Title: Destiny, Interrupted (The Magnificent Seven series)
Claim: Vin Tanner (Magnificent 7)
Fandoms: Magnificent 7/Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: 009 - Months
Summary: Vin helps Chris save Nathan, but that's about as close as it gets to the original.
Set between
Hunter Hunted and
Real Life CowboysI'll see if I can do Firefly next, but I'm not promising it'll be what you're all expecting.
Table Vin gates into chaos. Travelling through the Ring of the Ancestors always carried risks, but he’s never gated into a wraith attack before. He immediately moves away from the gate, slipping in amongst the trees. He’s already drawn enough attention to himself and sticking around to dial out would be a bad idea. It’s better to find cover and wait it out.
He’s not too far into the trees when he hears screaming. He hesitates just long enough for his conscience to kick in and chastise him. His bow is in his hands and strung in seconds and he’s off. He slows when he comes to a clearing. There’s a man tied to a stake with a wraith attached to his chest.
Across the clearing Vin spots a moving shadow that sharpens into a man dressed in black. Their eyes meet and they nod, plan formed and agreed upon without a need for words. The man in black breaks cover and shoots at the wraith, distracting but not really harming him. Vin aims and looses an arrow before the wraith can go for his new ally. The wraith drops almost instantly.
“Nathan, you alright?” the man in black asks as he begins to untie the bound man.
“Been better,” Nathan admits with a wince. “I couldn’t save one of their men and they figured I could be put to another use.”
“Decoy,” the man in black snarls. “It was too close this time.”
“Yeah,” Nathan agrees, rubbing at his chest. Vin can’t be too sure, but it doesn’t look like the wraith took much; a handful of months, maybe a year or two. Nathan turns to look at Vin. “That’s some impressive shooting. And poison, if I’m not mistaken.”
Vin shrugs. They clearly have their secrets and so does he.
“Name’s Chris,” the man in black says.
“Could use a man like you,” Chris offers. Vin feels something flare in his chest before he squashes it firmly. Hope is one of the first things a runner gives up.
Something of the mix of exhaustion and determination he’s feeling must show, because Chris nods and steps forward, into his space. Vin tries to step back but Chris grips the back of his neck and brings him near. It feels too close, too intimate after years of being alone, but the solemnity and weight of Chris’s gaze keeps him in place. Chris gives him coordinates, then repeats them to make sure he’s got it. Vin nods.
“You ever need anything,” Chris tells him softly, like they might be overheard even though there’s no one near, “you go there and we’ll find you.”
Vin knows he’s been trusted with a secret, but he doesn’t know enough about the situation to judge the magnitude or the truth of the declaration. He nods again and when Chris releases him he takes several quick steps back. In moments he’s crashing through the undergrowth once more, longing for open space to ease the feeling of being close in. Nathan’s heated “Chris!” - the beginning of an argument - is lost in the distance behind him.