Title: Strangers and Friends
Claim: Vin Tanner (Magnificent 7)
Fandoms: Magnificent 7/NCIS
Prompt: 003 - Ends
Summary: When Ducky needs him Vin is there.
Impromptu Meetings and
Table Vin stops in the doorway, suddenly hesitant. He knows he’s not the only one in Ducky’s life, not the only one Ducky cares for, but it’s still a surprise when he sees the hospital room filled with strangers.
There’s two men and a woman. They all seem like such different people. The older man is dressed smartly, expensively. Not quite Ezra’s taste, but Vin’s learned to recognise the quality.
The other man is dressed in a suit that doesn’t quite fit. It’s off the rack and hasn’t been tailored to him, but Vin gets the feeling that even if he was wearing a tailored suit he’d still look just a little out of place.
The woman stands out the most. She dressed all in black and is wearing a dog collar. Vin’s pretty sure that he can see spider-web tattoo peeking out of the neck of her t-shirt.
Ducky’s in the middle of a story, and Vin’s sure he’s heard it before, but at the moment he doesn’t mind, because Ducky sounds okay, even if Vin knows that he isn’t. Ducky stops in the middle of a sentence and Vin realises that Ducky’s staring right at him.
“Kevin,” Ducky says, with a warm smile. He reaches out a hand and Vin’s moving forward before he’s even aware of it, and taking that hand in his own. He ignores the fact that his hands are shaking and no one else comments on it. “You came,” Ducky states, and Vin gives the frail hand a gentle squeeze.
“Of course,” he replies. There really wasn’t any other option. Ducky’s dying. It’s cancer, and there’s nothing Vin can do about it, no one he can put away because sometimes these things just happen. All Vin can think about is being five years old and staring into his mother’s unseeing eyes.
After a moment Ducky continues his story and the woman puts her arm in Vin’s and leans against him just a little. Vin decides that it doesn’t really matter who they are, or what place they hold in Ducky’s life. They’re all there for the same reason and that’s the mildly eccentric, incredibly gentle, impossibly giving man who’s dying and taking a little bit of all of them with him.