Title: Storm of the Century Fandom: Once Upon a Time Characters: David Nolan, Original Female Character (Ariel/Aria Benson) Summary: David is beginning to feel like this existence isn't real. He meets a girl from the sea and thinks he's starting to figure it all out when the air ripples and he's back to square one.
Why yes, Storeybrooke IS near a beach. I read somewhere that the writers wanted to bring in the Little Mermaid and it got me thinking. This is where I ended up.
I've never actually made anything for anyone that had an account there. I've always just put the name there because it seemed like the thing to do with gifts. Hooray for it finally meaning something!!!!!
Title: Balcony Five Characters: Ronon, Teyla Summary: This story is set post-Enemy at the Gate. The Wraith have come to Earth, bringing their own brand of terror to the Milky Way. Atlantis has been packed with people and sent back to the Pegasus galaxy. Everyone has lost someone or something but Ronon isn't dealing well with his new losses.
While this is the first story in a planned series, it can be read as a stand-alone. The series will be Ronon/Teyla but this story is more friendship than pairing. Sorry about that... it didn't exactly go where I was planning for it to go.
You are very welcome! I'll try to remember to let you know when the other parts come out. I have this whole big idea in my head but don't want to wait for any big bangs or anything. I think this will be the year I just go back to writing things chapter by chapter!
Comments 55
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Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Characters: David Nolan, Original Female Character (Ariel/Aria Benson)
Summary: David is beginning to feel like this existence isn't real. He meets a girl from the sea and thinks he's starting to figure it all out when the air ripples and he's back to square one.
Why yes, Storeybrooke IS near a beach. I read somewhere that the writers wanted to bring in the Little Mermaid and it got me thinking. This is where I ended up.
Story Here
Characters: Ronon, Teyla
Summary: This story is set post-Enemy at the Gate. The Wraith have come to Earth, bringing their own brand of terror to the Milky Way. Atlantis has been packed with people and sent back to the Pegasus galaxy. Everyone has lost someone or something but Ronon isn't dealing well with his new losses.
While this is the first story in a planned series, it can be read as a stand-alone. The series will be Ronon/Teyla but this story is more friendship than pairing. Sorry about that... it didn't exactly go where I was planning for it to go.
At AO3
I LOVED IT!!! There really needs to be more Ronon/Teyla fic out there, whether its friendshippy or more.
THANK YOU SO MUCH, BABE! What a fantastic gift ♥
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