::blinks:: Kayla? ::frown::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks at Summer:: Long time ago.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You remember.. the cute girl that you wrote mushy love poems about?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::glares at Jarrod::
Summerquinnnemec: ::frowns:: love poems?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: What? you asked...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:...they weren't, like, good or anything... you know me and...words have this horrible relationship...
Booya Yeah Moony: ....I think maybe you should not discuss that anymore. ::nods toward Sum::
Summerquinnnemec: ...but you never ever even once wrote me one.. ::pout::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::looks at the pouting:: Oops.. sorry..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Yes I did. I just didn't show it to you out of embarasment. This was long ago before I realized how horrible I was...
Summerquinnnemec: ::blinks:: You did? I wanna see it.. ::smiles a little::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: Maybe later. And if you swear not to laugh.
Summerquinnnemec: ::grins:: I swear.. no maybe's I wanna see..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Fine. Later.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: No you don't, he's really awful .. like sad awful
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: He's not wrong.
Summerquinnnemec: ::glares at Jarrod: Hush now..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grins::
Summerquinnnemec: Jonas.. sweetie.. do we have to tell your Mummy and Daddy about the baby? I mean.. you're dead to them apparently...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: For a Grandbaby.. they'll resurect him...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::shrugs:: Well, if Jarrod goes back to inform them about Knee, maybe he can pass the message along...... then HE can get a lecture for both of us...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns:: If I go, I think they may kill me...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blinks:: Oh and I'll get a real warm welcome.. yeah Mom, dad I'm getting married, she's pregnant.. no not by me... Mom.. what are you doing with that knife.. no mommy..nooooooo
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:: ....will they do that?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: I've never feared for my life more than when they found out about Summer. And that's really saying something, considering...
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks at Jonas, frowns:: They *really* hate me that much?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods::
Summerquinnnemec: ::frowns:: No grandkid for them! ::stops foot::
Summerquinnnemec: stomps, even
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns:: ...but you're already pregnant.
Summerquinnnemec: Yeah, but they will never ever see the baby...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Ahh. Well, if they never know, I'm sure they won't mind...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You're not gonna tell them? Wow Jonas... when did you become a liar?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: If I just keep quiet, then I'm not technically lying.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: They hate me anyway.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: They do not hate you.. they're just... disappointed with your life style choices
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:...they hate me. And if not, they hate Summer, and that's enough.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I guess you're right.. maybe we shouldn't tell them about my nuptials either..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Ohh, you gotta tell them about that, at least.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Why?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: After that, you can join the dead but not dead club.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::laughs:: I wonder how I died?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Well, you won't find out until you tell them, I guess.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Well... yeah, I guess... maybe I'll tell them after?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: That would probably be worse.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: How can it be worse?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: To actually go through with it without a word to them? Trust me, they'll find something to do to you...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::sighs:: I could just send them a message through the stargate, then.. they cannot touch me, heh.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ...unless they decided to just come here, but I doubt they would... it being so horrible here and all.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: They think this is a den of sin and impurity, they wouldn't dare come here.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: So, you'd probably be safe that way.
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks at knee:: welcome to the family. ::smirks::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles nervously:: oh, yes.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: At least I didn't give great grandmother's wedding ring set to.. what is their pet name for Sum... Tauri Harlet.. that was a discussion that went on forever..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: See? They hate me.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: No, they hate her.. and the fact that you married her
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Are you forgetting they killed me?
Summerquinnnemec: Okay Jarrod.. I fucking get it, I'm hated... can we drop it now?!?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::hugs Summer::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blinks:: Sorry.
Summerquinnnemec: ::hugs Jonas::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Don't worry about it.
Summerquinnnemec: I'll try not to.. just our kids are not going to have grandparents, and that is sad..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ...You'd rather they have psychotic grandparents?
Summerquinnnemec: No... ::hugs him tight::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses her forehead:: See? Better off.
Summerquinnnemec: ::nods:: Glad you didn't listen to them.. ::smiles::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: Like I would ever listen to them...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I'm so damn hungry.. can't somebody get me something edible?
Booya Yeah Moony: ...are you allowed non-hospital food?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ... question is.. will I survive the hospital food? ::kewt pout::
Booya Yeah Moony: .........I'm sure you will.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::looks at Jonas:: Please?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: What do you want?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::smiles:: a big juicy cheeseburger, medium rare... and a big Pepsi...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:... I really don't think I would be allowed to bring that in here...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod:... sneak it man.. I'm dying here
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks at Summer:: What do you think?
Summerquinnnemec: I think a cheeseburger sounds really really good.. I want one too. ::sweet smile::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::rolls eyes:: fine, fine... I will go get you two some food, then...
Summerquinnnemec: thank you sweetheart.. I wuboo..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses summer:: be back in bit...
Summerquinnnemec: ::is kissed, kisses back:: Okay baby.. ::squeezes his bum::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::squeezed; blinks:: Right. ::leaves::
Summerquinnnemec: Sooo.. you guys, big wedding, or little one.. elopement.. what'cha gonna do?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks up and blinks:: Haven't really thought about it yet... ::looks at Jarrod::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::looks at her:: It's totally up to you.. whatever you wish..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::shrugs:: I dunno... little one, I guess.
Summerquinnnemec: cool, so when?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:: I don't know.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Me either.. how long do you want to wait?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::shrugs:: I dunno.... whenever.
Summerquinnnemec: ::suspicious look: Knee.. wanna show me where they keep the snack packs, please?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks::... why?
Summerquinnnemec: So that I don't get lost...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks again:: Alright... ::gets up and squeezes Jarrod's hand before leaving::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Hurry back love..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grins at him:: will do.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grabs Summer hand and drags her out::
Summerquinnnemec: ::is dragged::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::stops and looks around, trying to remember from which direction she found the snack pack room::
Summerquinnnemec: ::wrist hurts from the grip of the grabbing:: owow...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::lets go:: Sorry.
Summerquinnnemec: ::rubs wrist:: it's okay...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::starts off in the direction of the snack packs::
Summerquinnnemec: Knee.. is everything alright?
Booya Yeah Moony: Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
Summerquinnnemec: I dunno.. you seem.. sad still..
Booya Yeah Moony: I'm not. I'm fine.
Summerquinnnemec: And you really love Jarrod?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:: Yeah.
Summerquinnnemec: You're *in love* with him?
Booya Yeah Moony: .......sure. ::raises an eyebrow::
Summerquinnnemec: I just want to make sure that you're really sure about your feelings... he loves you so much...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: I know.
Summerquinnnemec: I just don't want either of you to get hurt again..
Booya Yeah Moony: Summer. It's fine. Don't worry.
Summerquinnnemec: Okay...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::finds the snack pack room and it's locked::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns:: Damn.
Summerquinnnemec: Oh, well.. ::frown:: we should get back..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: Yeah...
Booya Yeah Moony: :;frowns and starts back, looking at floor::
Summerquinnnemec: ::turns around and heads back::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod's gonna make an awesome Dad...
Booya Yeah Moony: I'm sure he will.
Summerquinnnemec: You think of any names yet?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks and looks up: Uh... no.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks back at the floor:: None at all...
Summerquinnnemec: I guess there's plenty of time for that...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns:: I guess...
Summerquinnnemec: Our kids are so gonna be able to be friends, that is so cool...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::silent::
Summerquinnnemec: ::heads back into Jarrod's room, oblivious::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::follows and goes back to where she was sitting::
Summerquinnnemec: ::bounces around, waiting for Jonas::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::stares at the floor::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Hey, no snack packs?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::looks up::... the room was locked.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Oh.. what's wrong Court?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:: Nothing's wrong.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Okay.. you must be really tired huh?
Booya Yeah Moony: Yeah. Sure... tired... ::looks back at the floor::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I'm tired too.. but I'm more hungry than sleepy..
Booya Yeah Moony: I'm sure Jonas will be back soon.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Yeah... ::grabs remote, clicks on TV, turns to Weather Channel::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::stands up:: I'll be right back, okay?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Sure sweetie.. ::smiles::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods at him and leaves::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::heads to the public restrooms::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::goes into the women's restroom, goes into a stall, sits on a toilet and bursts into tears::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::comes back with... all the food::
Summerquinnnemec: ::grabs bag, gives it to Jarrod::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: grabby.
Summerquinnnemec: You ain't seen nothing yet.. be back Jarrod... ::grabs Jonas' hand and leads him to a Utility closet, that I noticed as I was looking for snack packs::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks::... what?
Summerquinnnemec: ::shuts the door, kisses him hard::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kissed, kisses back::
Summerquinnnemec: ::kisses his neck, bites him lightly::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: should we really do this here?
Summerquinnnemec: ::bites him again:: Oh yes.. we are.. ::kisses him, bites his bottom lip::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::bitten, blinks::... ow.
Summerquinnnemec: ::ignores the painful response, kisses hard again, starts undoing his pants::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::is s3xed?::
Summerquinnnemec: ::roughly s3xes him lyk t0tally::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;tries to be quiet about it; does not wish to be caught::
Summerquinnnemec: ::bites his shoulder lyk hard to stifle a moan, continues with the s3xing::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::bites own lip to keep from yelling, continues with teh s3x::
Summerquinnnemec: ::bites again, and digs fingernails into his back, t0tally continues with the s3xing::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::eats cheeseburger, contentedly watches the Weather Channel::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::in bathroom, crying over self's patheticness::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::dun orgasm::
Summerquinnnemec: ::dun orgasm, blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: That was interesting...
Summerquinnnemec: ::grins:: yeah... did I.. hurt you?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: A little, but not in a bad way.
Summerquinnnemec: ::grins:: Hmmm.. your lip is bleeding..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frowns and puts his hand to his mouth::...oops?
Summerquinnnemec: Guess I kinda got carried away there... ::smirk::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: No biggie.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:... we should probably get back, huh?
Summerquinnnemec: I suppose we should.. can I tie you up when we get home? ::innocent grin::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: We'll see...
Summerquinnnemec: Kay... and you still have to give me my poem.. ::grins, opens the door, skips out of the closet::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:... fine, fine... ::does pants back up and follows::
Summerquinnnemec: ::kisses him lightly, skips back to Jarrod's room::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kissed; follows::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::totally ate both cheeseburgers, still watching Wheather Channel::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:... you ate all of that already?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::looks up, blinks:: Your lips bleeding...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns:: er, yeah... tripped. ::blinks::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::sees bite marks on his neck::...tripped... riiight. ::smirks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: Quiet, you.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::grins:: Damn Jonas.. in the hospital? ::laughs::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: .......again I say quiet.
Summerquinnnemec: ::sees food bag is empty, frowns:: You ate my cheeseburger?!?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:...he ate YOUR cheeseburger!?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::looks kewt:: I.. was hungry.. ::blinks::::
Summerquinnnemec: ::nods:: the bag is empty
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:...does this mean I have to go get another one?
Summerquinnnemec: ::frown:: no.... I'll just wait 'til we head home ::pout::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Yeah, alright.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: You were gone.. quite awhile... I couldn't help it..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas; :;rolls eyes::
Summerquinnnemec: It's fine... it was worth it.. ::grins::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: I'm sure it was...
Summerquinnnemec: Where's Knee?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:..... ::blinks:: She wasn't here before?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I don't know... she said she'd be right back...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Maybe she changed her mind about being with me? ::frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: When was that?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frowns:: Don't think that. MAybe she got lost...?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Before you got back...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks at Summer:: You didn't see where she went?
Summerquinnnemec: ::shakes head:: no.. I was distracted by... urges.. ::blink::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: Oh.
Summerquinnnemec: Maybe she wasn't feeling well.. ya know, nauseated.. I could go check the bathroom...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Maybe you should...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Yeah.. she was looking like she didn't feel well...
Summerquinnnemec: ::nods:: Okay.. I'll go check the bathroom.. ::kisses Jonas::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses back::
Summerquinnnemec: ::heads to the bathrooms::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::has stopped crying by now; still just sitting in the bathroom stall::
Summerquinnnemec: ::comes into the bathroom:: Courtknee? are you in here?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::lifts feet up and braces them against the sides of stall in attempt to make self invisible::
Summerquinnnemec: Knee..? ::mumbles:: that'sjustgreatshetookoffonhim,shit...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks::
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks in mirror, sees hair is messy from the s3xing, fixes it::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits there, waiting for her to leave::
Summerquinnnemec: ::sighs, mumbles:: how do I tell him I can't find her.. fuck.. ::leaves::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sets feet back down and whimpers::
Summerquinnnemec: ::heads back into Jarrod's room, frowns:: Umm.. nope.. not in the bathroom...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frowns:: Snack Pack room?
Summerquinnnemec: Locked..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns::... another bathroom?
Summerquinnnemec: ::shrugs:: Perhaps.. I dunno..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks::
Summerquinnnemec: ::sighs::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::saddened expression::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: I'm sure she's around, Jarrod.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: Maybe all the talk about Mom and Dad scared her off..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::raises eyebrows:: I'm sure she's around.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: If you say so.. ::looks unconvinced::
Summerquinnnemec: ::frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sighs and looks at Summer and whispers:: You sure she's not hiding from you or something?
Summerquinnnemec: ::whispers:: Anything is possible.. you want me to check again?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods::
Summerquinnnemec: ::nods:: okay.. I'll be back..
Summerquinnnemec: ::skitters off back to the bathroom::
Summerquinnnemec: ::quietly opens the bathroom door::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::lifts feet back up::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::can see that shit open::
Summerquinnnemec: ::tries each door individually to see if they open::
Booya Yeah Moony: ;:holds breath::
Summerquinnnemec: ::pushes a door that will not open, knocks on it::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sits and blinks::
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks under the door::
Summerquinnnemec: ::sees nothing::
Summerquinnnemec: Courtknee?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks::
Summerquinnnemec: I swear to God if I have to get down on this nasty floor to look under there and you are there... there will be ain inflicted upon you...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::frowns:: what do you want?
Summerquinnnemec: pain, even
Summerquinnnemec: ::frowns:: What the fuck is going on?
Booya Yeah Moony: Nothing.
Summerquinnnemec: What are you doing in there?
Booya Yeah Moony: Sitting.
Summerquinnnemec: Why?
Booya Yeah Moony: Because.
Summerquinnnemec: ::frowns:: I'm in no mood for this cryptic shit.. Jarrod is sure you've changed your mind about him.. what am I supposed to tell him?
Booya Yeah Moony: I haven't. I just want to be alone for a while, okay?
Summerquinnnemec: In a nasty filthy bathroom? What is it with you and dirty bathrooms?
Booya Yeah Moony: Nothing!
Summerquinnnemec: ::sighs:: Well, next time, tell him that.. he's all upset, he doesn't need to be upset anymore, don't you think?
Booya Yeah Moony: No.
Summerquinnnemec: ::sighs:: fine.. be alone.. I'm gonna go tell him everything is alright.. it is alright isn't it?
Booya Yeah Moony: ....... ::frowns:: I don't know.
Summerquinnnemec: ::leans against the wall: Knee.. what's going on with you?
Booya Yeah Moony: ... I'm getting an abortion.
Summerquinnnemec: Excuse me?
Booya Yeah Moony: I'm getting an abortion.
Summerquinnnemec: Why.. you're getting married... I don't get it..
Booya Yeah Moony: It's Rodney's.
Booya Yeah Moony: And I don't want it anyway.
Summerquinnnemec: ::sighs:: you don't want to put it up for adoption?
Booya Yeah Moony: No.
Summerquinnnemec: ::frown:: I can't tell you what to do... I wish you wouldn't... but.. ::starts to cry a little:: it's your decision..
Booya Yeah Moony: No one's making it any easier...
Summerquinnnemec: ::sniffles:: I'm sorry... you want me to lie about how I feel?
Booya Yeah Moony: no.
Summerquinnnemec: I'm not trying to make this harder on you.. I just don't agree with abortion when it's not necessary for your physical health, or the child is the result of rape... that's just how I feel.. I'm sorry..
Booya Yeah Moony: I just don't want to have this baby.
Summerquinnnemec: Well.. I can't make you have it...
Booya Yeah Moony: no
Summerquinnnemec: ::sigh:: I love you.. I just don't agree with it, doesn't make me love you any less..
Booya Yeah Moony: I know.
Summerquinnnemec: So.. you'll do whatever it is you've decided.. and we'll just move on from there.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::sighs:: yeah.
Summerquinnnemec: Soo.. you gonna keep sitting in this smelly room, or are you gonna go tell your finace that you haven't left him cause his psycho parents have scared you out of your mind?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks:: his psycho parents have scared me. But I'll go back anyway...
Booya Yeah Moony: ::opens the door and comes out::
Summerquinnnemec: Hey.. they'll murder me first.. Jonas is their favorite, and I wholy corrupted him.. ::smiles::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::grins:: I got the baby, though.
Summerquinnnemec: true.. you're right.. you're toast! ::grins, hugs her::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::hugs:: joy.
Summerquinnnemec: Oh well.. we'll die young and beautiful...
Summerquinnnemec: c'mon, let's get out of here..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: alright...
Summerquinnnemec: ::heads back to Jarrod's room::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::follows::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::stares at the TV screen::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::leaning against the wall, watching TV as well::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks up and smiles:: Found her, I see.
Summerquinnnemec: ::nods:: mission accomplished.
Booya Yeah Moony: ::moves over to sit next to Jarrod again::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::smiles:: Hey.. I thought you'd gone for good..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::shakes head and smiles weakly:: No... told you you were stuck with me.
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::smiles:: I love you... I was lonely there for a while.. Jonas and Summer wen't and jumped eachother somewhere here in the hospital.. ::grins::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::blinks and looks at them:: not suprising.
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles innocently::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: my lip still bleeding?
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I'm sleepy.. I asked the nurse to bring in a cot for you, if you want to stay...
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks at his lip:: no... but it will be later on.. ::evil grin::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles:: I'll stay if you want me to.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: I'd like that.. they said you can use the shower if you need to. ::points to the private bathroom::
Summerquinnnemec: ::grabs Jonas' hand:: I think that's a hint babe...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: hint for what?
Summerquinnnemec: I think your brother wants some sleep..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns:: Oh. Alright, we can go, then...
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: See ya later Jonas.. Sum..
Booya Yeah Moony: ::waves:: Have fun.
Summerquinnnemec: Okay.. feel better.. ::blinks at Knee:: Oh.. we will...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins and nods::
Summerquinnnemec: ::holds Jonas' hand and skips toward the exit::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::dragged a bit from Summer's skippage::
Summerquinnnemec: You wanna drive?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Yes!
Summerquinnnemec: Do I get my poem.. and get to handcuff you to one of the dining room chairs? ::evil, evil grin::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: not so sure you'll want to after the poem
Summerquinnnemec: Oh.. I'll want to... oh.. how do you feel about.. slapping?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: not sure... guess we'll find out, right?
Summerquinnnemec: ::grins:: Yes, we sure will.. okay.. you may drive.. and fast please!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::bounces and goes to the car::
Summerquinnnemec: ::bounces to the car, gets in buckles up::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::gets in and tears out of the parkinglot::
Summerquinnnemec: ::holds on tight staring at him all turned on by his excitement of driving::
Summerquinnnemec: Jarrod: ::starts to fall asleep::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::smiles at him as he goes to sleep::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::totally goes through a red light, but without incident::
Summerquinnnemec: Nurse: ::brings in a cot:: I guess this is for you.. you want it close to him?
Booya Yeah Moony: ::nods:: Yes, thank you.
Summerquinnnemec: ::is actually turned on by the near miss in the intersection::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::makes a turn and runs up on a curb::
Summerquinnnemec: ::bites lip::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pulls into driveway, narrowly missing the mail box::
Summerquinnnemec: ::totally hawt and turned on from the reckless driving::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks at her and grins::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::gets out of the car::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;runs to other side and opens door::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::unbuckles her and carries her into the house::
Summerquinnnemec: :: is carried, soo turned on by this::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::stops once inside:: Where to?
Summerquinnnemec: dining room!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas ::carries her to the dining room and sets her down on the table::
Summerquinnnemec: ::grins:: Poem babe..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::sighs:: fine... be right back... ::runs upstairs::
Summerquinnnemec: ::rus to kitchen drawer and grabs handcuffs, runs back to dining room::
Booya Yeah Moony: ::climbs onto the cot and goes to sleepy time::
Summerquinnnemec: ::takes them and reads::
Summerquinnnemec: ::smirks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::leans against the table and takes sudden interest in the carpet::
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles, continues to read::
Summerquinnnemec: ::finishes reading them, folds them neatly and places them on the table::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::continues looking at the floor::
Summerquinnnemec: ::stands up and walks over to him...::
Summerquinnnemec: ::throws arms around his neck and kisses him::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kissed, kisses back::
Summerquinnnemec: ::pulls back a little, smiles up at him::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: ...kay?
Summerquinnnemec: I love you...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: I love you too. ::kisses her again::
Summerquinnnemec: ::kissed, kisses back, pushes him toward the nearest dining room chair::
Summerquinnnemec: ::grabs the handcuffs off the table, gives an evil grin:: sit...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks and sits:: ...should I be frightened?
Summerquinnnemec: ::evil laugh:: ... I dunno... what do you think?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::raises eyebrow:: i dunno...
Summerquinnnemec: Hands behind your back please...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::does so::
Summerquinnnemec: ::handcuffs his hands to the back of the chair, takes a step back away from him, grins::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks nervous::
Summerquinnnemec: ::sits up on the buffet, grins some more:: Comfy?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Depends on your deffinition...
Summerquinnnemec: ::jumps down, walks over and slaps him across the face..lightly::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns and blinks at her:: ...ow.
Summerquinnnemec: ::climbs on his lap and kisses him hard::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses back::
Summerquinnnemec: ::pulls back, slaps him again, a little harder::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::looks back up at her and grins::
Summerquinnnemec: ::starts unbuttoning his shirt, and kissing his neck::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::obviously enjoying::
Summerquinnnemec: ::moves in for another kiss... stops and stares at him::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks at her::
Summerquinnnemec: ::moves in and brushes lips against his::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::bites her bottom lip::
Summerquinnnemec: ::blinks.. shocked, but enjoyed this, kisses him really deep::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses::
Summerquinnnemec: ::pulls back, slaps hard::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::slapped, frowns::
Summerquinnnemec: ::starts to undo his pants, slowly, looks up:: should I stop...?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:::blinks at her:: no.
Summerquinnnemec: ::stops, gets off his lap, stands and stares:: maybe I should stop...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;frowns:: why?
Summerquinnnemec: ::grins::
Summerquinnnemec: ::starts to undress, standing far away from him:: it's hot in here.. do you think it's hot in here?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: ...sure.
Summerquinnnemec: ::finishes underessing, looks at him:: How are you doing over there?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks::...fine.
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles:: oh... okay I'm gonna go take a shower then if you're fine where you are... ::evil grin::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks::... oh?
Summerquinnnemec: Unless you *want* something? ::grins::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::stares::... kinda.
Summerquinnnemec: ::walks over slowly:: .........yeah?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: er, um...
Summerquinnnemec: ::climbs on his lap again:: do you... want............ something?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::nods::
Summerquinnnemec: ::starts to undo his pants again:: why should I give it to you?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks::.... because?
Summerquinnnemec: ::bites his neck, looks up at him:: ... oh... what's the matter?.... having difficulty ...........thinking?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: A little.
Summerquinnnemec: ::finishes undoing his pants:: ..... ::kisses him hard, bites his lip::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::bit, kisses back hard::
Summerquinnnemec: :: pulls back, slaps hard one more time:: ....kay... ::proceeds to s3x him::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::s3xed::
Summerquinnnemec: ::dun s3x, mind blowing orgasm, whoa d00d::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::leik t0tally omg::
Summerquinnnemec: ::still on his lap, looks at him:: hey..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: that was certainly... interesting...
Summerquinnnemec: ::grins:: good interesting... or... bad?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Definiately good.
Summerquinnnemec: ::grins:: Yeah? so we can do that again sometime?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Sure.. ::grins::
Summerquinnnemec: ::grins:: your lip is bleeding again...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns:: Damn...
Summerquinnnemec: ::wipes the blood off for him, as has not released him from the cuffs::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;flinch:: ow
Summerquinnnemec: ::frown:: sorry sweetie... oooh... this is a whole new cut.. oops.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::smiles and little and rolls his eyes:: People are going to be wondering what the hell I've been doing...
Summerquinnnemec: ::giggles:: yeah.. well.. I haven't mentioned your neck yet.. ::blinks::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:.... ::wrinkles nose:: What's that look like?
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks nervous:: Ummm.. I think you have to see for yourself... ::tries not to giggle::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: I take it I need to wear a turtle neck next time I go... anywhere?
Summerquinnnemec: Eep! looks like I drew blood there as well... ::touches bite mark::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::wince::
Summerquinnnemec: Uhh.. sorry.. I'll go get some anticeptic..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:.... can I... be free?
Summerquinnnemec: ::blinks:: Oooh.. yeah.. I'll go get the key out of the drawer.. just a sec.. ::gets up off his lap, heads into kitchen::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;waits patiently:;
Summerquinnnemec: ::goes through junk drawer, searching for the key::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;whistles the Charles in Charge theme::
Summerquinnnemec: ::cusses under breath as cannot locate the key::
Summerquinnnemec: ::starts pulling things out of the drawer::
Summerquinnnemec: :: pulls out drawer and dumps it on counter::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: :;hears this::... what's going on?
Summerquinnnemec: Ummm... nothing! ::sounds panicked::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:...............what's going on?
Summerquinnnemec: I..... uh.... shit... having problems here..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas; ::frowns:: What kind of problems?
Summerquinnnemec: ::fear in voice:: I... sorta.. kinda can't locate the key...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:....What!?
Summerquinnnemec: Ummmm.... don't get worked up... I'll find it...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ...I'm stuck here!?
Summerquinnnemec: Just for the moment....
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::frowns::....... what if I have to pee?
Summerquinnnemec: ::frowns:: Do you have to now?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas:
Summerquinnnemec: ..... we'll cross that bridge when we get there...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ....what if someone comes here?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: They have a tendency to do that.
Summerquinnnemec: Oh.. thank God! ::picks up key:: Found it!
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: Good! Come unlock me.
Summerquinnnemec: ::comes back into the room, cheeks all flushed from the panic, unlocks him:: Sorry.. ::sheepish expression::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::smiles at her and runs upstairs::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::runs into the nice bathroom::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::comes back downstairs:: thinking about needing to pee made me have to pee.
Summerquinnnemec: ::starting to get dressed:: Oh... I see.. ::giggles::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::shrugs::
Summerquinnnemec: maybe next time I'll let you handcuff me to the bed...
Summerquinnnemec: ::continues with the dressing::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins::
Summerquinnnemec: how's your neck?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks:: I didn't even look at it... :;frowns and puts a hand to his neck::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: It really look that bad?
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks at him, nods:: Yeah, you are bleeding..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::pulls his hand back and looks at it and frowns:: oh
Summerquinnnemec: Sorry...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: Maybe I should go fix this up, huh? And get a sweater on...
Summerquinnnemec: Yeah... guess so.. ::grins:: Your cheeks are still red...
Summerquinnnemec: ::dashes to the stairs::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::grins:: and who's fault is that?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blinks and follows::
Summerquinnnemec: ::giggles and runs up the stairs::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::follows::
Summerquinnnemec: ::runs into the bedroom, to the bathroom, still giggling like a nit::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::still following, gives her an odd look::
Summerquinnnemec: ::grabs the anticeptic and gause:: ahem.. let's fix you up..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::goes over to her:: alright....... as long as it doesn't hurt... more...
Summerquinnnemec: ::applies anticeptic to gause and blots it on his neck::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::winces again::
Summerquinnnemec: ::frowns, applies ointment::
Summerquinnnemec: ::puts on a gause square, tapes in on:: there...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::smiles:: thanks.
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles:: You're welcome baby.. ::stares at him::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::being stared at, blinks:: Yes?
Summerquinnnemec: Just thinking about my poems.. ::smiles::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blushes and looks at the floor:: oh yeah, *those*...
Summerquinnnemec: ::caresses his cheek:: I love them... really.
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::smiles a little:: Sure.
Summerquinnnemec: ::looks him in the eyes:: I mean it... I love them.. and I love you even more than I already did...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::still blushing:: I love you... just wish I were a little bit... I dunno, less nerdy?
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles:: I love you... and I wouldn't change a single thing about you... you are.. perfection, why change that?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::blushes more::... I dunno.
Summerquinnnemec: ::kisses him::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses back::
Summerquinnnemec: now.. I think we should go to bed...
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: sleep-bed or other-things-bed? ::grin::
Summerquinnnemec: ::grins:: what do you think?
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ...well... either way, really... ::shrugs and continues to grin::
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles:: well.. I figure we've screwed enough for one day......
Summerquinnnemec: now I want to make love..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::smiles:: That sounds good... and less painful.
Summerquinnnemec: ::kisses him softly:: let's go..
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses and nods::
Summerquinnnemec: ::smiles, kisses him, heads over to the bed::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::kisses and follows::
Summerquinnnemec: ::undresses again, gets in bed::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::follows suit, grinning like a maniac::
Summerquinnnemec: ::totally makes love to him slowly and gently::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::totally::
Summerquinnnemec: ::orgasm, dun with teh love making, snuggles and falls asleep::
Booya Yeah Moony: Jonas: ::also orgasm, snuggles and nuzzles while she sleeps... falls asleep himself eventually::