21 Feb: All items in stock and ordered except for bluemt(tingting). Will update again when items are shipped.
27 Feb: GOOD NEWS! =) Alloy has shipped our items out! yay! updates again when it reaches vpost!
08 Mar: Items have reached vPost! update again when it reaches Singapore!
14 Mar: the items have reached singapore. but noone was home! my mum will stay home tmr to receive the package
15 Mar: I have received the items. Mass Emailed Everyone!
p.s: please take note that this is my first alloy spree, so pls. don't join if you are not comfortable with that...
p.p.s: i am only taking in ONE batch. so please count and don't transfer after the cap is reached. I AM SERIOUS about this.
Some things to note before joining:
1. No payment, No order.
2. Updates will be done on this page, so PLEASE BOOKMARK this page. if there isn't any updates, it means your items are still on the way to Singapore!:) I will mass-email when the items reach.
3. mode of delivery: 1 mass meetup and normal/registered postage (will include $0.50 wrapping fee which will be collected when your items arrive in Singapore)
5. Please check your url link properly before posting, if your colours or items are incorrect, I will not hold any responsibility.
6. Once the spree is closed, please do not make changes to your order.
7. If response is bad/ my card is not accepted, spree will be cancelled. Please understand:).
Details of Spree
1. Website :
http://www.alloy.com 2. Capping at USD 225 or Wed Evening 11pm (whichever earlier)
3. Shipping
- alloy > VPost Usa > Singapore > ME > you.
Using free shipping within US to VPOST.
Handling charge will be splitted among the number of items.
Vpost Shipping fees will be based on the units per item.
For a rough guide:
shirts/ teeshirts/blouses - 1 unit
hoodies/cardigans - 1.5 units
bottoms/denim jeans and jackets- 2 units
shoes - 2 units
(to be advised/revised upon arrival of items)
4. my email: stef.or@gmail.com
5. payments should be made to:
POSB SAVINGS 193-34048-2
for ibanking, please enter lehc_ar as PAYEE name, and YOUR LJ nick as your initials. THANKS (:
(ibanking and atm transfers only. no inter bank transfers)
6. Exchange rate : USD1= SGD 1.58
7. Format of order:
*if you are ordering 2 of the same item, pls post as separate items. thanks.
Name/LJ nickname:
Email address:
POSB/DBS account and Type:
Item #1
Item Name:
Price in USD:
Alt. if OOS:
Alt URL:
Item #2
Item name:
Price in USD:
Alt. if OOS:
Alt. URL:
total no. of items:
total price in USD=
total price in SGD= (price in USD x 1.58) + (Number of items x $3) = PLS ROUND OFF TO NEAREST CENTS.
**Please post in this format**
Amount transferred:
Transaction reference:
Date and Time(for atm transfers):
thanks girls for the nice feedback (: +39/-0