An interesting and boring weekend all in one.
Took Syd to her first vet's visit. That cat was very well behaved at the vet, and if it hadn't been for all the football traffic, it would have been great. (I hate the WSU and all the fucking football fans. They made our 5 min drive to the vet a 45 min affair full of rude comments and gestures, and
revseandoe trying to offend everyone within earshot.) Got back home and sat down, smoked a bit, and lost all sense of time (go figure eh?). I did manage to get a second coat of paint on the new bedroom though. Well, at least the ceiling. Ran out of paint before I got the second coat on the other walls. I guess that will wait until next payday (when I can hopefully afford to pick up some siding/netting and other supplies for the remodel).
Went to
errhead's Death Day party. As usual, lots of fun and too much drinking. I managed to keep it all down (hate to see alcohol wasted), but still had to volunteer for couch duty to make the room stop spinning. Passed out for a few hours, then made my way home for a bit of "recovery" (thanks). Spent the rest of the day playing games and nursing my hangover.
Went to the Noc Noc Sunday night, still feeling the hangover, but it turns out 25cent beer is exactly what I needed. Had a good time, drank more than my fair share and felt great about it. Got to hang out with a few people I've never seen outside a "profesional" enviroment, which was cool, and a bit unexpected. I felt odd trying to hang out with different social groups in the same night. I'm not the type that can usually mingle back and forth like that, so I was pretty drained. Took Monday off of work, stayed home, and didn't do a damn thing. Well, the cable guy came over and replaced one of the lines, so the th0d LAN is running at full speed again - which is nice. Nearly doubled our DL speed and hopefully fixed the odd ping times. :)