Apr 20, 2006 18:35
I just found out something interesting on LJ. If you set a picture on default, delete it, and put up your allowed number of icons, the picture will remain your default and you can have one more than you really should have. The only thing is, if someone wants to see your userpics, the non-existent defult picture will show up as a little red 'x'.
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Comments 1
Hope I spelled it right since we're using real names from now on. feel free to read my livejournal blogs.
I have blogs on myspace as well, under tlyoung and pacinv
I apologize to donkeys everywhere for the aristocrats joke.
let me know how many of our Bleach club people are here. I'm trying to get a good network going. I work for a distribution company and hope to get a good circle of reviewers and friends. Because life would be boring without reviewers and freinds.
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