I'm back online after a briefish absence and following.
sihaya09 has good links.
Originally posted by
sihaya09 at
FergusonI have been following the events of police tyranny on the town of Ferguson, Mo, very closely.
A very brief summary: a police officer executed an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown Jr., over the weekend. There was a night of initial looting and rioting. That has given way to peaceful protests since Monday morning. Yesterday, a man was shot for waving a gun at police, but police are saying that it was "unrelated to protests." Police have militarized, wearing riot gear, donning sniper rifles and assault weapons (and pointing those things at unarmed protesters), and have taunted the protesters with "bring it, you fucking animals." They have tear gassed peaceful crowds, including one with a state senator present (Sen Maria Chappelle-Nadal). Alderman Antonio French was arrested for getting out of his car. Protest crowds that include children are being shot at with rubber bullets, nasty injuries are being reported. Police are also attempting a media crackdown-- they have assaulted and arrested peaceful journalists, and in one case gassed them to clear the area and then disassembled their camera equipment.
White open carry assholes with your assault rifles in Chipotle and Target? This is what tyranny looks like.
Here are people on the ground worth following (by no means a complete list):
Alderman Antonio French, arrested:
https://twitter.com/AntonioFrench Ryan J. Reilly, arrested Huffington post reporter:
https://twitter.com/ryanjreilly Christine Conetta, tear-gassed Huffington post producer:
https://twitter.com/BmoreConetta Wesley Lowery, arrested Washington post reporter:
https://twitter.com/WesleyLowery Elon James White, professional commentator who had a rifle aimed at him for approaching a cop with his hands up and asking which road to use to leave: