(no subject)

Mar 27, 2005 19:49

Nemecs ROOs: John: Good, cause I think Jonas would kill you before I got the chance... damn possessive pain in the ass... you know he's gonna make our friendship impossible... right?
xdesalax: Aiden: eh....give him time. He tends to hold a grudge for quite a long time, doesn't he?
Nemecs ROOs: John: ::mutters under breath:: lousy loud mouth McKay... ::blink:: He does... what is up with that man? She's my God-sister for Christ sake... I held her when she was a baby...
shadesofwild: (Bed now. *ded with sleep yo* )
xdesalax: Aiden: Whoa....didn't know she was your god sister
shadesofwild: ( <3 Bye!)
Nemecs ROOs: (night ::hugs:: )
xdesalax: (Night! *hug*)
*** shadesofwild has left the chat.
Nemecs ROOs: John: ::nod:: Yeah man, I've known her from the day she was born...
xdesalax: Aiden: That's awesome....and Jonas doesn't care about that?
Nemecs ROOs: John: No... it's the fact that I was her first... that bugs the fuck out of him...
xdesalax: Aiden: Ah....look, those two are maddeningly in love. Eventually, hell come around. He cant be mad at you forever
Nemecs ROOs: John: Maybe... course Vegas didn't help... man how could you let me get up there and sing that damn song?
xdesalax: Aiden: You were drunk, and I really didn't want to cause a scene....I guess this is partly my fault.
Nemecs ROOs: John: I'm lucky Jonas didn't box my ears
xdesalax: Aiden: Jonas doesnt strike me as a man who would do that.
xdesalax: Aiden: After all....he didnt hurt Daniel when he kissed Summer
Nemecs ROOs: John: Oh he would... he beat the hell out of McKay when he groped Summer...
xdesalax: Aiden: McKay groped Summer?? When was this?
Nemecs ROOs: John: ::nods:: Just before the divorce... he did it in front of Courtknee too... he groped and stuck his tongue down Summer's throat and then pinned her down on the couch and said "You know you want it.."
Nemecs ROOs: John: Jonas came out of the kitchen and it was on...
xdesalax: Aiden: Holy shit....guess I was wrong about Jonas then.
Nemecs ROOs: John: pretty sure the only thing keeping Jonas from pummiling Daniel, was the injury, that and from what I hear, Summer kissed back...
xdesalax: Aiden: Oh yeah.....Daniel told me about that part too.
Nemecs ROOs: John: ::headshake:: McKay's an ass though, he did have it coming
xdesalax: Aiden: Yes he is....
Nemecs ROOs: John: he calls Sum a slut... fucking jerk. Anyhow... did you know Kerri knows Sum? How damn awkward is that?
xdesalax: Aiden: Weird. How long have those two known each other?
Nemecs ROOs: John: From what Kerri said... awhile, before Sum married Jonas... ::blinks:: Oh fucking hell... ::realization:: I was "with" Sum before Jonas... oh crap crap crap!
xdesalax: Aiden: And this is a problem how?
Nemecs ROOs: John: Chicks TALK... ::facepalm::
xdesalax: Aiden: So.....Kerri might know some stuff already....oh crap.
Nemecs ROOs: John: ::nods:: Yeah... only she doesn't know she knows, y'know?
xdesalax: Aiden: But she might remember later on.....
Nemecs ROOs: John: Crap, crap, crap... what do I do?
xdesalax: Aiden: Calm down, man. Not all of the stuff Kerri heard could have been bad.
Nemecs ROOs: John: Not just the bad stuff Aiden... the *good* stuff too... Kerri already flipped when I said Summer was the love of my life...
xdesalax: Aiden: You siad Sum was the love of your life.....eek.
Nemecs ROOs: John: I have a concussion... my mouth wouldn't shut up...
xdesalax: Aiden: *pats John's shoulder* I feel ya man....but obviously she didn't freak too much. She's still here.
Nemecs ROOs: John: ::nods:: said she's jealous though...
xdesalax: Aiden: She shouldn't be.
Nemecs ROOs: John: women...
xdesalax: Aiden: Heh.
Nemecs ROOs: John: Guess I just gotta hope for the best, eh?
xdesalax: Aiden: Yeah.....I'm so jealous of you two....listen, if you meet someone really awesome....introduce me to them, OK...and I should tell you that gender is irrelevent... and.oh shit....* panic omg* did I just say that last bit?
Nemecs ROOs: John: ::blink:: why yes, yes you did...
xdesalax: Aiden: Um...forget I said that....sir.
Nemecs ROOs: John: Forgotten... seriously...
xdesalax: Aiden: *fears that teh Johnny is homophobic* Right...
Nemecs ROOs: John: ::is military and adheres to the "don't ask, don't tell" guidelines, and is so not as thinks Carson is an awesome dude omg:: Yeah... so... ::awkward::
xdesalax: Aiden: *awkward too omg* So...
Nemecs ROOs: John: ::yawns as omg Kerri kept him up all night::
xdesalax: Aiden: You look tired. I'll let you get some rest.
Nemecs ROOs: John: Thanks Ford... I should Kerri should be back soon, and well, there won't be any rest after that ::grins like a nit::
xdesalax: Aiden: *smirk* I suppose not. I'm gonna go bug Bridge...see ya later. *walks out*
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