Title: It's the End of the World
Claim: Vin Tanner (Magnificent 7)
Fandoms: Magnificent 7/Doctor Who
Prompt: 005 - Outsides
Warnings: More sort of mild slash with aliens
Vin was camping, as far away from the rest of humanity as he could get, when the world ended.
He had a sore wrist - not broken, at least not quite - and he needed a few days to rest up before he even considered taking on another skip. Even the seemingly easy ones could be surprisingly feisty when concerned.
He hadn’t seen Ford, not since the night they met, so it was a surprise when he turned around to find Ford hovering in the middle of his campsite. He started to grin, but Ford’s expression - what Vin could read of it - was entirely too serious for that.
“Ford?” he asked.
“Vin,” Ford said. His fingers stroked along Vin’s jaw and Vin let Ford’s presence fill the gaping hole inside him that he could never quite ignore. “Come with me.”
Vin frowned and opened eyes he hadn’t even realized had closed. There was an undercurrent of fear that Ford was trying desperately to hide.
“Go with you where?”
“To Arcateen V.”
Vin remembered the fleeting images of Ford’s home planet that Vin had gleaned from his mind and the sense of such belonging that even the echo of it still speared longing deep in his gut. Being a part of that would be amazing, but Vin couldn’t believe that was all there was to it, even if he was willing to leave everything behind.
“I have to show you,” Ford said, fingers touching lightly, almost hesitantly, along his jaw. Vin nodded his permission. Ford drifted closer until the barest span separated them. His hands slid to cup Vin’s face.
Images began to flash across Vin’s mind: Harold Saxon, the British Prime Minister; the assassination of the American President; and finally the Toclafane. Vin stumbled back several steps, breaking the connection and any further images, but it was impossible to erase what he’d seen. Vin folded his arms and avoided looking at Ford with his impossibly understanding expression.
It should be absurd. The British Prime Minister taking over the world with the help of aliens should be utterly ridiculous, but Vin had seen the aftermath, had felt it, and couldn’t deny that the world had been devastated. Not unless Ford was lying to him and Vin hadn’t sensed anything like that, even if he believed that Ford would.
“Isn’t there some way to stop him? What about the army? There must be something.”
“There is nothing.” Ford drifted over to him again, though he didn’t reach out for Vin.
“We can’t… we can’t just give up,” Vin said stubbornly. He’d been in the army, he still had some connections. There had to be some way to find out what sort of resistance was being formed, what kind of military response was being mobilized. Vin refused to believe there was nothing he could do, that the human race could do against Harold Saxon. This time it was Ford who backed away, a look of horror on his face.
“You cannot face him. You must not.”
Vin frowned, having expected Ford to disagree with the use of violence in general, not Vin’s participation.
“I can’t do nothing.”
“He is not human. There is nothing your weapons can do. Nothing you can do.”
“Ain’t much can survive a shot to the head,” Vin said darkly.
“He is not human,” Ford told him. “And you are not like most humans.”
There was something there, the barest hint of deception, or at least ambiguity, and Vin narrowed his eyes as he stared at Ford.
“What exactly am I, then?”
“You are a marvel. Come with me and you will never want for anything. My people will treat you like a king.”
“I can’t.”
“Anything you want. Name it, and I will find a way to give it to you,” Ford begged.
Vin looked down, unable to keep eye contact with the distressed alien.
“I can’t just abandon everyone to a madman. I have to try something. You get that, right?”
Ford moved forward again and slid long fingers into Vin’s hair then pressed his forehead to Vin’s. Ford’s presence seeped into his mind, almost like an embrace and Vin allowed himself to sink into it. There was longing, regret, affection - and Vin knew that this was goodbye.
“Soon even those who wish to visit Earth will be unable,” Ford said, answering the question Vin hadn’t been able to speak.
“So this is the last time I’ll see you, at least until this is finished.”
Vin could feel Ford’s automatic protest at the thought but Ford nodded. His fingers curled into Vin’s hair as though he could keep them there together indefinitely, even as desperation twined through their thoughts.
“Maybe I could visit when it’s over,” Vin suggested, though he wasn’t entirely sure he believed his own optimism. Ford’s hopefulness at the thought was also shadowed with a stark understanding of the reality of the situation.
Ford reluctantly stepped back. For a moment it seemed like he was going say something, but there was nothing he could say that they hadn’t already shared, and platitudes were meaningless. Once again, Ford disappeared before his eyes.
Vin turned and began to pack up his things. He had another war to fight.
AN:I doubt Ford will appear again, or at least not so significantly if he does, but Chris should show up soon.