94 ★ knowing this will i reach for you

Aug 25, 2009 21:06

So! Fics I need to write!

- post-CoE Jack/AU!Ianto
- a fic involving the Devil, may or may not be a post-CoE fix-it
- Jack Harkness/Edward Cullen (there is only like... a 10% chance I'm going to write this *hides* - I nominated this pairing for omnijaxual, SO SOMEONE ELSE BETTER WRITE IT FOR ME!)
- Jack/Ianto/Gwen THREESOME YAY, with heavy focus on the Ianto/Gwen maybe, either post-S2 or post-CoE, depending on whether I can figure out a good way to bring Ianto back for that (but I really think post-CoE would be SO interesting, omg!)
- post-S1 Ianto-centric fic involving an OC and a coffee shop, maybe with Jack/Ianto flashbacks
- another post-CoE Jack/John fic, this time Jack does go travelling with John and they have (mis)adventures in space!
- yet ANOTHER Jack/John fic, this time set during their Time Agent days, perhaps exploring more of the Time Loop, or Jack's missing two years... I AM SO OBSESSED WITH THIS PAIRING YOU GUYS ):

AS YOU CAN SEE, I mentioned omnijaxual, which is a Jack Harkness/everything non-human fest. You can nominate pairings! I nominated an AWESOME PAIRING, Y/Y? It's gonna be dazzling! Out of the other things people have nominated, I would love to see Jack/Crowley(/Aziraphale THREESOME YAY), Jack/The Luggage (from Discworld!), Jack/GWEN AND RHYS' APARTMENT OH MY GOD. Jack/one of Ianto's suits, Jack/sonic screwdriver, Jack/his wrist strap, Jack/TARDIS (already an OTP! ♥), Jack/the slash dragon from Merlin HAHAHA, Jack/.... like everything basically yay. :D And I just added another nomination: Jack/his Compact Laser Deluxe Pistol! You know, the one that he might just possibly be hiding up his arse. ;D NOW GO CRAZY AND NOMINATE SOME AWESOME PAIRINGS IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!

I have a fic rec! It's really short (like less than 300 words) SO YOU SHOULD JUST GO AND READ IT, WON'T TAKE LONG. Jack/John, rated R, post-CoE! That's What Friends Are For by crabby-lioness. PERFECT CHARACTERISATION, awesome portrayal of the relationship between Jack and John! I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS TINY FIC. Wish I could write John like that, oh. ♥

I was really depressed like ten minutes ago, but I got SO CHEERFUL while writing this entry. I think Jack has that effect on people. Well, excluding perhaps post-CoE Jack... :| THIS FEST IS GOING TO BE AWESOME. :D

Fandom is so slow at the moment. ): *is bored* Also, the universe needs more Jack/John fic, clearly. (If you know of something good, REC IT. :D Or like, any Jack/Gwen/Ianto. I am in a reading mood. :D)

ETA: OH HEY LOOK AT THESE GORGEOUS IANTO WALLPAPERS. Well, it's only three variations of the same thing, but they're beautiful. Ianto's beautiful, and that stopwatch, and the word hero in the background. Mmm yeah. ♥ I'm using the first one right now! :D And those headers are pretty awesome too!

writing: fanfiction, !public, tv: torchwood

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