Ask me my fannish Top Five [Whatevers]. Any top fives. Doesn't matter what, really! And I will answer them all in a new post. Possibly with pictures.
Stolen from everywhere ever!
I finally watched Up today. It's probably my new favourite film.
The animation is gorgeous; the soundtrack is AMAZING and I couldn't stop humming that one track over and over again all of today. (I've already downloaded the soundtrack, and am listening to it right now! :D) The characters are all wonderful, every single one of them. The story is beautiful and touching and so uplifting. I cried at least three or four times in this movie. Now, I admit, I do cry quite easily in movies, but still. THREE TIMES. That's a lot. Even the ending credits, when they showed all those photos of Carl and Russell having so much fun together. THAT MADE ME CRY. Pretty much the whole ending, actually, Carl giving the badge to Russell, them eating ice-cream together and counting the cars... OMFG THE TEARS. They just wouldn't stop. And that wasn't anything I could ever predict from just watching the trailer. I was promised some humorous moments, and I got so much more than that. I actually watched it dubbed in Cantonese, because I was with my grandparents and they don't understand English, so I'm not sure if all the jokes are the same, but I found the film really hilarious at times. I'd love to watch it again, this time in English. And possibly again. And again. I don't think I could ever tire of this. (: If you haven't watched this yet (most of you probably already have), you really need to go watch it RIGHT NOW, because it is brilliant and so much love. ♥
I need to work on the Japan post sometime.