So I'm already rewatching bits and that scene in the TARDIS where River and Amy ask Eleven to trust them really, really gets me. Eleven feels... off in that scene with River. I don't think I've ever seen him like that and I don't know whether I think it makes sense or whether it's out of character but it's unsettling either way.
But then we have the way he is with Amy and oh my god, that just blows me away. Look, there's no denying it, I ship Eleven/Amy more than I've ever shipped anything in Doctor Who (although I do like my Eleven/Amy/Rory OT3 too). The more I think about it, the more I love "My life in your hands, Amelia Pond", because that's what Amy believes, now, because Amy has taken it upon herself to save the Doctor from a death that she's already witnessed and the Doctor doesn't even know how true it is when he says it. There's so much gravity in that scene, maybe more than the Doctor even realises.
Amy is pretty much perfect this entire episode. I just... I'M SUCH AN AMY STAN, okay. I maybe like her even more than Eleven now, that's saying something. Her emotional reaction to Eleven's death... ugh, it makes my heart ache. I didn't react emotionally to the death itself because I was half-spoilt for it and also because I just believe that it will be all be okay in the end (see
this post which I completely agree with just re: the death and how the emotions felt fake), but Amy sitting on the TARDIS floor saying "But all that's still gonna happen. He's still gonna die" was just... ;____;
River! I've always been kind of ambivalent about her, and I guess I'm still ambivalent, but she is pretty awesome. I think part of this ambivalence stems from my frustration at not knowing who she is, because I don't want her to actually be sexually involved with the Doctor (not so much romantically because the Doctor is sort of asexual but panromantic to me although I make exceptions re: Doctor/Rose/Jack) but I love love love the flirting. The flirting is SO GREAT. River's speech about travelling in opposite directions to the Doctor didn't move me as much as it did other people, but I enjoyed it all the same, especially because it adds to the whole Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead thing, and weirdly I think I loved River the most back then.
(Although now I'm rewatching the bit where River says "I'm quite the screamer" and the Doctor's reaction and I think... this season may change my mind eventually re: the relationship between the Doctor and River. Because... the Doctor's insistence that she's just a friend, and the way he looks and says "okay!" when Rory's like "er, we're talking about the aliens"... It does seem like he's thinking about what River's like in bed and um, apparently I find that kind of hot now. SEE WHAT I MEAN ABOUT THE AMBIVALENCE. I REALLY HAVE NO IDEA SOMETIMES AND I'M ALSO QUITE SHALLOW.)
(ETA: More thoughts on River! I think part of what irritates me about her is her "Hello sweetie" which gets kind of annoying after a while, although I'm still fond of "spoilers!" perhaps because of its evocation of fandom.)
As for the Silence (ARE THEY THE SILENTS OR THE SILENCE OR BOTH)... They're interesting because of the concept of memory, but they're not that creepy to me? Okay, well, initially they were, and then towards the end they just didn't bother me anymore. I'm really excited to see where Moffat goes with them, though.
I LOVE CANTON SO MUCH ALREADY. And Rory was awesome, as always.
The Doctor's comment that two of the founding fathers fancied (ALLITERATION) him, omg. ♥
Now... the Doctor's death. As I said, I believe it'll be all right in the end, but I'm still worried because I have been optimistic before with the Whoniverse and it didn't turn out well (CoE, hi!) but it's Moffat and I trust him and anyway, even if the Doctor does really really die like that and it can't be fixed, then at least I'm hopeful that we will have an incredible ride between now and then.
Into speculation territory, with regards to Amy's pregnancy: I'm firmly in the she's-not-pregnant-she-just-thinks-she-is camp. I don't want to think that she's been implanted with an alien baby, and I think Moffat wouldn't make it as simple as just "she's pregnant", although he could be double bluffing, so... :'D With Moffat it's always so hard to tell, but I just don't want to take it at face value.
AND OKAY NOW HERE'S A SPOILER FOR THE NEXT EPISODE SO DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING. (To me it's a pretty minor spoiler re: Canton, but idk.) [spoiler - HIGHLIGHT TO SEE] Apparently the gay agenda is back. AND I AM SO PREDICTABLY EXCITED FOR IT. Basically, from comments by people who've seen the next ep, I've gathered that Canton wanted to get married to a guy and that was why he got kicked out of the FBI and/or he fancies the Doctor now. OMG CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THIS IN THE ACTUAL EP. :D :D [/end spoiler]
SO GLAD DOCTOR WHO IS BACK. Although I've quite forgotten how excruciating it is to have to wait a week for episodes, especially with two-parters. This is the reason why I don't watch that much TV.
Although I'm also watching Glee now and there may be a post later about my feelings on Glee because I have quite a lot of feelings on Glee. But since I did say like two weeks ago that I would write posts about books and poetry and I still haven't got round to doing that... :'D I AM SO EXCITED FOR NEXT WEEK'S GLEE. I haven't watched Somewhere Only We Know. I AM KEEPING MYSELF UNSPOILED FOR THIS EPISODE, okay.
(By the time the new Glee ep's here, I'll be back at school in England. I'm flying back Tuesday night. ;__; AND I HAVEN'T DONE ANY STUDYING FOR MY AS EXAMS WHAT AM I GOING TO DOOOO.)