You my friend are a true humanitarian... I'll see about setting up some sort of scholarship fund in your name okay? I really liked the Van Gough exhibit as well, I dig the way he makes you feel like the painting is alive/moving...very viseral, I like viseral.
Hey, check out my last post and let me know if you wanna go play with us....
Hadn't heard of him before, but after googling, the artwork looks really cool, and should be quite interesting in person. I'll have to keep my eye out for that, thanks.
Yeah, I have bad luck as well so I'm sure it was a combined effort. At least we got it working though. I would have been much more upset if we went through all that work and it still wouldn't stay running.
Ever get the idle thing figured out? I thought about it afterwords, and it could be a timing issue as well...
It only did it those few times I was with you, and then it just quit doing it on it's own, so I think maybe a little sediment settled in the line from the car sitting for so long. It runs great now. I also described what was going on to Mom, and she said it sounds like I may just need a bit of a tune up.
Re: I Wanna Go See Van Goghshades747September 14 2004, 19:07:34 UTC
You'll hate to hear this, but they actually had the Cafe painting there so I did get to see that one in person. SAM was open 24hrs for this showing, although I have no idea if that's normal or not.
Re: I Wanna Go See Van Goghwolfwoman2003September 14 2004, 19:08:32 UTC
Also.....Sears usually has the best choice of just about any tool that a person could ever want. I've found things there that Tacoma Screw, Greenlee or Tool R Us don't even know about.
And yes, game days are extremely fun on the weekends, aren't they? I used to work a few blocks south of Safeco and the KingDome, on Sundays, and getting off work at 4:30 PM was a nightmare if they had homegames.
For future reference: The trains can only do their crossing things and track transfers at every quarter hour. Some City O'Seattle regulation. The best place to cross when there's a train situation is up at Jackson Street...the train goes UNDER the road, there! One can cross 4th ave all the way down to the waterfront. Much easier.
Well, I really AM gonna be sick...I totally missed the exhibit. I got it screwed up in my head that it ended AFTER my b-day (today) when it was actually Sunday, before my b-day. I am soooo bummed. Beyond bummed. Anybody got a gun? Oh wait...I'm down here in gun central; my dad has a whole huge gunsafe full of 'em. Seriously, I am so pissed at myself and ultra-disappointed. *heavy, heavy sigh*
Comments 13
Hey, check out my last post and let me know if you wanna go play with us....
Trains are my nemesis. All that shit never would've happened if I hadn't said "At least it's not raining." I'm telling you.
Ever get the idle thing figured out? I thought about it afterwords, and it could be a timing issue as well...
And yes, game days are extremely fun on the weekends, aren't they? I used to work a few blocks south of Safeco and the KingDome, on Sundays, and getting off work at 4:30 PM was a nightmare if they had homegames.
For future reference: The trains can only do their crossing things and track transfers at every quarter hour. Some City O'Seattle regulation. The best place to cross when there's a train situation is up at Jackson Street...the train goes UNDER the road, there! One can cross 4th ave all the way down to the waterfront. Much easier.
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