Well, first of all, I'm wary of your numbers (3 out of 10 guys thinking of rape? I really don't think so). But i will give you 3 out of 10 making a comment of somekind, most defintly
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The are always checks on the human population, i.e. famine that show that sustainability is not always possible. The I guess you would call it population bible was written by Thomas Malthus (I hope I didn't get names mixed up). Basically in his observations he noticed that the unchecked population growth increases at a geometric rate (1, 2, 4, 8, 16...) while the means of sustenance grow arithmetically. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5...) These findings were caused Malthus to become fearful that if the population growth was not provided with any preventative restraints that the future of our race would be one of catastrophic checks on population. Take into mind that this was written during the population explosion of the 19th century, but it remains the most famous writing about population ever
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You make a large point out of "chasing the orgasm" but if thats all there is in an intimate relation ship then you are probably with the wrong person for the wrong reason. There is so much more to get out of a close relationship. And maybe for people who do the casual thing that is less true, but if you don't connect with the other person then what real need do you have of them. Not everyone is a sex fiend but some are, and your right some of the shit that happens is scary and difficult to under stand, but for some it is partially biology that has messed them up, still no excuse really. I think I understand where you are coming from in this whole post, but I agree with Dan in saying that the orgasm doesn't control our lives, like he said very few people need to "whip it out in public cause i need a fix." It's really something that more-so gets suck in your mind than an uncontrollable physical need.
Comments 3
You make a large point out of "chasing the orgasm" but if thats all there is in an intimate relation ship then you are probably with the wrong person for the wrong reason. There is so much more to get out of a close relationship. And maybe for people who do the casual thing that is less true, but if you don't connect with the other person then what real need do you have of them. Not everyone is a sex fiend but some are, and your right some of the shit that happens is scary and difficult to under stand, but for some it is partially biology that has messed them up, still no excuse really. I think I understand where you are coming from in this whole post, but I agree with Dan in saying that the orgasm doesn't control our lives, like he said very few people need to "whip it out in public cause i need a fix." It's really something that more-so gets suck in your mind than an uncontrollable physical need.
anyway I need to get ready for work.
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