Okay, i haven't held a WetSeal spree in a while, so here we go again!
10% off!!!
Batch One: Ordered! Batch Two: CLOSED, consolidating!
sgspree feedback [+80/-0] My Terms and Conditions - PLEASE READ!
♥ NO PAYMENT = NO ORDER. Orders will be taken in the order that they are paid (according to my IB statement).
♥ No backordered items.
♥ I will not be responsible if the merchant ships wrong/damaged items, or if items get lost in the mail. However, i will do my best to have the problem rectified for you.
♥ Please send all queries to my email to keep the thread neat.
♥ Items must be collected 2 weeks after they arrive at my house. Any items not collected after 2 weeks will be confiscated.
♥ All updates will be done via email.
1. Website that you are ordering from:
Wet Seal 2. When you will stop taking orders:
Capped at US$220 (before discount) per batch.
3. Your email address:
4. How spree participants should make payment to you:
DBS/POSB Funds Transfer to POSB Savings 056-79858-7. NO INTERBANK TRANSFERS.
IB: You MUST use your lj-nick for transfers. I will not take in orders from unknown/mismatched usernames.
ATM: You MUST post your reference no. within 1 hour of making the transfer. I don't want a bunch of transfers from nameless sources!
There will be 2 payments:
1st: [Cost of item x 1.58 (exchange rate) x 1.05 (ComGateway fees) x 0.9 (10% discount)] + [$3 x no. of units]
2nd: Shipping topups + local postage + $0.50 (handling fee if meetup is not chosen)
5. How you will distribute items:
Local normal/registered postage
One mass meetup (tentative)
Shipping units will be calculated as such:
0.5 units: Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, undies.
1 units: Tees, light tops, light clutches, skirts.
1.5 units: Bermudas, dresses.
2 units: Pants, heavy jumpers.
NOT TAKING BULKY BAGS/SHOES. If you're not sure whether i can accept your item, ASK FIRST!
If you're not sure which category your item belongs to me, please email me to ask. Shipping units are subject to change once i assess the items when they arrive.
6. Exchange rate:
USD$1 = SGD$1.58
7. Shipping details:
WetSeal to ComGateway (free shipping)
ComGateway to my house
8. Format of order:
♥ Reply to your own comment with payment details - DO NOT post a new comment for payment! This is to keep the thread neat.
♥ If you want to change your order, please delete the comment and repost a new one.
♥ Please follow the format below strictly.
♥ Add your item to the cart to ensure availability before posting.
♥ Round UP to the nearest $0.01 for amounts greater than $0.005 - not down!
♥ CHECK, CHECK and DOUBLE-CHECK your orders before posting. If you calculated your item cost wrongly, i reserve the right to not accept your order.
♥ Orders may not be edited once i close the spree.
♥ Frozen comments = payment received!
Email address:
Account type and no. (if there is a need for refunds):
Item #1
Item name:
Alternative (please provide URL, colour and size):
Price in USD:
Item #2:
Item name:
Alternative (please provide URL, colour and size):
Price in USD:
Total in USD:
Total in SGD: [(Price in USD) x 1.58 x 1.05 x 0.9] + [$3 x (no. of shipping units)] =
Paid by: IB/ATM
From account:
Date/time of transfer (for ATM only):
Transaction reference:
Happy spree-ing! :D
Batch One (in USD) - CLOSED, ordered!:
1. star_bling - $5.00
2. simply__me - $12.50
3. sweets_28 - $8.33
4. fangqi - $8.33
5. moosechip - $15.50
6. tippytap - $12.50
7. kittydia - $1.98
8. yang0923 - $8.33
9. noshet - $16.50
10. yockie - $7.99
11. rougeville - $8.50
12. hammie_belly - $5.00
13. purple_junks - $74.50
14. ladyhsu - $19.31
15. valtan - $5.00
16. bsb87angel - $10.50
TOTAL: US$219.77 (before 10% discount)
Batch Two (in USD) - CLOSED:
1. mslittlewitch - $19.98
2. shing2501 - $16.50
3. nettology - $7.99
4. tapyourfeet - $15.50
5. joj3n - $20.83
6. eatsomeeggs - $6.66
7. citricacid88 - $14.65
8. sweets_28 - $9.50
9. liliesinthesky - $10.99
10. niohnioh - $16.50
11. beautavenue - $24.50
12. strawberrymag - $6.66
13. sixteenjuly - $5.00
14. sugar_thing - $21.50
15. strawberry_mee - $13.33
TOTAL: US$210.09 (before 10% discount)