Apr 18, 2011 19:58
*sigh* Okay.
Adam just got back from the animal hospital, and here's the skinny:
He definitely has a dental abscess. His jaw is definitely misaligned. We don't know why. When he's under anesthesia, they're going to see what they can find. They are running a shitload of tests - liver, cancer, infection under the abscess, seeing if the abscess has caused anything else. What happens from here will depend on what they find.
The low estimated total is $999.99.
The high estimated total is $1,835.13.
Have I mentioned that we also owe on taxes and for Explo? But Jack is family.
Starting tomorrow and until I have funds to cover Jack's treatment, I will be doing Wind Tunnel Dreams. For those who weren't here for the last round: WTD is a piece of flash fiction or poetry every day.
The theme of this WTD, because I need to be thinking about Shayara because y'know book contract and deadlines, is Shayara. You do not need to know anything about Shayara to prompt me. Random one-word prompts still work, I'll just be writing Shayara stuff out of 'em, so's you know.
If you donate and prompt me, I must use your prompt.
You can still prompt me if you can't donate, and I may use your prompt, but I'll prioritize paid prompts. If you don't have a prompt but are donating anyway, you can sponsor someone else's prompt.
There will also be a small auction. We have some collectible books, I have BPAL, I have stuff I've knitted (and I'm willing to do custom knitting). I am so not thinking about that tonight; we'll have to deal with it tomorrow.
You can leave your prompts here. If you donate, please also include your prompt in the PayPal notes field, because I may not know your legal name and want to make sure I get to your prompt if you paid for it!
Thank you and I am going to go curl up in a ball now.
EDIT: We have enough money, so I'm taking down the PayPal button, and the auction isn't necessary. Thank you so much!