☆東京著衣☆ #2
sgspree feedback: [+48 / 0 / 0] (excluding 3 incorrect format)
Please read:
Terms & Condition:
- Not liable for any mistakes made by the seller. I will try my best.
- Not responsible for any lost mail.
- Not responsible for any defects in the items.
- Pls check before posting
1. website you're ordering from:
http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/show/auctions?userID=mayuki0920&u=:mayuki0920 2. Closing Spree when:
When reach 20 paid items
3. spree organiser's email address:
lingzi_84@yahoo.com.sg 4.Payment:
Please make all payment to POSBSavings a/c 119-55890-5 (Only POSB / DBS).
Please use LJ nick
Internet Banking/ATM is allowed, but pls reply back, so that i know.
No interbank for initial payment.
There will be 2 Transaction all together.
1. For the items + initial shipping ($2)
2. For shipping (if any) and local postage + 50c handling fee (for your envlope, tape, etc)
5. Exchange rate :
1SGD : TW21.05
6. Shipping details:
Will be using debit card for payment
Direct Shipping from Taiwan to Singapore, all charges to be split.
Will be collecting $2/ item for inital shipping
Currently, all consider 1 item.
Shipping will be split accordingly when the item arrived by the no. of items.
(i.e: 0.5 for belts, 1 item for tops. )
7. Update -
all update will be done in here.
8. How you will distribute items
Either by post or meet-up (if i have time )
Local Postal Rates -
There will be an additional $2.24 applicable for registered articles
(because of the new gst rate 7%, posted on Singpost)
Rates for mail items above 2kg as per Speedpost Islandwide Standard (Parcel) items.
Please refer to
Speedpost Islandwide rate chart.For Letters, Postcards, Printed Papers And Small Packets
Literature for the Blind
(Maximum Weight 7kg)
Postage Free Weight Step Not OverNon-Standard Mail
20g 40g50cLarge100g80c250g$1.00500g$1.501kg
9. Format for order
real name/ lj nick: **Important
email address: **important
account no. & type:
item url:
http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/show/auctions?userID=mayuki0920&u=mayuki0920Picture url: Pls paste the link of the picture through a hosting website such as photobucket / imageshack
color: white
size: M
quantity: 1
alt. if OOS: black
price in twd:
item url:
http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/show/auctions?userID=mayuki0920&u=mayuki0920Picture url: Pls paste the link of the picture through a hosting website such as photobucket.
color: white
Size: M
quantity: 1
alt. if OOS: black
price in twd:
Total no. of items:
total in S$: (1st item + 2nd item) / 21.05 + ($2 * no. of items) =
Transaction reference no.:
No. of items accumulated: (ur no. of item + the no. of items from previous poster)
So join only if you are comfortable and willing to wait (4weeks ~6 weeks or more, Tw seller are rather slow)
Updates From Here:
16 Aug
Sorry for the late update.
Received payment from all, freeze comments = received payment.
Already sent orders to seller.
18 Aug
Alternative taken for:
Yanny / shootingspree - 抓皺蕾絲小可愛- 灰色
periwinkle128 - 多層蕾絲小可愛- 米白
The rest are alright. Waiting for seller to quote us the shipping amount.
21 Aug
I already made payment to seller. Now waiting for them to confirm with me, how many items are in-stock.
Our total shipping amount:
Pls post all your details
here I opt for the express shipping, per unit is about $1.72.
0.5 unit - legging and those 小可愛.
1 unit - tops
2 units - dress
Normal postage have been calculated. For registered mail, pls add $2.24.
Red means top-up, black means refund.
If ur top-up is less than 0.10, then no need to transfer.
If ur refund is less than 0.05, then i will not refund..i add ur 0.05 to the next time u spree with me.
Those who wish to take the meet-up, it will be confirm later.
Below is the calculation list. Click on the picture to see the larger view.
Esther / fanaticberry, if mayuki is able to ship our items fast enough, i can do a combine postage (or meet-up) for u, if u want.
yifei/yifei, u do not need to do any transfer, as i still owe u money from the other spree.
22 Aug 07
These items have to wait.
periwinkle128 22165☆多層蕾絲小可愛- 米白
Smith/ stothem 21756☆荳釦棉麻兩件式-湖藍li zhen/ armiorequeen22128☆織花棉麻娃娃裝-深藍Serene3 items
I suppose these would take around 1~2 weeks to reach seller.
28 Aug
Seller Shipped our items. Tracking no.: EE449367555TW
Would take ard 2~3 days to reach Singapore.
Will be able to receive the parcel by end of this week.
30 Aug
Items arrived.
I already sort out the items. Will mail them out asap.
For those meet-up, i will try to arrange one asap.
01 Sept
Mailed out items for some of u.
DateName / LJ nickRemarks31 AugEsther / fanaticberryMailed, refunded with queen #2 Smith/ stothemMailed, RR620206509SG tszshan/missschocoMailed, refund 0.79, Ref no.: 1343182014 shan /6cidMailed 4 SeptYanny / shootingspreeMailed periwinkle128Mailed, refund 0.87, Ref no.: 1343178223 dawn / dawniegalMailed huixin/vieonMailed 6 Septirene/ wolahMailed yifei/yifeiMailed, RR610133460SG,
refund 25.27 (including pinky kiki spree),
Ref no.: 1343186802
need to top-up $2.24 8 SeptShuhui / shbubbaReceived, need to refund 1.14 lih shin / joen8483Received, refund 1.15, ref no.: 1348234759 Jasmine / ppnkcessReceived, refund 2.47, ref no.: 1348236194 11 SeptGrace / kizzes86Received. 12 Septli zhen/ armiorequeenReceived. 16 Septaudrey/ audrey76Mailed.
4 Sept
Mailed some out.
I have e-mail all of u, e-mail consist of the meet-up too.
If you are able to make it on either day, pls keep me inform. Otherwise, i won't know.
6 Sept
Refunds done for those names mention above.
Table updated.
10 Sept
Refunds done for some of u. Table updated.
16 Sept
All mailed!.