STICKY POST! More about me than you ever wanted to know...

Jan 01, 2025 00:01

My Bio

I spent my formative years in northern Manitoba where three things made a lasting impression on me; turning into an icicle while walking to school in the winter cold; playing tag till almost 10 PM on long July evenings when dusk stretched on forever; the breathtaking wonder of the aurora borealis as they danced across the sky, the most amazing light show on Earth, right in my backyard. The last one convinced me I needed to be an astronaut when I grew up.

Once past the disappointment of learning NASA didn't accept Canadian schoolgirls into the space program, I settled for following the adventures of Captain Kirk, Major Donald West, and Commander Koenig. In my teens, my family relocated to a small prairie town with zero fannish influence, where SF&F was Just. Not. Cool. In spite of this, I managed to discover many more worlds and adventures through Robert Heinlein, Madeleine L'Engle, Anne McCaffrey, Spider Robinson and other great writers. I would like to thank small town librarians everywhere, who have been responsible for saving the sanity of geeks such as myself over the years. Eventually, I escaped the frozen wastelands and made my way to British Columbia. While you rarely see the Aurora Borealis this far south, the ocean and mountains more than make up for it.

Three things made a big impression on me when I moved to the lower mainland. Winter only comes once every few years; mountains are AWESOME; and, there are a lot of geeks and fans in the Pacific Northwest - the most amazing collection of like-minded people, right in my backyard. That last once convinced me that I was finally home.

Over the years, I've been fortunate enough to find (and be found by) musical fen and introduced to the really fantastically amazing thing known as filk. There were SONGS about my favourite BOOKS and TV SHOWS, and people even wanted ME to write some of my own! It was kind of like coming home all over again.

I'm proud to be called a geek and a nerd. Fandom friends have been amazingly generous to me over the years, and I'm pleased I've been able to contribute back to fandom in various ways; I've run kidcons, hospitality suites, and filk rooms at conventions from Vancouver and Seattle to Vegas, Atlanta and Minneapolis. I even co-chaired a convention, where I discovered three things; I'm much happier as a minion in charge of a department; Larry Niven likes filk and has a pretty decent tenor; filk is one of my favourite thing about cons. Filkers are a most amazing sub-genre of fans, all right there for me to make harmonies with. That last one - well. If you love singing, it’s not like I need to explain it to you.

My Fic

Pretty much all my fic can be found on AO3.

Transformative Works Policy

I grant permission for anyone to create fan works based on stories I have written. Feel free to remix a fic, write a sequel, create fan art, or podfic my works. I simply ask that I be credited for my original work that inspired yours and that you link back to it.

I'd love to see what you did, so please link me to your work if you're willing. It would be great if it was posted on AO3 so I could add it to 'works inspired by this one', but that is not a deal breaker.

Podfic: if any small modifications to the words/dialog are needed to make it flow better, that's fine with me. Please do make mention that you have adapted/altered/modified the work in you podfic 'notes'.

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