(mysgsfeedback +0/-0) 1) Website that i will be ordering from
www.victoriassecret.com 2) The spree will be cap at USD250. Will be using HDAY code for the 30% discount. Take note that you would need to pay for the shipping charges within US too.
3) My email add:
gan_just@yahoo.com.sg ** All the updates of the spree will be on this site so please bookmark this Spree!
4) The exchange rate will be USD$1 = S$1.61
5) Distribution of items : - Normal / Registered Postage only (no meet-ups).
- S$0.50 will be charged for each participant of the spree to cover cost of envelope/ packaging / tape / plastic wrap.
- There will be an additional S$2.00 applicable for registered articles.
6) I will be using Vpost to ship the items. (Shipping charges within US applies!)
7) Payments to me:
POSB Savings 119-70779-0 ** No interbank transfer please
8) Payment Details :
1st Payment : Price of item (USD) * 1.61 + $3 * item weightage (initial shipping) = Price (SGD)
2nd Payment : Vpost Shipping (excess/ shortfall) + Local Postage + $0.50 (for envelopes/packaging)
-Vpost shipping charges will be splitted among the no. of items as follows:
· 0.5 item: jewellery, sunglasses, undies
· 1 item: tees, tanks, shorts, skirts, flip-flops, swimwear, wallets, belts, intimate sets, bra
· 1.5 items: cardigans
· 2 items: dresses, bermudas, polo tees
· 3 items: jeans, jackets, pants, bags, shoes, denim
The above categorization is based on weight and bulkiness of items.
9) Order format
Name / LJ Nick :
Email Address :
Reference Number:
Bank Type/ Bank Account No. :
Item #1
Item Name:
Item No:
Price in USD:
Price after disc: (item price * 0.7) :
Total Number of Items:
Total In USD:
Total In SGD: (USD$ x 1.61) + (No of items * 3) :
Number of items weightage = *refer to item weightage chart above
Payment Details - Please post payment transaction details in reply to your own post
10) My Terms
+ Undies are kept at 7 max in a batch!!!! *may adjust later*
+ Please pay as soon as you order to avoid disapointment. Basically no payment, no order.
+ Join this spree only if you are comfortable.
+ Payments will be accepted from POSB/DBS account or ATM transfer. Please remember to include your reference number. No interbank transfer please.
+ Please do not order prohibited items.
+ I reserve the right to cancel the spree if the response is not good.
+ I will not held responsible if you opt for normal mail. Therefore, registered mail is highly recommended as there will be a tracking number.
+ I will not be held responsible for any wrong orders shipped or any damage resulted enroute to Singapore.
+ Not taking in Back Order!!!!
7 undies in a batch means that first 7 undies will be taken in. in the event if batch two is opened, will take in another seven. This is because Victoria's Secret is capped at 30 items per batch! But if you really want to get undies, you would need to get the same colour, design and size of the on the first seven undies order of this SPREE! Meaning i can add in terms of quantity in the shopping card but i can't add a different size or design if i hit my quota of 30 items! This may seem a bit confusing. Those that are still interested in undies order, please mail me and i will further clarify!
First batch ~~~~~ Diorsnow
Second batch ~~~~~ pwisey
Third batch ~~~~~~ charpoots
Fourth Batch ~~~~~~~~ Angelic_st4r
##Shipping charges will apply if you want the dog. If the above participants do not wish to have it, please let me know. The rest of the participants, pls do not question me as to how i came out with this. It is not according to which batch they are on. They are the first three whom made payment for PINK items!