Must note that this honey is fresh - unpasteurized, from the hive honey provided by a co-worker. Originally intended for the boss-man, but as he left it behind, we were 2nd recipients of choice.
I didn't want to mention that. I mean, that or the peanut butter, and the cheese cloth...
I promise not to use so much in the future. I think the bread was almost too sweet and next time I try a recipe I'll try a more normal loaf (1/2 teaspoon of honey) and see how that goes.
Comments 6
and your way of writing.
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How you been?
There might still be a bee leg or two in it.
I promise not to use so much in the future. I think the bread was almost too sweet and next time I try a recipe I'll try a more normal loaf (1/2 teaspoon of honey) and see how that goes.
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