Moon wants Don/Mac vision pr0n, Moon gets Don/Mac vision pr0n and awkward denial afterwards.
Series: Sentinel School
Title: Still Waters
Fandoms: Numb3rs/CSI:NY/Sentinel
Pairing: Don/Mac
Summary: Mac and Don share much more than a vision.
Warning: Mature/Adult: don't read it if you aren't old enough. Slash: don't read it if you're offended
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Comments 2
Poor Mac, he must be so confused! He'll have to meet the real Don soon because him and Flack? Ew! That's so wrong, I think it broke my brain! Ow, just imagining what Flack's gonna think of the strange looks Mac and Stella are gonna be giving him after this... OMG, I'm gonna give myself a hernia! LOL!
And Don (Eppes), freaking out and trying to rationalise it all away and all he ends up doing is confusing his shrink! Ha! Priceless! XD
Although, from what I've seen, Don (Eppes) had way better sex with vision!Mac than he ever does with boring!Liz anyway, so he really shouldn't be complaining about the free orgasms no matter what their source. *eg*
And poor Don (both of them), and Mac too. You know I'm not going to make it easy for any of them.
And don't worry, Liz won't last too long once I'm done with them.
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