x Desala x: Bridgette: *in her office as usual, actually doing paperwork!*
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *knocks a little and leans on the doorframe*
x Desala x: Bridgette: *turns around* Well, hey, look who popped out of his cave *smirk*
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *rubs at the back of his neck tiredly* Ran out of coffee, thought I'd stop by and say hey.
x Desala x: *pours him a cup* *gives it to him* Well, sit down, babe, take a load off.
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *slumps into a chair, taking a long swig of coffee* How have you been?
x Desala x: I've been alright. I just got a message about our next mission. We leave in a week.
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *nods a little* You excited? Where are you going?
x Desala x: *looks at the printout because omg cannot memorize code names for shit* P5X-651. Supposedly they're friends of the Tollan, and we're just now finding out about them.
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *nods a little* Sounds like it'll be well worth the trip. *rubs at his face* I've been cooped up in here, too long...
x Desala x: Eh, I can finish this crap later. *dismissive wave at the paperwork* Wanna get outta here and get something to eat?
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *grin* I thought you'd never ask. *holds a hand out to help her up*
x Desala x: *takes it, smiles at him* Let's go.
x Desala x: *drives to the cafe*
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *gets them a booth, orders coffee and waffles*
x Desala x: *orders coffee and a Mexican omelet* So, what's new with SG-1? Heard from Tea'lc yet?
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *headshake* I haven’t really heard from anyone. Jack gave me a tablet from P35-992, and told me it was the priority. It’s why I've been shut up, for so long. It looks to be ancient in origin...
x Desala x: Ancient, huh? *grin* Nice. Have you figured out what it says yet?
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: I've picked out some of the basic verbs and verb tenses, but their language is more complex than most any other language I've encountered, I think it'd give English a run for its money, when it comes to complicated and useless turns of phrase. *geeky smile*
x Desala x: Maybe I can help you? I've run across a couple of Ancient tablets in my years at the SGC.
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: Definitely. I'd love the help, I feel like I'm starting to think, in Ancient. *reaches out and touches her hand briefly, but affectionately*
x Desala x: *goes all lighthearted and stuff at Daniel's touch* I guess you didn't learn any Ancient when you were ascended?
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: I'm not really sure...there is so much information that I cant even get access to, now that I'm descended... *mulls over the loss of information*
x Desala x: Hey, no pressure, hun. I just wanted to know. God, I wish we could go to Atlantis...that would help us alot.
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *frowns at the mention of Atlantis.* I know, the wealth of information there, is insane. But Jack... *sighs deeply* Jack swears I'm needed here.
x Desala x: I guess I could see where he's coming from, and I know HE'S not gonna let me go....*frown*
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: I can kind of see his point, though... *torn between the scientific gain, and being protective*
x Desala x: Yeah, I guess. Who knows, one day he'll let us go, just not anytime soon...
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: Do you know the military to scientist ratio out there? Even with the project being run by a civilian... *sighs and shakes his head*
x Desala x: Shame....I've heard talk that they want the military to take over control of Atlantis. Don't ask me where or who I heard it from, but there it is. *sigh*
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: It wouldn’t surprise me. But Jack trusts Dr. Weir, so as long as she's around, I don’t see things changing too much.
x Desala x: Yeah. Let's hope.
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *sips his coffee and smiles cutely at her* You look nice today.
x Desala x: *giggle* Oh this old thing? *picks at her pink blouse* I've had it for about a year. But thank you. *touches his hand*
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *small blush creeps up his neck* Pink looks good on you.
x Desala x: Really? I always favored blue.
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *averts eyes* Everything looks good on you.
x Desala x: *blushes insanely* Thank you, Danny. You're sweet. *beams at him*
ShadesOfWild: Daniel: *big, doofy grin* So I was thinking...Thai food for dinner, and maybe we could rent a movie?
x Desala x: Sounds great. *smile*
ShadesOfWild: There is a really great movie called Amelie. Have you seen it?
x Desala x: No, I haven't even heard of it? *laugh* But I’m open to new things.