Today I didnt do much since I've been alone for the past few weeks.You know it really saddens me to be always alone,not to have RL (Real Life) Friends and lying about myself again again and again.I've Organised a meeting with a bud. on MSN,we'll go to Seven Flags this Monday but my paranoia kicked in.Since i'm not thin and not really good looking I
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Comments 1
Rocking on for great justice,
Robert "Fludbucket" Flower
PS heres a comment from my cuz:
"hey i really like the picture you drew rob in his wallet i was going to steal it but he wouldnt let me and thats why i wrote you a letter!! could you plz draw me something and send it to are just numbers rob told me it ment "leet") my names coll incase you wanted to know thx for just takeing the time to read this btw im rob's fave cuz ;)
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