I'm a slacker, and there is no new Hutch University yet. Look for one tonight, however.
This past weekend was good. A long weekend, thanks to my boy Martin Luther King, Jr. I did not accomplish all of my goals, so that's a bit of a downer, but I did get stuff done, and managed to have fun as well, and even made a bit of cash.
So, I shall begin with Friday. I had lofty goals, I was aiming to get 5 pages done. Difficult, but ultimately should have been attainable. However, things occurred that knocked me off my timetable, and ultimately sent me into a downward spiral, into destruction. What happened? Well, I ended up babysitting for Kristin's friend Julia so that she could go out to Finnegan's Wake. I was told that they would watch a movie and go to sleep, and that would be that. I'd be working on the comic downstairs, and they would be upstairs movie watching/sleeping. Well, that didn't happen. So instead of 5 pages, I got done 2, pages 8 and 9. Not off to a great start. On the plus side, I did make a more than decent bit of cash for my efforts, so I guess it balanced out.
Saturday. Was gonna get up at noon and start working right away. Well, when I got up, Jenn and I watched the season premiere of The L Word, and then, well, you know. So I didn't get back to my apartment until 2 something. Breakfast and Bebop, and it was like 2:30 before I even started working on stuff. I got done pages 11 and 12 throughout the course of the day. I also read some comics. Half-watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as I was working. Went to a party that one of Jenn's friends was having, but it was all grad students, and I didn't know anyone, so we were not there for that long.
Sunday. Got up and started working on Page 13. I couldn't seem to focus though, so I mostly just finished reading my comics for the past two weeks. Had to make a brief excursion to Trenton as a favor. Back from that, and it was time for the season 5 premiere of the hit FOX series 24, starring Kiefer Sutherland as ex-federal agent Jack Bauer. Oh man, was it ever hot. I'd say the best premiere so far for the show. Apparently, it was also the best ratings-wise. Back to Jenn's for sleep.
Monday. I was going to work all day. Finish up 13, do 14 and 15, and put together Hutch University. So I got up at 7 to move my car/drive back to my apartment. What did I do when I got back? Went back to sleep. For about 4 hours. Woke up, did breakfast and Bebop, then tried to work on the comic. It wasn't happening. SMRZNP, why have I forsaken thee? So instead, I played God of War. Good gravy! Such an amazing game. I rocked that groove from about noon until 5. I'm currently approximately halfway through the game. I'm playing through on hard, and it really is. This is like, Ninja Gaiden level challenging. Which is fantastic. This game has been kicking my ass in lots of parts, so when I do beat them, my victory tastes all the sweeter. After that, I was finally able to get a shower, since our water had been out for most of the day. Some water main broke or something, I guess, since our whole block was without water. So we were without water for about 5 hours or so. Jenn came over, we had dinner, and then I watched the second part of the 4-hour season 5 premiere of the hit FOX series 24, starring Kiefer Sutherland as ex-federal agent Jack Bauer. So awesome. Sean Astin aka Rudy aka Samwise Gamgee is on it this season. Pretty funny. Not the character, just the fact that he was a hobbit, and now he's a CTU higher up. Jenn's afterwards. I am almost done the Johnny the Homicidal Maniac trade. Crazy ol' Jhonen Vasquez. "Dear Diary, I seem to be dead." Heh.
Today. I actually got to work on time, at 8am, not 8:15 like I have been. Go me. A few things have been jumping, getting some stuff done. Coming off the tail end of my lunch break now. A little bit of filing stuff to take care of now, and then nothing else really. I need to do some Hutch U scripting so that I can put that together as soon as I get home. Also, finish page 13, do the layout for page 14, if time permits. Not really sure what the plan for tonight is.
Rest of the week. Tomorrow night is The Dark Side of the Rainbow at World Cafe live. starts at 9, doors at 8:30. Free admission. They're playing the Wizard of Oz, with Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon synched up. Should be pretty cool. Supposedly you need to be high to really get it, but I think I'll manage. Heh, maybe I'll sneak in my flask. Thursday, I think I'm gonna bounce to Jersey real quicklike after work and grab my comics. Then watch the missed episode of Lost from Wednesday, this week's L Word, and also Boondocks. Friday, a little bit of comicing after work, then taking steps so that I can draw the Drunken New Year's Eve 2005! comic, namely, getting drunk. I think I will partake of my boss's Christmas gift of Belgian ale whilst watching Wedding Crashers. Possibly Super Troopers as well, as I have not seen that in a while. Saturday, probably comic stuff in the afternoon, then in the evening there is a show at the Khyber, Say Hi to Your Mom, that Jenn and I will be attending. Sunday, lazy day I think. Maybe watch some movies. Should do comic stuff a little bit too. And then the week begins anew.
Randomness, I've got 11 more weeks of co-op. 52 days, approximately. I am looking forward to classes again. I should email professors soon and find out about textbooks, so that I can order them online, and not be reamed by the bookstore. Kingdom Hearts 2 was delayed from March 1st until March 30th. Goddammit. On the plus side though, I will be back in class then, and will probably have more time to play. Homestar Runner stuff shipped out today. FedEx didn't update yet, so I can't track it, but I would assume it should arrive within a week or so. All the Strong Bad emails on DVD, up to email 140. THe Everything Else DVD, that has Teen Girl Squad, Marzipan's answering machine, etc. Strong Bad Sings CD. Figurine sets. And a Trogdor Messenger bag. Also in shipping news, my latest Deep Discount DVD order should arrive this week, probably. UMD videos of Dave Chappelle and Richard Pryor comedy shows, as well as the Sin City Director's Cut DVD. Excellent. Now, for serious this time, I really need to stop spending money.
Anything else? I think that's all. I should get some work stuff done so that I can script. Do I script about 24, MLK Day, or Friday the 13th? Yikes! So many ideas, so little time!