Because I'm bored as all-else at work right now and don't have anything to read,
here's a random meme.
1. What is in the back seat of your car right now?
My car is 800 miles away, but probably the usual winter stuff: windshield de-icer, ice scraper, kitty litter, small shovel, blanket, and probably a stray pop can that worked its way under a seat.
2. Name 3 people who made you smile today?
badtattoos_4, which technically isn't a person but always makes me smile, Liz for sharing a wonderful Guido story, and my boss for giving me a cupcake.
3. What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
4. What will you be doing 3 hours from now?
Working on an illustration due this Wednesday.
5. Most recent clothing purchases?
HEH...recent? I got a camisole through the mail about a month ago, to replace one that was ruined. The last time I did any serious clothes shopping that involved spending over $20 was back in September.
6. What's the last sporting event you watched?
Bits of a hockey game when I was home over Christmas break, though I can't remember the team.
7. Ever go camping?
...kinda? I've been at summer camps in the woods, and I've stayed in campers on the lake, but never the "tent and sleeping bag" type of camping, despite being surrounded by trees.
8. Look to your left, what do you see?
The library security gate, book drop, and a printer. Exciting, non?
9. How many kids do you want?
At this point? None. I'm happy being the kooky aunt to my sister's boy.
10. Have you met anyone famous?
Terry Pratchett is probably the most famous, though I've seen a few celebrities in passing since I've moved to NYC (John Leguizamo and Goran Visnjic being the most prominent- and I managed, with considerable self-restraint, not to make a scene in regards to the latter. But I got a picture.)
11. How did you get one of your scars?
Chicken pox. They form a weird little triangle on my forehead.
12. Three things you are most looking forward to right now.
Finding out about the Society of Illustrators student competition; finishing my book and potentially having a solo exhibition; GRADUATING.
13. TV show or Movie that you FINALLY saw recently that everyone else has already seen.
The Maltese Falcon. It's one of those classics that I never got around to watching, but I'm glad I did, now.
14. TV show you are most looking forward to the next season of.
MOONLIGHT HOLY COW. I don't care if people say it's cheesy or call it a guilty pleasure. I LOVE it.
Good GRIEF it's dead in here. Can't someone try to steal a book, or something?