Hello everyone! I'm Cata, your resident player behind Ginia and Shinohara. Thank you all for joining in on this, this will all be a lot of fun. This is presently the team and other characters involved in things:
Proclus Global
CEO of Proclus Global: Saito |
boughtitallHead of security management: Takashi Shinohara |
kakuho Team
Extractor: Greggory Lamè |
le_pointPoint: Ginia Solana |
shadedsunlightArchitect: Ariadne |
circularmazeForger: Cadogan Thomas |
smokedscreenChemist: Davi Tracana |
cheap_alchemy Others
datums For the most part this is for the fun of plotting out jobs and extractions and all the fun stuff that goes on with Inception things.
Things to know
-Housing is provided in Tokyo, each player can decide what kind of housing it is and where.
-All team members will have a personal office/work space in Proclus Global Tokyo headquarters.
-Ginia is the leader of the team, she coordinates everything with Shinohara, who reports to Saito. Ginia also reports directly to Saito.
-For all jobs, assume Saito will be attending as a tourist.
-Ginia has a translator/bodyguard named
Tetsuo. If your character doesn't know ASL, assume Tetsuo is there translating for her (unless stated otherwise). For the most part, Tetsuo goes everywhere with her.
--Ginia is also dating Shinohara. While they keep things professional around the office and Ginia won't say anything herself unless asked, do feel free to take notice or ask about it. On this note, because I also play Shinohara, if anyone wants to interact with him, let me know.
-Because they are working for Proclus Global, confidentiality and professionalism is key. Characters should not reveal anything about dream-sharing and extractions to anyone and should frame their job titles as something inconspicuous (Ginia is a data analyst).
--Characters can also do other non-dream related work. Ginia gathers information and arranges meetings.
For those previously involved with Talon Verse (all two of you), this is considered well after all the fallout from that has ended. However, we should probably all coordinate what we know and figure things out.
Plotty things
ICly, Ariadne isn't finished with school until May so she won't be arriving until then. Other characters can be arriving now in order to get settled in or to train with Ginia or whatever. What this means is ICly the first formal job wouldn't come in until around May, but things can be backdated or dated forward as needed.
Something else that's also been discussed is Cobol lurking around. This will ultimately result in Ginia being kidnapped and tortured for information/otherwise broken. More information to come on this later, but this is something planned down the road. However, characters are encouraged to keep in mind the threat of Cobol Engineering about.
SO YEAH. Feel free to use this post for any introductions, questions, plotting, and getting to know each other!
If you need to contact me OOCly, I have a contact post
here, PMs to this account work, or you can email me at renkruia(AT)gmail(DOT)com. My AIM SN is geminiisbipolar, but I have a bad habit of forgetting to come online. If you do want to chat with me, just let me know and I'll hop on (if I can).
ICly, Ginia's contact post is
here. I expect lots of drunk texts and randomness. Seriously, spam her with messages.
Edit: Because I'm kinda a freak when it comes to organizing things, have some useful links.
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