I've had
this essay by s.e. smith, entitled "My Private Life is not for your Consumption", open in a tab for a while. And I'm going to quote heavily from it here:
As a public figure, I cultivate many different personas; like anyone who performs for the public to any degree, I face certain public expectations, as well as the natural desire to
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Comments 21
Also, whatever fuelled those early days of (seemingly?) complete openness (certainly more openness than I was used to in any social context before), your posts back then broadened my world, helped me see sides of human life and relationships that I'd never considered (you were one of at least three poly people on my flist, having never (knowingly) encountered any before), and made me... at least a better *informed* person, if not actually a better one. =:o} So thankyou.
You also inspired a poem, back in 2003 (which I see now was a very fertile period for me, creatively and socially), which I rediscovered yesterday. So thanks for that too. =:o}
(P.S. Out-of-date-icon is out-of-date. Just apply Photoshop to inject lots more strands of silver, and you'll get the idea. =;o} )
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