Happy 8 months Jenn! I love you!
I felt that warranted a new LiveJournal post for the first time in over a month.
Ben Folds last night! Rocking!
Circus tonight! Elephanting!
Midterms this week! Studying!
Back in school after co-op! Busying!
Flyers in the playoffs! Needing to keep up with the asskicking!
Boston in the end of March! Enchanting!
Kingdom Hearts II! Tempting!
New comics from Amazon! Temptinger!
God of War! Beatening!
Being sick for the past week! Dying!
24 and Prison Break! Riveting!
Rutgers this weekend! Partying!
Party at my apartment on Saturday May 6th! Entertaining!
Loan check finally arriving! Big pimping!
Easter! Diabetes-inducing!
Hutch U! Progressing! (nicely)
SMRZNP! Progressing! (not so nicely)
Jenn! Loving!
Jenn! Sweet, sweet loving!