This is my two hundred fourteenth entry.

Jan 04, 2006 13:47

As mentioned yesterday, I shall provide my retrospective look at 2005, and give my plan of attack for the year 2006. Enjoy.

First, let's review my Goals of 2005 and see which ones I was able to meet, and which ones I failed miserably. I will be grading on a Holistic scale.

In the academic/career area of my life....
- get all A's in spring and summer terms. I think that this one, while it will take a good amount of work, is definitely doable. I'm actually going to care about my classes now, since it is stuff that pertains to chemical engineering specifically. I always say I don't care about my grades, and to a degree this is true, but I'd still like to see if I can do this, more to prove that I haven't lost my work ethic than anything.
I didn't manage to pull this one off. No D's for any of my classes, so that was a step up from sophomore year, but I got a few C's. Perhaps all A's is not realistic. It should be though. I will admit that my studying habit/school work ethic have sharply declined. Result: Failure

- get a decent co-op job for the fall that is easily accessible via SEPTA. I'm not too concerned about this one. I've got great experience from the Merck job, and I'm sure I can get glowing references as well. The only trepidation is the fact that my GPA is a 3.41 after my less than stellar sophomore year. Grades from spring semester won't be factored into this yet when looking for jobs, and I know that some places don't even take your resume if you have below a 3.5, and if they aren't even looking at it, then references, no matter how dazzling, do fuckall.
Well, I don't take SEPTA to get to work, but theoretically I could. While I'm not enjoying the work, the job, and more importantly the pay, is quite decent. Result: Pass

In the personal category....
- don't become apathetic about Hutch University like I did last year. I'm actually going to extend this. Don't become apathetic at all about anything. Granted, I'm going to maintain my easy-going, care-free outlook on life, but I want to shift it from being focused on the fact that I don't care about anything to the fact that I just really like my life. I'm gonna be Mr. Positive Thinking and Optimism. No more Evil Sean. This means I'm not allowed to grow a goatee.
I feel that I have been rocking my Hutch University groove quite successfully for the past year. And I have also been hella optimistic. I mean, I am awesome after all. My apathy levels toward life in general have gone down considerably. However, I did grow a goatee. But in my goatee's defense, it is because I look better with it, not because I am evil. Result: Pass

- make myself not be a fatass by getting my weight down to 150lbs. This will be accomplished by going to the gym. Not sure if I'll be able to swing eating healthy. That requires a lot of time and effort. Although, so does going to the gym. Anyway, I plan on doing this in stages. Stage 1 is to hit 175 before the end of co-op. Stage 2 is to get to 160 by the end of Spring term. Stage 3 is to get to 150 by the end of the year. I'm currently 185. 35 lbs in 12 months? Three pounds a month on average? I'm hoping that's doable.
Yeah, this didn't happen. And I realize that I'm not really a fatass. I'm just out of shape, basically. However, while there was no weight loss, I don't believe there was any weight gain either, as I'm fairly certain I am still ar about 185. Result: Failure

- make more friends at Drexel, so I don't always have to go to other schools for parties. This will also extend into the area of just being able to do things instead of always sitting around in my apartment and playing video games or reading messageboards or whatever. I think I'm going to look into the Society of Chemical Engineers thing once I'm back on campus, since I'll actually be able to attend the meetings.
I joined The Triangle. I tried to do the AiCHe thing, but that just wasn't happening. I kind of talked to more people in my ChemE classes. It's not like I'm socially awkward, I can function fine around other people and at parties and such, I guess part of it is I just prefer to do things by myself, or with small groups of people. Eh, whatever. Result: Pass

- (New from when I posted on CBR) Get back to writing. Back in like, April I think it was, maybe May, I had written what I thought to be some rather hilarious mockups of gothic poetry and emo songs. I used to write stream of consciousness stories that were one page, unlined paper, handwritten. I want to start doing stuff like this again. Tying this into the meeting more people at Drexel thing, I'm thinking about trying to get on the staff of the Triangle.
This did happen for a little bit when I had my creative writing class in Spring Term. Since then though, nothing. I think I've gotten a bit better at writing Hutch University though, and I did write a few articles for The Triangle, so I think I'm good on this one. Result: Pass

In the action and adventure department....
- Go on vacation for a week in June using the money my parents gave me for my 21st birthday. No idea where I want to go yet. This is going to be thought about more in April, when I'm back in class, and can budget out my funds, and see just how much money I can use for a vacation. I think I'd like to go somewhere by myself, but going on a trip with friends also has its merits. As I said, I really have no idea what I want to do yet.
This didn't happen. I am horrible at managing money, and anything that was earmarked for a vacation was spent, most likely on pointless things like DVDs and the like. At present, I highly doubt that I will be able to pull off an "actual" vacation until the summer of 07, after I graduate, when I attend the San Diego Comic-Con. result: Failure

- Get some action from a hot chick. This one is pretty self-explanatory. I'd also like to be able to expand it into get regular action from a hot chick, but I think if I can just get some action, it will be a fucking miracle. Not because hot chicks wouldn't want to give me action, I mean, I am awesome after all, but just because the opportunity doesn't present itself that often. Plus, I'm still a rather shy guy when it comes to dealing with relationshippy type things, or even just random making out.
Done and done! I am extremely happy in my relationship with Jenn. I love her very much. We've been together for four months, and it looks like we will be together for some time to come as well. And the hot action from aforementioned hot chick occurs on a highly frequent basis, nearly once a day, twice on weekends, perhaps even thrice. Result: Pass with flying colors!

So I think those are some good goals for 2005. They're not really resolutions as such, but if you want to see them as that, go right ahead. One final goal, that is important above all else, well, except maybe the getting action from a hot chick, is that I will have fun, and enjoy 2005 to the fullest extend of my abilities.
I do believe that I managed to pull this one off as well. 2005 was a very fun year. Lots of parties were attended. Good times were had all around. Hit up some great concerts like Aquabats!, Our Lady Peace, and Catch 22, among countless others.

Regrets of 2005: Not much. Really, the only thing I wish I had been able to do better is my time management when it comes to SMRZNP. With Hutch University, if I'm late, it's all on me. I'm the only one responsible for it. But with Space Monkey Robot Zombie Ninja Pirates, there is also the writer, Ron, to consider. And my being a slackass and not drawing anything is completely unfair to him. So that's something I wish I had been able to do differently.

Overall analysis of 2005: I'd say it was a good, solid year, with strong tendencies toward greatness in some categories, but these were counterbalances by leanings of suckitude in other areas. It looks like I met 5 of my 8 goals, so I had a winning season. I really don't think that I can complain about this past year. Huzzah and kudos all around to those who helped to make the year what it was. Thanks!

Ok, now on to 2006. There is of course the overall mandate to strive to maintain at least status quo. Things are quite good for me right now, and even if by the end of 2006 they are exactly the same, then I would remain a happy man. However, the impetus behind setting goals for oneself is to become better. With that in mind, here are my Goals for 2006.

In the academic/career area of my life....
- Get all A's for Junior year. As I mentioned above, setting this as a goal might be slightly unrealistic. Trying to get all A's and B's would be a more manageable goal. But as I also said, the point of this is to strive for the seemingly unattainable. And more to the point, I know I can do this. I'm not stupid. I am lazy. If I apply myself, I can get straight A's. This will entail actually doing my homework assignments, not just half-assing them like I usually do. I will study for tests and quizzes to ensure my success, instead of barely glancing over notes the night before. And if necessary, I will even, *GASP*, go to the TA for help. I always say I don't care about my grades, and to an extent, this is true. I've got a 3.30. That's a pretty solid GPA. Getting straight A's is more a test of myself, to see if I can put my mind to it and pull it off, than to just get the better grades. Of course, the boost to my GPA also won't hurt matters.

-I'm on my last co-op. I think Drexel has you start interviewing for jobs and such in the fall of your senior year. So my goal for this, really, is tied into the grade things. While work experience is more important than grades, a nice GPA does look, well, nice. So I'd like to bump it up to a 3.5 at least to look all the more dazzling on my resume. I'd like to be able to line something up with Merck's R&D. Hell, even R&D at McNeil would be fine. Or R&D at any other company. I just know that I don't want to be doing what I'm doing now.

In the personal category....
-Better time management. As I said, my biggest regret of 2005 is falling so ridiculously far behind on SMRZNP. I am heartily sorry for this, my misdoing. Ron probably hates me. This will be changed. I am really going to buckle down and focus on the comic. SMRZNP was initially scheduled to be done by the end of February, assuming a standard rate of 1 page each week day, and beginning in October. That, obviously, has not happened, and is pretty much unreachable at this point. However, By doing an average of a page every day, including weekends, and maybe double up on a couple days, I would be able to finish by the end of March, a mere month behind schedule, compared to the 2.5 months behind schedule that I am currently. This will allow the comic to go through editing and such in April, while we look into printing options, and then have all of May to get it printed up. The initial idea was to have copies available for sale at Wizard World Philly in the beginning of June and for HeroesCon in the end of June. Those deadlines will be met.

-Get in shape. This will be done by utilizing Drexel's gymnasiumatorium. I think the 150-160 range is still my eventual goal. Since I am going to be focused on the comic for the next three months, and it is also cold outside and I won't want to even walk to the gym, I will begin this once co-op is done and I am back on campus. I will be able to work in better times and such to make it to the gym. I realize that this is a goal every year, and it remains undone. I am really going to try and make it a reality this time around. We'll see.

-Continue my relationship with my wonderful girlfriend Jenn. As noted above, we've been together for four months, and things are going well. I truly care for her and love her a great deal. I hope that we will be together for a good long while. She is really wonderful, and a great person. Plus, she gives me the most amazingly incredible, hotter than hot, hot sex. So that's cool.

In the action and adventure department....
-People are graduating college this year. I am not, due to Drexel's 5-year program. I would like to make it a point to visit all of my friends as much as possible at their respective schools during their final stretch. Gettysburg, Rutgers, Delaware. All places will be visited, and much partying will occur. It shall be fun times indeed.

-While I said I don't think I'll really get an actual vacation until after I graduate, I will have some scattered weeks throughout the year for term break. There's one in mid June, a couple in mid September, and a few at the end of the year. I plan to utilize them to the best of their abilities. Perhaps this will entail sitting on my ass all week and catching up on video game time. Perhaps this will entail mini-road trips to places of mystery and wonder. Who knows? It will be interesting to find out how things play out.

-Get a tattoo. There's always been the idea of one. I am a geek, yes, and I am quite fond of the idea of getting a Snoopy tattoo. Joe Cool, specifically. I had initally planned to do it as a 21st birthday present to myself, but that never came about. Perhaps I am being inspired by Jenn and her tats, but I am getting a hankering to have one again. Some time soon, I think. Jenn suggested getting a sleeve of Snoopy characters. This could actually work out, as it would provide ample material. Snoopy, Joe Cool, World War I Flying Ace, The Vulture, Snoopy at his typewriter, Snoopy sleeping on his doghouse, Snoopy playing hockey (two in one, I could have him wear a Flyers jersey!), well, the list goes on and on.

So that's about it, I believe. As was the case for 2005, so remains so for 2006. The primary goal of the year is to just have fun. Live life to its fullest and all of that razzamatazz.

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