Throwdown (RP with Bestdamnxman)

Mar 25, 2008 20:11

. . .in which Logan fulfills his promise to cook a nice dinner, and they talk about teams and the future. . .

After the week that had just passed, Jean was very very glad she had made weekend plans with Logan. Taking him up on his promise to cook a dinner that was "better than that jerkwad Bobby Flay could come up with in a million years," Jean had offered the uses of the well-appointed kitchen at the X-Corp suites in Manhattan.

She left the shopping up to him, and concentrated on preparing the important things: a simple dark brown dress with just a little tasteful cleavage, strappy sandals, and a strategically windswept hairdo.

Jean let herself into the suite, where she was greeted by the smell and sizzle of cooking meat.

"Wow, that smells good in there!" she called, heading for the kitchen. "What other talents have you been hiding?"

“I just pay attention,” Logan answered. “Everybody thinks I’m off daydreaming, starin’ inta space, thinkin’ of nothings - or you in nothings - but really I am paying attention.”

The Wolverine has a secret admiration for the Food Network and its Throwdown star, well hidden behind the blank beer/Jean/Jean with beer gaze. He is far more multi-faceted than many give him credit for. Jean, though, he knew she was just teasing; she’d seen behind the mask long ago.

“Ready in a few, Red. You have just enough time to change into some nothings.”

Jean sashayed into the kitchen, using those high heels to help her hips move.

She put her hands around his waist, sliding them together over his navel. "Are you saying you don't like my dress?" she pouted, and leaned down to kiss the line of his jaw.

He took a moment to pull her properly close before answering. "It's purty as you, woman," he said, dropping into a drawl. With a smirk Logan put the wooden spoon to her lips. "Whatcha think?" His eyebrows rose in an almost nefarious - but mostly naughty - manner. "'S'good then we'll set."

The chicken sauce was perfect, spicy and just a little sweet. "Does that have chocolate in it?" she gasped, and made a point of letting him watch her lick the spoon. "I've missed you so bad this week," she whispered, winding herself around him and giving him a spicy chocolate kiss.

She's gonna love dinner. Logan smiled to himself and started plating, a difficult task so entwined, but hell if he was gonna let her go. "Yeah. Lonely without ya, Jeannie. What were you off doing anyway?" He didn't really mind the secretive stuff, be a bit hypocritical if he did. But Jean was generally up front about things so asking was no issue. He spun to give her a quick, and a bit hungry, kiss before shoving her toward the kitchen table. "Sit down and tell me about it."

Jean giggled as she tripped over her own shoe and slid into her chair, making a show of rubbing her hands together while she waited for the food. Trying to act ladylike around Logan was only going to last so long, but that was fine. He didn't need her to be a lady, he liked her fine however she was.

At his question, she shifted in her chair. "I've been around. This and that. Looking into setting up regional satellite offices, you know? For X-Corp. And some fundraising, donor wrangling type stuff while I was at it. So I was in Charleston. I -- saw Rachel. I think she's pretty good." She pointed at the plate. "So what's in this?"

They'd get to the other part soon enough, but no point in spoiling dinner.

"Chicken," he answered as if that said it all. He placed a remarkably well designed (again, Logan pays attention!) plate in front of her with a bit of a flourish. Yes, he was showing off, but it was all part of their game. "What's she doing?" Rachel was another of Logan's special cases - little bit lost, but tough as nails where it counts. He missed her, truth be told, hoped to drag her back once he figured how to work things with Rogue....

He put the thoughts out of his mind, no need to rush into what promised to be a problem. Logan raised his glass of wine. "To us." He leaned the glass toward Jean. "And Tina Fey."

She smiled, though she rolled her eyes a little at the Tina mention. "Since when do you go for girls with glasses?" Sipping from her drink, she said, "Rachel's got a new car. She likes it." Which didn't actually answer the question Logan had asked. "What about you? What have you been doing?"

"I like 'em smart and sexy, Red, what can I say?" He took a deep sip of his own and started in on the chicken, taking a moment to mull over a response. "Hockey," he finally said at length. "It's been takin' up lot a my time." He took another few bites. "Been chatting with some of the lost ones. Beaubier in particular - think that kid'll make a good hero type someday. If we can teach him some restraint."

He leaned back in his chair a bit. "Lor and her kid. And John. Nice to see him." Another bite. Another sip. "Saw Rogue. Worried about her but she's survivin.'" He decided to stop there and wait for the sputter. And then the rage.

She sure was pretty when she's angry though.

Suddenly Jean had a pounding headache.

She chewed the chicken slowly, then pointedly pushed the plate and the wine glass away. She wasn't even going to get into the alternate-universe baby that no one had bothered to tell her about. "So you've been hanging out with Pyro. And Rogue. Forgive me if I'm confused, but shouldn't they be mortal enemies right about now?"

"Nah. John came to hockey to watch Lorna's little girl." Frankly, that should be odd right there, but Logan rolls with the punches and he understands being protective of little girls. "Roguey I met off campus. She's not big on the mansion."

Logan shrugged. "No doubt they ain't the best of friends but that's not my issue. Needed to make sure she's okay. She is. Much as any of us are."

Jean stared at him a moment, then slid down in her chair. She slammed down her fork and it skittered across the table, further than it should have been able to on its own momentum. When she stared at it, the fork stopped. She was looking at the fork, not at Logan, when she said.

"You're as bad as Rachel. What, didn't you block off time to see Magneto, too?"
Which was what she had done, of course, but she was curious how he would respond, before she dropped that one on him.

He made a face. "Never had much interest in the man." This is not entirely true, but Magneto's rigid belief system made him a lost cause, whereas Rogue he could see coming around. Can't save everybody and Bucket Head just didn't make the list.

Logan focused his gaze on the fork, too as he continued. "Look, Jean. Rogue's one of ours." She probably disagreed, but, regardless Rogue's one of his and in that he's rigid himself.

"How can you say that about her?" Jean's voice sounded level, rational. There was no reason her plate and glass should have been shaking. "She's made it pretty clear that she doesn't consider herself one of us. What do you think is going to happen?"

"I think out from under certain influences she might grow a brain. Or remember she already has one." His voice is tighter than he means it to be. "Doesn't have to be an X-Man to be one of us." Or so he, at least, has always believed.

Jean put a hand to her temple and said, half under her breath, "You always did like to pick up strays." Then, forcing a smile, she tried to sound reasonable as she asked, "So what did Rogue say. During your -- visit?"

"Not much. Mostly she needed a moment to relax. Somewhere safe, get some calm and sleep." He provided peace of mind. It was a knack. Hopefully, it'd work on Jean, too. "We discussed her not doing anything dumb. Basically." He shrugged again. "Personally I find that a positive."

"Really? Because basically all I talked about with Rachel was how Rogue wants to do something dumb. Wait --" Jean's eyes narrowed. "You gave her a safe place to sleep?"

Logan chose to ignore the look and leaned back comfortably in his chair."Poor kid was tired. Probably hadn't slept thru in weeks." He drew a hand through his hair. "...Define dumb."

"So where did the two of you sleep, exactly?" It was a kneejerk reaction, more a reflex from years of fighting with Scott than a sign of actual jealousy. She didn't give him a chance to respond before saying, "Getting Magneto out of jail kind of dumb, obviously. He certainly seems to think he won't be there long. Or else he just has to say that, who even knows with him?"

"When did you talk to Magneto?" Logan asked, skipping everything else.

Best to be matter of fact about it. But first she used her teke to pull the plate back toward her, and carefully took another bite. "This is really good sauce. I like how it's sweet and spicy at the same time." She lifted her fork again, chewed and swallowed, and said. "This past week, while I was traveling. Tony got me in."

His mind went right to Jean and Tony together but he ignored it to focus on Jean and Magneto together. There was really only one question. "Why?"

"Why?" she snapped, dropping her fork. "Why did you go see Rogue?"

"I was worried about her." There is an edge to his voice but he remains outwardly calm. He doesn't want this to escalate. "She got mixed up in all this but she's not a true believer. Don't want the likes of Tony deciding she belongs in the cell next to Magneto. Hell, I'm not sure he belongs wherever he is. Do you?"

Jean stood up, abruptly, pushed her chair in without touching it, and stalked into the living room of the suite. She stood by the window, with her hands on the sill, breathing in and out deeply. He could follow her if he wanted to, but this seemed like a better move than continuing the conversation.

Logan took a deep breath, finished his wine, and followed her into the living room. "So...learn anything at this meeting?" He stood a ways away, watching her. A calm presence. Wanted this to pass if possible.

Hey, he made dessert.

"No," she said. "I mean yes. I learned he has nothing to teach me. I should have known that before I went." She could see his face reflected in the glass; she didn't turn to look at him, but spoke without speaking, at a level she hoped would hit him just below conscious thought. Come hold me, you idiot. I don't want to be angry.

Logan heard something in her voice and saw something in the way she was standing and felt something at the back of his mind. He walked close and pulled her into his arms. "Sometimes gotta see it with your own eyes to really understand."

Jean nodded, and leaned her head back against his shoulder. "He's so out of touch, Logan. He keeps ranting about how nothing X-Corp does, and nothing Charles ever did made a difference. But as we were talking, it became pretty damn obvious he doesn't know what we do. No wonder his disciples these days are nothing but runaway kids and girls who are infatuated with him." She slid her hand down Logan's arm, and twined her fingers through his. "It's stupid that I actually expected him to have some answers."

He nodded. "Thing is, Jeannie. You're frustrated with X-Corp yourself. With what we do and how it doesn't get the results we want as quick as we want. Don't blame you for wanting answers, his or your own." He gave her hand a squeeze. "Maybe he doesn't have any. Rogue don't seem to know why she does what she does. 'S'why I wanna give her something else to do."

"Yes," Jean said. "I mean, no --" She took a step back from him. "Yes, I get frustrated because change is a gradual process and it is frustrating. But I believe in what we're doing, and I thought you did too. Am I wrong about that?" She wasn't sure what he was getting at, where Rogue was concerned, but she was interested in the bigger question first.

"'Course I believe in it." If he didn't believe in it he wouldn't be so involved in it. Logan doesn't need all this, maybe wouldn't have chosen it though he not so secretly preferred the life he led now to the one he'd lived alone. "I'm talking about you. You seem..." He moved close again, a hand on her shoulder, somehow both gentle and firm. "...tense. What are you really looking for?"

Jean turned her head away, appreciating the affection in his gesture, but not ready to accept it. "I want you on my side," she said.

"I'm on your side." He pulled back, stuck his hands in his pockets and waited.

"Then why doesn't it feel like --?" she blurted without thinking, then stopped. Like it was supposed to? Like they were thinking and wanting and working for the same things
all the time? Like it used to feel with Scott? She turned back to the window, hoping he wouldn't see her flush with embarrassment. "It's not important. What were you going to say about Rogue?'

Logan sensed there was a lot she wasn't saying but he let it go. Jean wasn't one to hold back forever. "Brotherhood's gone. She's not going to come back to the X-Men, the mansion, the fold...but she's got nowhere else to go either. And she's not the only one, have you noticed? Started thinking, what if we rounded up all the black sheep? Make our own black sheep flock." Jean wasn't a black sheep and Logan was an odd choice for shepherd - but then again, maybe not. And tryin's better than not, right? "Just an idea."

She turned to him, arms crossed, "Our?" A smile played at her lips. "Are you inviting me into your secret club?"

He liked to see the smile. "You want in?" He flashed a wolfish - wolverineish? - grin and waggled his eyebrows invitingly.

"Logan --" Walking toward him, she shook her head, and gave up trying to hide the smile. "Let me get this straight --" She held her hands out, offering him a chance to take hold. "You want me to join you on a secret team that isn't the X-men?"

He took her hands and pulled her close. A little bite on the lip. "Maybe." Another little nip. "Don't gotta leave the X-Men. I ain't. But we could have a place for the misfits, too."

"I love you," she said softly, returning his kiss. Then she pushed away a little so she could look in his eyes. "I appreciate your trusting me on this. But please, can you explain to me -- how is any team I'm part of not going to be an X-men team?"

He sighed. People and their labels. "We just don't let it?" Logan really doesn't see why this is so hard for everyone. "It'll be my team. Our team. Not based at the institute or any other affiliated building." He smiled, imagining working out of his cabin in Canada. This plan just got better every time he talked it over with someone. "Not funded by any group or government. We make our own rules." He shrugged. "And we call it the L-Men."


She laughed and touched a finger to his nose. "You better be kidding about the name," she said. She moved her finger, then, and kissed the spot she had been touching. "I think you've got an idea going, there. But -- I don't know who all you have in mind for this team. If Rogue's a typical example, though -- these people are going to see me there and they're going to see an X-team, whatever we call it. Do you see what I'm saying?"

"Only if you act all...Xy." He smirked. Sexy Xy Jeannie. But, back to the pitch. "Is the X-Men all you are Jean?" He spread his hands. "No. So don't assume problems. We'll deal with that when it happens." Preferably with crossed arms and the My Way or the Highway act. "And I ain't forcing you to join in." Logan was ready to move on now. He put a hand up to caress her cheek. Sexy Xy Jeannie.

"No, but I think --" Jean sighed, and relaxed into his arms, giving up the stern act for now. "I think it's inseparable from who I am. From what the X-men are. I'm sorry," she said softly. "I think that you're on to something, and I'm not going to stand in your way. But I can't be a part of it. Now."

The conversation was over. It had to be. She slipped her hand into his and squeezed, hoping he would know that she wasn't angry. "Now," she repeated. "Something in there smells like dessert."

logan, rp

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