So I am awesome. Just thought that everyone should know that, in case for some odd reason you were not yet aware.
Make sure to check out today's Hutch University, where
DD riles against messageboard assholes. It's semi-based on real life Sean experiences.
Click the linkamajig for recap and plans.
The past couple days have been quite good. Wednesday was delightful, barring some crazy driving situations. Jenn and I went back to Jersey, where I picked up my comics for this week. Some great books are out, but I haven't even had time to read all my books from the past two weeks, let alone these. I should get to them sometime over the next few days. Hit up Joe's pizza for some delicious pizza. Goddamn is it ever good. Seriously, and this is 100% truthitude, but Joe's is the best pizza I've ever had. It beat Mack and Manco's. It beats Pizza Hut and Dominos. It beats Village and California. It even beats Tombstone, which is my favorite of the frozen pizzas. I love Joe's Pizza muchly.
Also, we watched Lost. New episodes were back, and hot damn, was it a good one! We got backstory on Mr. Eko. Dude was pretty much a Nigerian mobster, one of the higher ups too. Great stuff. We finally saw the monster! Black cloud, eh? Que interesante. I think it's nanotech. My theory can be read
here. I have confidance in it, but I would not be upset if I was proven completely wrong, either. Well, provided of course that the real explanation is cool.
Last night Jenn and I finished up watching Season 2 of The L Word. Ah, Lesbians. It's actually a pretty damn good show. Season 3 started last week, and the first episode is downloaded and waiting to be watched, though that probably won't happen until after the weekend. We also had incredibly hot sex afterwards.
Now, for the upcoming weekend. There's pretty much just one word I need to say. Well, technically it's an acronym. SMRZNP. I am going to push myself and finish the first issue this weekend. This requires the drawing of 12 pages. This is a hell of a lot of work. It is going to be really difficult to accomplish, but I will pull it off. This is Something That Must Be Done. I've broken down the pages into a schedule, allotting approximaely 2 hours per page. Less in some cases when there are minimal drawings to be done. 5 pages need to get done tonight, 4 on the morrow, and I will finish up with the last 3 on Sunday and do some prep work for Issue 2, page 1 of which will be drawn on Monday.
So why am I putting myself through this? Simply put, if I don't do it this way, it's never going to get done. I've already talked about how far behind I am. This is no one's fault but my own. I have gotten much too lazy in regards to this. This is changing as of this weekend. By focusing solely on the comic for pretty much three days straight, I will be able to establish an SMRZNP groove. This will make it much easier to transition into the page-a-day rate that I need to maintain. One of my Goals of 2006 is to be done the entire book by the end of March. As of January 1st, when I made that goal, I had approximately 90 pages to complete, which works out to exactly one page, every day. I haven't done any yet this year, so technically speaking I am 12 days behind. However, completing the first issue over the weekend will bring me to a point where I am a mere 3 days behind. Still behind, but much closer to my schedule. I plan on having another SMRZNP work weekend in February, and one in March as well. This should ensure that even if events happen that make me miss a day or two, I will still be on my mark to complete things by the end of March, a mere month behind my original deadline. And considering that I am currently 3 months behind, that's not too shabby. I am essentially going to be doing about 5 months worth of work in 2.5 months. Wow.
So after all of that gets done, what will happen next? Well, April will be used for editing and drawing touch ups. Any corrections that need to be made will be done over the course of the month. We will also look for a printer. There are a few options available, but we aren't sure which one we are going to go with yet. Then May will pretty much just be waiting for the book to be printed. I don't think things will be ready for me to sell any at Wizard World Philly. Tables there are 150 bucks each, for a 4' table. And if I don't have a definite answer if I will have stuff to sell, I don't want to commit to that. It is also only one chair, so if Ron were to come up to Philly to pimp the comic with me, only one of us would be able to be at the table at a time.
HeroesCon, however, is in the end of June, and we should be all set for that. Plus, it is much, much cheaper. 100 bucks for a 6' table, with up to three chairs! Sweet deal. Plus, I would be able to commit to the entire weekend for that event. WWPhilly, my cousin's wedding is on Saturday, so I'd be missing out on that day, more than likely. The only downside to HeroesCon, for me at least, is that it is in Charlotte, NC. That's like 550 miles away. That's a hella long drive. I'm talking like 10 hours. And about a tank and a half of gas. Hmmm. I wonder if it would be cheaper to get a flight there? Hmmm, travelocity says 233 for a round trip. Three tanks of gas would be approximately 120 bucks. However, flying would save me the task of doing all that driving. I'll have to think about it.
Well, it's almost time for my followup review with my boss, and then we've got a plantwide meeting. So I am outtie 5000, yo.