as much as i enjoyed that comment in its entirety, (did i spell that right? does anyone care?) The whole point of that comment was the fact that you were wearing pants. For some reason that cracked me up.
not a volta fan, yes its different, and yes everybody says i should like it but i dont. so there. i like your userpic. i was just talking about that movie to some random dude who wandered into my room drunk last night. Then i played the gary jules - mad world song. its good
Mad World is a great song. Donnie Darko is my favorite movie, i want to go into film for college - and that movie has taught me a lot. its very well done. Oh yea im david bruss - friend of zanders, who are you? haha
Comments 7
Switching your mealplan was smart, and directly caused me to switch my mealplan, which was smart.
I remember when your screename was RoldGold00.
Give me your free downloads.
I am wearing pants.
I love our $10 couch.
I will come to your show on Friday. Do not give me a cigarette.
Buy contact solution.
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