I've often considered in these past few days to write a lofty, reflective entry in this virtual log book on the nature of friendships and various relationships, and what they've meant to me throughout the years. But, I think it might be more worthwhile to convey such wisdoms (such as they are) by means of another picture post. Here we go!
A familliar kitty that has previously been photografied by myself and the Antlercat.
A similar, but older, cat shows off some lemuresque tail! Yeah!
Forest creatures on a wall in non-horrific ways. All the old-style taverns take note.
Hey-meow there.
Hey-meow back!
And now some gifty pictures, as I've been in a very festive mood these days. Now, one might think that this is a sudden, revolutionary turnaround, but it's actually not. I've, beyond anything, always resented the notion that one should or should not celebrate something. Do what you want and make sure you enjoy it. I celebrate kittymass.
A mass of kitties.
The Antlercat made this ponified Shade! Pretty awesome, yes?
She also sent me all this.. making me feel overwhelmed and loved. Awww.
One of Phano's fantastic paintings on my wall! So serene.
Here's the little Rarity joining in with the other blindbag ponies I have for tea! How's that for a finale?
Always make time for yourself and some tea and allow yourself to enjoy the things that give you pleasure.